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Litigation Capital Management Raises $273 Million for its New Fund

As demand for litigation funding has continued to grow with funders seeing increased adoption from major law firms and corporate entities, the market is also seeing a parallel increase from investors looking to funnel their capital into this alternative asset class which can offer stable returns amid economic uncertainty. Reporting by Proactive Investors highlights a recent example of this, with the announcement by Litigation Capital Management (LCM) that is has now reached over 90 per cent fulfilment of its Global Alternatives Return Fund II, with $273 million invested. The funder stated that it had seen repeat contributions from all investors in its first fund, and has additionally received investments from both a UK and a European pension fund. This announcement comes only two weeks after LCM reported that Fund II had already passed two-thirds of its target, with the company’s chief executive, Patrick Moloney, stating that this second fund will allow the funder to meet the increased market demand for third-party funding.

Omni Bridgeway doubles U.S. team in 12 months, announces key promotions and new hires

Omni Bridgeway is pleased to announce expansion and key promotions within its U.S. team, which has grown by over 100% in the past 12 months.  In New York, Sarah Tsou has been appointed Senior Investment Manager and assumes the role of Portfolio Manager - Global Intellectual Property overseeing Omni Bridgeway’s widely recognized IP business and team of dedicated IP professionals. This portfolio role underscores Omni Bridgeway’s unique global IP capabilities and worldwide footprint spanning key IP markets. Fiona Chaney, who heads the company’s Los Angeles office, was also recently appointed to Senior Investment Manager and Legal Counsel. Fiona also serves as co-lead of the company’s insurance initiatives. We also congratulate Chris Citro (New York), who has been promoted to Investment Manager and Legal Counsel, with a focus on patents and other intellectual property matters. Further building out the company’s dynamic IP team is Phillip Goter who recently joined as Investment Manager and Legal Counsel. Phil’s arrival marks Omni Bridgeway’s continued expansion on-the-ground including new operations in the Midwest. Based in Minneapolis, Phil joins from Fish & Richardson with over a decade of experience representing plaintiffs and defendants in high-stakes disputes involving patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, antitrust and competition law, and FDA clearance. Phil is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Minnesota Law School and a member of the Expert Network for Lunar Startups, an incubator specializing in growth and innovation for diverse, high-potential entrepreneurs. In Washington D.C. we welcome Matt Leland as Investment Manager and Legal Counsel. Matt joins us from King & Spalding LLP where he was a commercial litigation partner and successfully litigated diverse legal issues for corporate plaintiffs and defendants in the energy, manufacturing, healthcare, pharmaceutical, and construction industries. Matt helped clients recover substantial damages in many of his cases, which often involved contract and commercial disputes, government reimbursement claims, unfair business practices, civil RICO, protection of trade secrets, and trademark infringement. Prior to this, Matt was a partner at McDermott Will & Emery LLP. On the business side, we welcome Joseph Cho as Corporate Counsel based in New York. Joe joins us from Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP where he represented public and private companies in complex mergers and acquisitions. His previous experience includes private practice at Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP and Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati PC. The U.S. team has also grown its slate of associate investment managers, legal counsel, and business support, doubling Omni Bridgeway’s U.S. headcount to over 45 in the past year.  Andrew Saker, Omni Bridgeway’s Managing Director & CEO and Chief Strategy Officer – US notes, “We are delighted to welcome Phil, Matt and Joe, and congratulate our investment team colleagues in their promotions. We are committed to attracting and retaining the top talent in the U.S. market who bring a unique combination of legal expertise and financial innovation, to result in the best outcomes for clients. Our model is more than financial – we are skills, plus capital. Companies and law firms in the U.S. are responding to our offering, and this is reflected in our continued growth.”

Defense-Side Funder Faces Cost Order in Australian Case

While the vast majority of litigation funding continues to be devoted to financing actions by plaintiffs, there has been a noticeable increase in firms discussing and actively pursuing defense-side funding. However, as a recent case in Australia is demonstrating, this kind of third-party funding is not without its challenges, and may represent a risky proposition where there is the possibility of cost orders being leveled against the funder. A piece of analysis by Corrs Chambers Westgarth examines the case of Sentinel Orange Homemaker Pty v Davis Investment Group Holdings in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Davis went into liquidation shortly after Sentinel sued the company for invalid contract termination, due to Davis allegedly reneging on a contract to purchase land from the plaintiff. Davis’ legal defense was funded by John Davis Motors (JDM), which had been planning to conduct business operations on the aforementioned land (JDM is not a pure funder).  Sentinel’s claim was successful, and the Court issued a costs order against JDM as the funder. The analysis highlights the need for funders, even when they are not dedicated litigation funders, to be mindful of the potential financial risk should their client lose in court.  The case has put a spotlight on the wide discretion at the court’s disposal to order costs against a third-party funder, particularly where they have a separate financial interest in the outcome of the claim.

