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UK Sub-Postmasters Clear Names in Legal Battle

By John Freund |

Earlier convictions for theft, fraud, and false accounting have finally been quashed after a legal skirmish lasting more than a decade. Thanks to support from third-party funder, Therium, thirty-nine sub-postmasters cleared their names after being prosecuted by the state-owned Post Office. The employees had been charged over shortfalls in various branch accounts. It was eventually discovered that Horizon, the IT system used by the Post Office, was to blame for the perceived financial shortfalls.

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Is Climate Litigation a New Frontier for Litigation Funding?

By John Freund |

As the science becomes more definitive, climate-related lawsuits are growing in number and size. Since 2018, legal actions relating to climate change have almost doubled—at over 1,700 cases globally. Thus far, nearly ¾ of the total lawsuits have been aimed at governments. This is sure to continue as closer attention is paid to the stated goals of the Paris Climate Accord.

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How Legal Funders Help Victims of Investor Fraud

By John Freund |

In the United Kingdom, investor fraud is a growing problem. According to the UK’s own national reporting, Action Fraud received more than 17,000 reports of investment fraud—to the tune of over GBP 650 million. So what’s the good news? The Litigation Finance industry can be instrumental in helping defrauded people receive remuneration through collective actions.

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Examining Litigation Funding Models

By John Freund |

Managing Director of Bench Walk Advisors, Adrian Chopin, makes it his business to dissect and quantify different aspects of the litigation funding market. Recently, Chopin examined the impact of operating costs by comparing two hypothetical cost structures used by funders.

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