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Funding a Credit Crunch: How Litigation Finance Has Fueled Global Actions Against Visa and Mastercard

Mastercard and Visa are no strangers to legal action, having endured class actions and legal challenges all over the world. Currently, a collective action funded by Bench Walk Advisors accuses the credit giant of illegally overcharging Multilateral Interchange Fees (MIFs) in the UK.

It has been asserted that MIFs, here charged as a percentage of each purchase, are unlawful. If the courts agree, merchants will be compensated for the money lost—possibly with interest. A similar case was recently settled in Canadian courts. Merchants across Canada will share a $131CA million settlement for businesses accepting Visa and Mastercard since 2001.

Given these developments, we thought it prudent to take a look back at the Visa and Mastercard claims. What happened? How did we get here? How are litigation funders impacting the case? And what can we expect from all of this going forward?

So, without further ado…

The Story Behind the Case

Visa and Mastercard have been accused of overcharging merchants on multilateral interchange fees, or MIFs. This fee is charged to the merchant’s bank in every credit card transaction. It also makes up the largest portion of the Merchant Service Charge—which is assessed simply so that the merchant may accept Mastercard and Visa payments from customers.

Unlike other types of merchant fees, MIFs are not set with regard to market rates. In this case, the credit card companies are accused of unlawful and anti-competitive practices. Because merchants have no choice but to pay these fees, lest they forego the ability to accept credit card payments—Visa and Mastercard appear to be taking full advantage of the leverage they maintain over merchants. Merchants and banks pass these charges on to consumers, which means everyone is adversely impacted by this type of overcharging.

The Upcoming UK Class Action

The UK class action was launched in August of last year with funding from Bench Walk Advisors. Bench Walk is taking over for Therium Capital Management, the original funder slated to finance the exceptionally large claim, valued at GBP 15 billion. Interestingly, the Competition Appeals Tribunal (CAT) scrutinized the funding agreement, and observed that there was enough funding in the agreement to cover the potential costs of the claim, even with extensive disclosure motions. Bench Walk is said to be providing up to GBP 45.1 million in funding, with an additional GBP 15 million slated for adverse costs. The CAT has found estimated costs to be roughly GBP 32.5 million for the claim, leaving plenty in the budget should disclosure motions rain down, or the claimant class experience any additional unforeseen consequences.

In August of 2021, a London court approved the class action. Claimants assert that as many as 46 million Britons may receive roughly GBP 300 each if the case is successful. As is de rigueur in funded cases, Mastercard is calling the class action “spurious” and asserting that it’s a glib and cynical ploy to make money. Ironic, no?

According to financial ombudsman Walter Merricks, these consumer-focused class actions are designed to hold big businesses responsible for misdeeds. Noted class action focused firm Harcus Parker is helming the UK case, which includes merchants and customers who used credit cards between May 1992 and June 2008.

In 2015, UK law capped MIFs at .3% on consumer credit transactions, and .2% for consumer debits. While the cap was not applicable to corporate or inter-regional transactions, Harcus Parker asserts that such MIFs should be zero. Bench Walk Advisors’ funding will help more than 100,000 companies pursue claims against Visa and Mastercard.

The Case in Canada 

Settlements with Capital One, Bank of America, National Bank, and others have been reached with merchants. Lawyers for the Canadian class action include Consumer Law Group, Branch MacMaster LLC, and Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman LLP.

The settlement includes a provision giving merchants the ability to make surcharges (up to a cap) for the next five years minimum. This codicil seems less consumer-focused, as the end result will be customers paying surcharges with each credit card purchase. Consumers may find this especially galling, given recent inflation and a COVID-inspired increase in credit card shopping, both in-person and online.

In Canada, Mastercard and Visa have settled with class action participants to the tune of $131 CAD. Merchants will be reimbursed for MIFs paid on credit transactions from 2001 forward. Smaller businesses (those which make under $5 million in yearly sales) may claim as much as $30 per year, up to a maximum reimbursement of $600. Both settlements have been approved by the courts.