ATE Insurance Provider Litica Reaches $750 Million in Exposure

For litigants concerned about financial exposure if their claim is unsuccessful, After the Event insurance represents an invaluable tool. Therefore, while litigation funding is experiencing a period of increased growth as an industry, there has also been a commensurate rise in the adoption of ATE insurance by claimants, as demonstrated by one provider’s recent announcement. As reported by Legal Futures, ATE insurance provider Litica has now reached a total of £750 million in insurance supplied to clients pursuing litigation. Despite only having been active since May 2019, Litica’s co-founder, Steve Ruffle, says that the firm is already innovating within the market and has positioned itself as an industry leader with the capacity to ensure around £23 million on any individual risk.  The company has not only seen tremendous growth in the UK, but also launched a dedicated presence in Australia earlier this year, with the appointment of Phillip Lomax, as the managing director for Litica Australia.

ILFA’s Gary Barnett Discusses the State of the Litigation Funding Sector

Despite an uncertain economic climate, and investors remaining understandably cautious about how they’re investing their capital, litigation finance continues to remain a strong alternative asset class for investors looking to escape broader market turbulence. For long-time industry leaders, the state of the industry is one of opportunity, as third-party funding is seeing wider adoption across existing and new jurisdictions. Speaking with LegalDive, the CEO of the International Litigation Finance Association (ILFA), Gary Barnett, argues that this growth is a result of increased awareness of the practice across all sectors, and it is this education that is key to seeing that growth continue, despite economic uncertainty. Mr Barnett also points to recent decisions in the courts which have demonstrated the benefits of litigation funding, not only for smaller plaintiffs who lack the resources to fund proceedings, but also for large entities who can reap the benefits of this tool. Responding to the frequently repeated criticism that third-party funding encourages frivolous claims, Mr Barnett points out that funders are dependent on ROI, and a firm that is spending its capital on non-meritorious claims would be running a self-defeating business model.  Discussing the other hot topic of disclosure of involvement by litigation funders, Mr Barnett argues that courts have the ability to compel disclosure where necessary, but that a blanket requirement for disclosure in every scenario would not be beneficial and would distract from the legal merits of any given case.

Erso Capital to Invest $500 million in Patent Dispute Funding

This year alone we have seen an increasing number of high-profile patent and trademark disputes receiving litigation funding, including several cases which secured wins for claimants against major corporations. Therefore, it is no surprise that funders are looking to dedicate more capital to these types of cases, and are taking increasingly active positions in patent disputes. As reported by Bloomberg Law, Erso Capital is one of the latest funders to see potential value in this area, announcing a $500 million war chest specifically to finance patent disputes. While Erso Capital is relatively new to the industry, its co-founder, James Blick, states that this move has come about as a result of the increased market demand for funding patent claims, particularly in the technology and life sciences industries. Erso is looking to split these funds primarily between US and UK cases, but Mr Blick has said that they are looking to increase their investments further afield, both in Europe and in other jurisdictions around the world. This move reflects current market trends, with research from Westfleet Advisors showing that 29% of all new litigation funding investments last year were devoted to patent disputes.

