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Litigation Finance News

Key Takeaways from LFJ’s Special Digital Event on Australia: The Evolution of a Litigation Finance Market

By John Freund |

On Tuesday June 15th, LFJ hosted a special digital event on Australia: The Evolution of a Litigation Finance Market. Moderator Ed Truant (ET), founder of Slingshot Capital, helmed a panel discussion  that covered a broad range of issues facing the Australian market. Panelists included Andrew Saker (AS), CEO of Omni Bridgeway, Stuart Price (SP), CEO of CASL, and Patrick Moloney (PM), CEO of Litigation Capital Management. 

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Litigation Basics from Longford Capital VP

By John Freund |

More people than ever now understand the broad strokes of what Litigation Finance is and what it can offer. Investors fund cases through funding entities that are then owed a share of any recovery or award in the case. Litigation funding is non-recourse, so funders can take a higher percentage in exchange for the enhanced risk.

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State Bars Weigh in on Litigation Finance

By John Freund |

As the number of jurisdictions embracing litigation funding grows, bar associations are following suit. Lawyers utilizing third-party funding as an option for clients would do well to note guidance offered by the state bar association on funding agreements and professional ethics obligations. While more state bars are expected to lend their opinions on the practice, New York and California have their own approaches to litigation funding.

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Interview with Liti Capital Co-Founder: Jonas Ray

By John Freund |

Litigation funding has a new landscape to conquer—cryptocurrency. Liti Capital is the first legal funding company to tokenize shares. This creates an equity token that is asset-backed—which is unusual in blockchain. Using tokens allows a wider swath of investors to participate, as the entry threshold is lowered.

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Recent UK Decision May Impact Future Insolvencies

By John Freund |

Are insolvency claims about to become more expensive and time-consuming to pursue? Some have suggested yes, after a ruling in Manolete Partners Plc v Hayward and Barrett Holdings Ltd 2021. It’s said that the recent ruling impacts those who assign insolvency claims, as well as insolvency practitioners themselves, by increasing the cost of claims, and may require two separate sets of proceedings regarding the same set of facts. Why?

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Jurisdictions Expanding Funding Access for Offshore Asset Recovery

By John Freund |

As parts of the world seek out post-COVID normalcy, a predicted spike of legal claims is en route. Insolvencies are increasing, as are claims of fraud, breach of contract, and breach of fiduciary duty. With that in mind, a group of practitioners who deal in fraud, insolvency, and enforcement held the Asset Recovery Americas Conference—focusing on enforcement law in Latin America and the United States.

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