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The 6th Anniversary of the Peter Thiel / Hulk Hogan / Gawker Case: What Have We Learned?

By John Freund |

This week marks the sixth anniversary of Terry Bollea (AKA professional wrestler Hulk Hogan) suing Gawker media for publishing a sex tape of him with a married woman. The suit made national news not just for its salacious nature—but because of the questions it raised regarding privacy versus journalistic freedom. Once news emerged that billionaire and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel was funding Hogan’s claim, the case became even more sensational.

In this piece, we’ll take a look at exactly what happened in the case, and how it impacted (or hasn’t impacted) Litigation Finance.

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Episode 63: Tony Webster, Sentry Funding

Hosted By Tony Webster |

In this episode, we spoke with Tony Webster, CEO of UK-based litigation funding and ATE insurance portal Sentry Funding. Tony described his personal access-to-justice story which led him to the litigation funding industry, and illustrated how Sentry’s portal works, and the advantages it provides both funders and solicitors in need of funding. He also explained why Sentry is choosing to focus on the smaller end of the claims market–GBP 500,000 and below.

Can defendants avoid or limit their liability through contractual provisions?

By John Freund |

The following article was contributed by Valerie Blacker and Jon Na, of Piper Alderman.

Applicants often confront the proposition, which respondents typically use in their defense, that terms in consumer contracts will effectively exclude or restrict the claims that have been brought. The High Court of Australia recently weighed in on this issue, deciding that a mortgage contained an enforceable promise by the borrowers not to raise a statutory limitation defense in relation to a claim by the lenders, which was commenced out of time.

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