Meanwhile, none of the banks involved have not admitted any malfeasance. The Canadian class action did not rely on traditional litigation funding. Rather, lawyers were compensated from settlement funds as approved by the courts. Does this mean that third-party legal funding isn’t necessary for a successful class action in Canada? Not necessarily. The differences between funded class actions and cases taken on contingency can vary widely depending on the case at hand.

In the United States

In September of last year, Visa and Mastercard were both ordered to face antitrust class actions over MIFs by a Brooklyn judge. The class action includes claimant merchants who accepted Mastercard or Visa between 2004 and 2019.

A settlement was reached in 2012, but was not approved by several large merchants. It was then overturned on appeal—resulting in a new settlement offer of a whopping $900 million more than the original settlement.

A representative from Mastercard, which vociferously defended against the antitrust and unlawful fees allegations, stated that the company is pleased to have reached an agreement. That’s not surprising, given how frequently the company finds itself in court on the same type of accusation. Again, a Mastercard spokesperson asserted that the class actions were brought by “US-based lawyers and litigation funders primarily focused on making money…wasting the court’s time…”

It’s noteworthy that in the US case, major retailers may see an even larger windfall. Walmart, Target, Kroger, and other large merchants have opted out of the settlement in the hopes of striking a better deal.

A court has found that the credit card companies violated antitrust laws—ordering a preliminary settlement amount of between $5.5-6.25 billion. In short, US merchants may be reimbursed for interchange fees overpaid for the past 15 years. The preliminary settlement was approved by the courts. However, the Second Circuit Court of appeals has entertained objections to the settlement approval in March of this year. It’s unclear when a decision will be reached.

Mastercard Around the World

Mastercard in particular is no stranger to lawsuits, particularly those surrounding interchange fees. Jurisdictions around the world have pursued, or attempted to pursue, class action cases against the credit giant. These include:

  • European Union: 2012—resulting in Mastercard repealing earlier pricing changes and promising greater transparency in pricing.
  • France: 2009—resulting in Mastercard committing to reduce interchange fees across the board.
  • Poland: 2007—determined Mastercard’s interchange fees to be unlawful, while the Protection of Competition and Consumers disagreed. An appeal is pending
  • Hungary: 2009—Visa and Mastercard both found to have violated competition laws and fined $3 million.
  • Italy: 2010—Mastercard fined 2.7 euros, though this was annulled the following year.
  • United States: 2012—Mastercard opted out of a settlement of $7.25 billion, reducing the settlement amount to $5.7 billion. This is still a record-setting amount of an antitrust class action.

How are Litigation Funders Helping?

As the appeals are being decided and the claims period draws near, a number of funders are offering post-settlement funding to claimants with payouts en route. This provides an avenue for struggling merchants to gain access to reimbursements without waiting. For small businesses hurt by rampant overcharging, this can be tremendously helpful.

We can see from this that Litigation Finance can do more than ensure that class actions are funded and that claimants have their day in court. The industry can also monetize payouts, offering choices not previously available to members of a class.

In short, it’s not just access to justice that the Litigation Finance industry provides, but access to much needed funds that can keep business afloat, especially during turbulent economic times.

So What’s Next?

All eyes will no doubt be watching for the outcome of the UK anti-competition case against Visa and Mastercard. The European Commission has already declared that Mastercard breached its duty when setting its fees, thus the meritorious nature of the claim should never have been in question. It is now up to a court to decide the culpability of the credit card giants, as per UK law.

One interesting final note: you might have been wondering how a financial ombudsman such as Walter Merricks can possibly discern the specific payout that each of the 46 million or so claimants deserve? Well, the answer is he likely can’t, but that won’t affect the outcome of the case. The Supreme Court has found that the impossibility of Merricks’ task does not take defendants off the hook. Instead, Merricks may seek an aggregate award with data that affirms an appropriate amount of damage, even if he cannot apply a methodology that is fair to everyone in terms of a final payout.

As opponents of the action have duly noted, the court’s ruling could potentially “open the floodgates” to a bevy of future class actions, similar in scope to what we’re witnessing here. Perhaps ironically, many in the funding community are nodding their heads, as the potential for large, US-style class actions in the UK is viewed as a positive development – greater access to justice, after all.

