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Legal Funder Under Fire for Cash Advances in NFL Concussion Case

Craig Mitnick, a New Jersey lawyer who represented hundreds of NFL players in a concussion settlement, has asked a federal judge to vacate the award to a litigation funder. Balanced Bridge Funding (formerly Thrivest) provided advances to former players while they waited for settlement monies. Mitnick has been ordered by an arbitrator to repay more than $2 million in loans. Legal Newsline details that in his filing, Mitnick claims that Balanced Bridge, along with lawyers at Fox Rothschild, committed ethics violations. However, much of this stance has already been rejected by arbitrators. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has long had a bee in its bonnet about Litigation Finance. Recently, the CFPB was instrumental in multiple funding agreements being ruled invalid due to prohibited assignment of benefits. This was reversed in 2019, but other issues came to light. Specifically, that lawyers were encouraging clients to obtain advances on settlements from firms in which they hold financial interests. Mitnick encouraged former NFL players to sue the league over its alleged failure to inform players about the risks of brain injuries. After a consolidation of the lawsuits and a dispute with another firm that entered a fee-sharing arrangement with Mitnick, Fox Rothchild and Mitnick ended their relationship—leaving tens of thousands of dollars unpaid. Despite making $1.9 million in repayments, the amount owed is still over $2 million. Ultimately, Mitnick was ordered to pay Balanced Bridge $2.3 million in back interest, as well as a further $150,000 in fees and expenses. Mitnick’s firm asserted that the contracts couldn’t be enforced, as they were non-recourse in nature. But the agreements stipulated that if the firm defaulted, the creditor may pursue the debtor’s assets to recoup the outlay. These events have been touted as evidence that litigation funders are greedy. In fact, what this case may illustrate, is the importance of standardized contracts and clarity of expectations.

Blockchain Tech Meets Litigation Finance

The concept of blockchain investing is still a mystery to many consumers. To many it sounds complicated, risky, and predicated on guesswork. Blockchain-style investment in third-party legal funding is a new concept, and one that brings with it questions about transparency and disclosure. Law 360 explains how one hemp company, Apothio LLC, launched an ‘initial litigation offering’ to be used in its upcoming federal court battle. The company is suing a California county after the county allegedly destroyed acres of hemp plants—saying that the THC content was above the legal limit. This ILO is listed on the Republic platform, using blockchain technology and standard crowdfunding rules. Litigation tokens are purchased by investors, representing a percentage of interest in any award stemming from the case. Ava Labs' blockchain arm, Avalanche, is hosting the tokens. Litigation Finance is a rapidly growing industry that has demonstrated an unmatched capacity for innovation and adaptation to the needs of those using it. The crowdfunding aspect of the funding means that a new class of small investors can now access the impressive payouts that litigation funding can provide. These investors are generally less savvy and more risk averse. As such, the complexities of third-party legal funding may be untenable for inexperienced investors, but increasing access to this investment type can be a boon to those who take the time to learn the industry. Apothio LLC’s case is currently facing a motion to dismiss. If that motion is successful and the case ends, investors will be refunded 80% of their original investment. What happens when a defendant seeks disclosure regarding who is funding the case? Plenty of questions abound as to whether small blockchain investors could be seen as having influence over funded cases. Issues could also arise after the one-year period ends, in which purchased tokens become tradable. Depending on valuation, tokens could reveal information on a case.

How Litigation Finance Can Address the Gender Pay Gap

Most industries report that women are still making less money than men, despite similar job performance. In American law firms, multiple studies affirm that male lawyers make more money than their female counterparts. A partner compensation survey from last year shows that male partners earned 44% more than female partners. Can third-party legal finance help address this? Validity Finance explains that while this 44% number seems discouraging, it’s actually a step up from 2018—when the pay gap was a maddening 53%. The data shows that the pay gap is emphatically not the outcome of women working fewer hours than their male counterparts, nor does it suggest that women are producing inferior work. Studies actually show that women work more efficiently than men, and that they tend to report higher annual billable hours than men. There are many factors that contribute to this, such as mothers choosing a non-equity partnership track, women being less likely to negotiate pay increases, and a dearth of women in leadership roles in their law firms. But many feel that the biggest hurdle to pay equity is origination credit. A study by the National Association of Women Lawyers showed that nearly half of the top 200 law firms do not have a woman in their top ten earners. According to another study, female partners reported only 67% of the origination credits of men. Third-party litigation funding can enable lawyers to offer an array of bespoke alternative fee arrangements. Sharing risk with clients and funders allows firms to take on more cases with less financial risk. It’s been suggested that women are penalized more severely when they take risks that don’t pan out. Litigation funding offers security for women to take those risks, without leaving their firms in a lurch. In short, legal funding is a proactive solution whose time has come.