Ask the Experts: What to Do When Deals Go Wrong

In the final panel of the conference, Michael Kelley, Partner at Parker Poe, moderated a discussion on lessons that can be learned from past deal issues. Panelists included Chip Hodgkins, Managing Director of Statera Capital, Tracey Thomas, CEO of IP Zone, and Erika Levin, Partner at Fox Rothschild. This panel highlighted several stressors and break points that occur in funding relationships and transactions. One issue that often comes up is that communication problems arise. For example, there can be reporting requirements that firms forget to bring up at the start of a relationship. It's often difficult to communicate all of the various burdensome filing requirements. Another issue that can arise is economic inefficiency. Sometimes an inversion occurs, where a lack of attention to the budget arises, or a secondary counsel comes in and there's an issue there. These things can cause obvious problems, given that lawyers just aren't that great at budgeting, according to the panel's perspective. The panel recommends transparency, and addressing issues instead of burying them, which is often the temptation. For example, on budgetary issues, often counter-parties might not even be aware of where they are in the budget, so a lot of times avoiding problems just comes down to sharing information before a dislocation occurs. Another interesting point: sometimes the relationship between law firm and funder becomes too cozy, and it's no longer aligned with the client's best interests. Tracey Thomas of IP Zone pointed out that in such situations, they've had to terminate the relationship, and they've found that termination is in their best interests in such circumstances. On case management, sometimes funders can try to take control of the budgetary decisions of the case. One example that was brought up was when a funder told a client to 'shut up and dribble,' and follow their lawyer's advice on where to spend money. While that may have been in the best short-term interests of the case, it fractured the relationship. Not to mention the fact that it was borderline unethical. At the end of the day, the relationship between a lawyer and client should be sacrosanct. Once funding enters the relationship, things can get murky, and this can present ethical considerations that are very problematic. So this will be an ongoing source of contention as the litigation funding industry continues to mature.

Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Firm-Funder Partnerships

This Day 2 panel featured Alex Chucri, CEO and Founder of Pravati Capital, Vincent Montalto, Partner at DLA Piper, and Ronald Schutz, Partner at Robins Kaplan. The panel was moderated by Kathryn Boyd, Partner at Hecht Partners. Discussion topics ranged from operationalizing firm decisions involving funding, to the best ways to structure a funding partnership or alliance. Not everyone knows about the various structures of relationships between law firms and funders, so the panel addressed the various models in play, including those that involve some form of recourse funding. Pravati has a debt structure in play, which founder Alex Chucri thinks makes the most sense for his firm's structure. He believes in recourse to the firm, to the management team, and personal guarantees. This makes investors more comfortable, knowing that Pravati has skin in the game. Panelists also discussed having to monitor the capital structures, and being cautious about capital allocation. A lot of funders raise $100MM and need to put that capital to work, and so they finance claims the wouldn't otherwise take on. This is concerning. "When you put capital into a deal, it changes the whole landscape of a deal," according to Vincent Montalto. His firm has implemented internal structures to monitor capital expenditure and management. The panel also delved into some of the risks of partnering with funders, including whether funders will withdraw their funding - how and why would they do this? Where is funder money coming from - there are all types of investment structures out there, law firms have to be aware of those, so they can better understand the risk to the funder, which presents a downstream risk to them. These are things that the average lawyer in a law firm doesn't appreciate, but it's very important to know if the funder  has the capital on hand, is it subject to capital calls, etc. One final point on the tax implications of recourse funding: recourse funding can be clawed back, and so its treated as a loan and so it's not taxed. Recently there was a legal standing that if the funding structure is non-recourse, that is treated as income, which means it is taxes. Often, there are a lot of emotions about getting a deal done, so they overlook the tax implications, and there is a real danger there.

Adam Gerchen Discusses His Approach to Litigation Finance

Day 2 of the LF Dealmakers conference kicked off with Roy Strom, a reporter at Bloomberg Law, interviewing Adam Gerchen, CEO of Gerchen Keller Partners and Keller Postman LLP. Adam Gerchen spoke on a variety of issues.  A few takeaways below: On the growth of claims sizes: Prominent case examples like the 3M class action, which several years ago would have been 50,000 claimants, and today is above 250,000 illustrate the sector's evolution. That is due to advancements in digital marketing, and technology enabling the intake and management of all of those claimants. So the industry is ballooning in ways that are rather unique. On fundraising: Within a portfolio, the lack of co-variance is actually similar to reinsurance. So there are all sorts of powerful things you can do from a portfolio construction perspective. LPs already have so much exposure to litigation funding and they don't even know it. It's much less of a unique thing than they previously believed. On the interesting macro-environment right now:  If I were on the allocation side right now, this is a space I would definitively find attractive. The thing LPs may not know is, where you are in the lifecycle of these claims is very interesting. Look at mass torts - you have torts that have been around for several years, that are not being priced correctly. On what he is most excited about: Insurance wrappers that can wrap an entire fund - "I can't believe it." In the spectrum of things Gerchen would do, an IP appellate risk doesn't seem the most attractive, but that is where folks seem to be most engaged. He thinks in the short-term this is extremely interesting, but then again, insurers have a much lower cost of capital than funders, so that could compress pricing downstream, which could cause issues. But overall, these are very exciting times.