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A New Alternative Asset Class: Patents

By John Freund |

Patent monetization is a rapidly growing alternative asset class. Fund managers, private equity firms, and hedge funds are all looking toward patents and patent portfolios as key non-correlated investments. The largest patent-focused fund currently active in the industry belongs to Fortress—with $900 million under management and a further $400 million in IP Fund 2.

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Bondholders Seek Crowdfunding for LCF Appeal

By John Freund |

Is crowdfunding a good way to finance a case against the FSCS? That’s what LCF bondholders are asking themselves as they look for ways to fund an appeal. Four LCF bondholders are representing the rest of the investors in the class. After the High Court ruled against them, they received permission to take their case to the Court of Appeal.

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Evaluating Duration in Commercial Litigation

By John Freund |

For investors, duration is both extremely important and commonly underestimated. Assessing how long it may take for a case to go from filing to conclusion to payout is essential when considering funding any litigation. It can take two or more years for a case to reach completion—and even then, there is no guarantee of a speedy payout.

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Climate-Related Litigation is Coming. Who’s Ready?

By John Freund |

After the United States, Australia leads the world in climate-related litigation. Some companies, like Rio Tinto, are making climate resolutions of their own. Many other ASX-listed companies are doing likewise—knowing that disclosures relating to climate impact may be coming sooner rather than later.

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