Liverpool’s Pure Business Group Folds, 200+ Jobs Lost

Pure Business Group, which specialized in civil legal claims, is now in administration along with seven connected entities. The firm employed 256 people in total, with 203 of those immediately dismissed for “redundancy.” Liverpool Business News explains that Pure Business Group was comprised of two separate law firms, various claims management operations, a litigation funding arm, and more. There were nine limited entities in all. Administrators Robert Armstrong, James Saunders, and Michael Lemmon of Kroll Advisory will be serving as joint administrators. So far, they have taken steps to secure client files and protect financial assets. The administrators are also expected to work with industry regulators to preserve the rights of claimants. Rights to handle claims and WIP files has been secured. Claimants with active cases are being approached with the next steps.

Key Witness in Tinder Trial Received $2 Million Before Trial

The Tinder trial is about to begin. One co-founder of the popular dating app is suing Barry Diller and his media holdings for an astronomical $2 billion—claiming that he was misled about Tinder’s true value. The New York Post details that a key witness in the case, former Tinder VP 0f finance James Kim, was paid the sum of $2 million before the trial began. He was allegedly offered a further $1 million if the court ruled against Diller and his companies. Partially redacted emails show that Kim negotiated the large payments with attorneys for Rad. There is nothing illegal about the payments to Kim. But that hasn’t stopped IAC (Diller’s media conglomerate, which also owns the Match Group family of dating apps) from implying impropriety or undue influence. Purportedly, Kim will testify that top brass at IAC pressured him to undervalue Tinder’s worth to investment bankers, as Match poised itself to add Tinder to its app roster in 2017. Plaintiff Sean Rad, along with other co-founders of Tinder, have stated that the bankers involved grossly undervalued the worth of Tinder at $3 billion. Without citing a specific figure, they claim it should have been far more. The undervaluation allegedly led IAC et al to cheat Rad and other co-founders out of billions. The funds paid to Kim were provided by an unnamed litigation funder. New York Supreme Court judge Joel Cohen stated that while payments to Kim are allowable within the law, such payments may approach the line between “legitimate” legal finance and an illegal payment of witnesses—but was clear in stating that the line was not crossed. Predictions abound that the case will settle for between $300-700 million, but we'll have to wait and see how the case pans out. 

Erika Girardi Calls Fee Agreement ‘Unenforceable’

Erika Girardi’s legal troubles are far from over, it seems. A lawsuit filed by Tom Girardi’s former co-counsel alleges that she is responsible for fees that were misappropriated by her husband’s firm, Girardi Keese. The former Mrs. Girardi has called their claims unenforceable, as they are allegedly based on an “illegal and unethical” funding agreement. Law 360 reports that Edelson PC is attempting to lift a bankruptcy stay on their current lawsuit. Earlier this week, Erika Girardi asserted that conduct in the partnership between Edelson PC and Thomas Girardi violated ethical rules. In their representation of the families in the crash of Lion Air Flight 610, the law firm allegedly did not receive written consent from clients to split fees. This argument was used without success by Keith Griffin, a former Girardi Keese lawyer. Griffin has also been accused of misappropriation relating to funds from the Lion Air action. After denying Griffin’s motion, the judge stated that the court was open to reconsidering in a summary judgement motion. Erika Girardi is no stranger to legal trouble, as clients from both Edelson and Girardi Keese pursue funds she allegedly received from her ex-husband. Girardi Keese was forced into bankruptcy after evidence surfaced that Thomas Girardi embezzled at least $2 million from claimants in the Lion Air case. Since then, more clients, funders, vendors, and others have stepped up to claim that they too were cheated by Girardi. Recently, founder Jay Edelson stated that Girardi’s claims were untrue, and part of a scheme designed to enlist the bankruptcy trustee for Girardi Keese to fight the firm’s claims. Within a year of declaring bankruptcy, Thomas Girardi owned roughly $250 million in assets and cash. Now, the trustee is unable to find valuables, and suspects that they have been hidden or given to someone else. Meanwhile, many records cannot be found, and those that have been found are riddled with inconsistencies.

Staffing Shortfalls? Portfolio Legal Funding May Be an Option

As legal firms try to keep up with a spike in new litigation, a worker shortage is making an already tough task even more challenging. Many firms initiated a hiring freeze during the pandemic, and are now scrambling to cover staffing shortfalls. As competitive wages for lawyers climb, salaries for first year associates can be as much as $200,00 annually at Big Law firms. Market Screener suggests that litigation funding for legal portfolios can help law firms cover worker shortages. Financing a portfolio of fees from current cases leads to an influx of cash that can be used to bring in new staff. Because third-party funding is provided on a non-recourse basis, it doesn’t have to be paid back unless or until the funded cases are successful. Portfolio financing refers to legal funding for a bundle of meritorious cases that can include those with a contingency fee arrangement in place, or hybrid cases with bespoke pay structures. Firms that normally utilize bank loans or traditional lines of credit may find that the non-recourse nature of litigation funding is more cost-effective in the end. The lack of interest payments or a need to put up collateral can be a boon to firm partners. The more experienced the funder, the more likely it is that they’ll have valuable contributions to make about the cases they fund. Decision making is always left to the client, but funders may provide strategic assessments based on years of experience in courtrooms. Ideally, funders should have former trial lawyers and other legal professionals on staff as well as finance specialists.  This is yet another way that litigation funding can help support the needs of both law firms and clients.

