Who’s Who Legal’s Thought Leaders in Third-Party Funding
Who’s Who Legal recently assembled a list of movers and shakers in the third-party legal finance industry. They represent a global community of stakeholders advancing the acceptance and adaptability of the industry. Who's Who Legal's highlighted professionals include Julia Gewolb, Director of Underwriting at Validity Finance. Gewolb relies on her extensive legal experience to create an environment where clients can expect a speedy answer on funding compatibility. She emphasizes that legal funding isn’t just for those who struggle financially—it’s also a valued tool for companies looking to mitigate risk. Co-founder of Profile Investments, Iain McKenny, enjoyed a lengthy career in international disputes before launching PI. He explains that many potential clients are unaware of the differences between legal funding and bank loans—to their detriment. McKenny seeks to educate the public on the benefits of the practice and to increase access to justice. Alain Grec is also a co-founder of Profile Investments. He emphasizes the flexibility of portfolio funding as a means of money management. Grec is deeply involved in the growth and expansion of PI, as well as the debate between those who support external regulation and those who feel self-regulation is sufficient. Investment Manager and head of the Houston office for Validity Finance, Laina Hammond, is seeing increased demand for funding in oil and gas cases—largely arising from turbulence in the industry. She emphasizes building goodwill by establishing trust. The team at Validity is made up of experienced trial lawyers who put client needs first. Drumcliffe, a fund facilitating recovery of assets for victims of international corruption or fraud, is led by James Little. Little enjoys being a go-to source for fighting fraud. He is impressed by how well the legal industry has adapted to the challenges of COVID, and claims that this allowed Drumcliffe's funds to flourish despite tragedy. David Kerstein is the Chief Risk Officer of Validity. In fewer than three years, Kerstein helped grow the company from a startup funder with few employees to having $100 million in committed capital, and over $400 million in raised capital. He welcomes the trend of funding being used by companies as a means of mitigating risks, in addition to more traditional funding applications. Validity Finance CEO and Founder, Ralph Sutton, is considered a pioneer in the funding industry. Sutton has lectured on civil justice at Stanford and Harvard Law, among others. He believes that the funding industry is not in need of increased regulation—and that regulation will hinder access to justice, rather than increase it. Ben Moss is a new addition to the team at Orchard Global Asset Management. His background in law and finance have combined to make him a valued asset to Orchard. He points out that the legal and financial merits of a case are equally important factors when determining which cases should receive funding. In the UK, thought leaders represent the biggest names in litigation funding, including Burford Capital, Litigation Capital Management, Augusta Ventures, Omni Bridgeway, and Harbour. While in France, Profile Investment and Vannin Capital are the sole firms represented. Globally, Omni Bridgeway has the strongest presence on this list. Burford Capital, Therium, Vannin Capital, and LCM also featured prominently. Unsurprisingly, Australian representation on this list of thought leaders focuses on Omni Bridgeway, Vannin Capital, LCM, and Therium.