We will continue to bring you updates on the Merricks claim as it winds its way through the UK legal system.

Case Developments

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Delaware Court Denies Target’s Discovery Request for Funding Documents in Copyright Infringement Case

By Harry Moran |

A recent court opinion in a copyright infringement cases has once again demonstrated that judges are hesitant to force plaintiffs and their funders to hand over information that is not relevant to the claim at hand, as the judge denied the defendant’s discovery request for documents sent by the plaintiff to its litigation funder.

In an article on E-Discovery LLC, Michael Berman analyses a ruling handed down by Judge Stephanos Bibas in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware, in the case of Design With Friends, Inc. v. Target Corporation. Design has brought a claim of copyright infringement and breach of contract, and received funding to pursue the case from Validity Finance. As part of its defense, Target had sought documents from the funder relating to its involvement in the case, but Judge Bibas ruled that Target’s request was both “too burdensome to disclose” and was seeking “information that is attorney work product”.

Target’s broad subpoena contained five requests for information including Validity’s valuations of the lawsuit, communications between the funder and plaintiff prior to the funding agreement being signed, and information about the relationship between the two parties.

With regards to the valuations, Judge Bibas wrote that “while those documents informed an investment decision, they did so by evaluating whether a lawsuit had merit and what damages it might recover,” which in the court’s opinion constitutes “legal analysis done for a legal purpose”. He went on to say that “if the work-product doctrine did not protect these records,” then the forced disclosure of these documents “would chill lawyers from discussing a pending case frankly.”

Regarding the requests for information about the relationship between Design and Validity, Judge Bibas was clear in his opinion that these requests were disproportionately burdensome. The opinion lays out clear the clear reasoning that “Target already knows that Validity is funding the suit and that it does not need to approve a settlement”, and with this information already available “Further minutiae about Validity are hardly relevant to whether Target infringed a copyright or breached a contract years before Validity entered the picture.”The full opinion from Judge Bibas can be read here.

Funded Class Action Targeting Online Gambling Operators in the Netherlands

By Harry Moran |

The online gambling market has seen enormous growth over recent years. However, the dramatic rise of this sector has left vulnerable consumers open to abuse, with a new class action in the Netherlands seeking to address this.

An article in iGB covers a Dutch class action being brought against a group of licensed online gambling operators, who were active in the Netherlands prior to receiving their official licenses to operate. The class action is being brought by Dutch advocacy organisation, Gokverliesterug, on behalf of Dutch consumers for losses suffered with these operators prior to 1 October 2021, the date at which the Netherlands legalised its online gambling market. 

The core allegation of the class action is that these companies allowed Dutch citizens to gamble using their online platforms before the legalisation took place, meaning that these consumers were not protected by the proper oversight and regulation of problem gambling behaviours. The gambling operators named in the Gokverliesterug lawsuit include major global gaming brands such as Unibet, Bwin, PokerStars and Bet365; although iGB’s article includes a denial from Bet365 that it was active in the Netherlands prior to being licensed. 

The lawyer representing Gokverliesterug, Koen Rutten of law firm Finch, stated: “We hope for a quick settlement of the case, but thanks to a litigation funder, we have sufficient clout to conduct a lengthy procedure up to the European Court. In doing so, we have paid extra attention for the role of parties that have facilitated illegal casinos for years, such as banks and payment processors.”

The litigation funder backing the case has not been identified.

Nakiki SE: Mask Lawsuits Will Not be Financed

By Harry Moran |

Nakiki SE announces that the two so-called “mask lawsuits” (lawsuits against the federal government for payment related to supply contracts for COVID masks), which are currently in the review phase or at the stage of a Letter of Intent, will not be financed after thorough and detailed examination.

Litigation funders such as Nakiki SE assess claims to be financed through both internal and external legal and economic evaluations. A decision not to finance a claim is not necessarily an indicator of the claim’s chances of success but may also be due to a limited risk appetite or other factors.

In principle, Nakiki SE remains interested in financing so-called mask lawsuits. Affected mask suppliers are still encouraged to contact Nakiki. Each case will be reviewed individually and promptly.

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