CEO of Baker Street Funding Talks Litigation Finance Regulation

Litigation Finance has become a powerhouse investment in the last decades, with billions in assets under management. The reasons for this are varied—including financial instability caused by the pandemic, a thirst for uncorrelated assets, and a burst of interest in ESG investing. TechBullion spoke with Baker Street Funding CEO Daniel Digiaimo, who explains the benefits of third-party legal funding for legal clients, lawyers, corporates, and investors. In a climate where pursuing a legal case is prohibitively expensive, legal funding allows those with meritorious cases to see their day in court. Digiaimo explains that financing helps clients in more ways than simply funding legal expenses. Experienced funders can advise on case strategy (though decision-making remains the purview of clients), recommend experts, and ensure that claimants won’t be tempted by lowball settlement offers as their legal budgets soar out of control. The most commonly stated reasons to invest in litigation funding, according to Digiaimo, are the uncorrelated nature of the asset and the potential for very high returns. However, the timing of payouts can be unpredictable since complex cases can take years to reach completion.

KBRA Assigns Preliminary Ratings to Oasis 2021-2

Kroll Bond Rating Agency (KBRA) assigns preliminary ratings to two classes of notes issued by Oasis 2021-2 LLC (“Oasis 2021-2”), a litigation finance ABS transaction. Oasis 2021-2 represents the fourth ABS collateralized by litigation finance receivables to be sponsored by Oasis Intermediate Holdco, LLC (“Oasis”) and the second to include Oasis’ MedPort-branded (“MedPort”) medical lien receivables. Oasis, through its operating subsidiaries, has a long history as an originator, underwriter and servicer of litigation finance receivables. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oasis Parent, L.P. which is majority owned by Parthenon Investors IV, L.P. The MedPort receivables are originated by various originators with operating histories dating back to 2003. Oasis acquired the various MedPort originators on January 5, 2021. Oasis 2021-2 issues two classes of notes. The previous three transactions had only one class of notes. The notes benefit from credit enhancement in the form of overcollateralization and a cash reserve account. The portfolio securing the notes has an aggregate discounted receivable balance (“ADPB”) of approximately $110.3 million as of the statistical cutoff date. The ADPB is the aggregate discounted collections associated with the Oasis 2021-2 portfolio’s litigation funding receivables, litigation loan receivables (“Litigation Receivables”), medical funding receivables and medical loan receivables (“Medical Receivables”). As of the statistical cutoff date, Litigation Receivables, Medport Medical Receivables and Key Health Medical Receivables comprise approximately 53%, 39% and 8% of the aggregate funded amount and have average advance to expected case settlement values of 8.5%, 29.1% and 30.2%, respectively. The transaction also features a $36 million pre-funding account that may be used to purchase additional Receivables during the three-months after closing. Click here to view the report. To access ratings and relevant documents, click here. Disclosures Further information on key credit considerations, sensitivity analyses that consider what factors can affect these credit ratings and how they could lead to an upgrade or a downgrade, and ESG factors (where they are a key driver behind the change to the credit rating or rating outlook) can be found in the full rating report referenced above. A description of all substantially material sources that were used to prepare the credit rating and information on the methodology(ies) (inclusive of any material models and sensitivity analyses of the relevant key rating assumptions, as applicable) used in determining the credit rating is available in the Information Disclosure Form(s) located here. Information on the meaning of each rating category can be located here. Further disclosures relating to this rating action are available in the Information Disclosure Form(s) referenced above. Additional information regarding KBRA policies, methodologies, rating scales and disclosures are available at About KBRA Kroll Bond Rating Agency, LLC (KBRA) is a full-service credit rating agency registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as an NRSRO. Kroll Bond Rating Agency Europe Limited is registered as a CRA with the European Securities and Markets Authority. Kroll Bond Rating Agency UK Limited is registered as a CRA with the UK Financial Conduct Authority pursuant to the Temporary Registration Regime. In addition, KBRA is designated as a designated rating organization by the Ontario Securities Commission for issuers of asset-backed securities to file a short form prospectus or shelf prospectus. KBRA is also recognized by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as a Credit Rating Provider.