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The Problem with Origination Credit—and How In-House Clients Can Address it

By John Freund |

The gender gap in the legal industry is easy to recognize, thanks to Burford’s 2020 Equity Project study. But recognizing the problem is only half the battle. Origination credit continues to be a sticking point—as women consistently receive less than their fair share. This fuels a cycle of inequity that can reverberate through a law firm and beyond.

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Could Avalanche Overtake DeFi in Crypto Market?

By John Freund |

You don’t have to know everything about cryptocurrency to know that it’s changing the  investment landscape in major ways. Avalanche, a competitor to crypto giant Ethereum, enjoyed a robust opening followed by steady gains. Now speculation abounds about how big Avalanche can grow, and who might be edged out in the process.

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Commercial Disputes in Mining

By John Freund |

Omni Bridgeway’s most recent podcast features commentary by Junior Surivar of McCarthy Tetrault, and Jon Drummer of Paul Hastings. The episode is part two in a series detailing litigation relating to mining disputes. Geoff Moysa hosts.

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Litigation Funding as a Stock Market Alternative

By John Freund |

As investors remain wary of the stock market, they’re left wondering how to invest effectively. Litigation Funding may prove an attractive alternative for investors depending on their risk tolerance. Litigation funding is uncorrelated to stock trading, and largely insulated from economic conditions.

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