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LCM Reports Rise in Funding Requests

By John Freund |

As lockdown restrictions ease up around the globe, applications for legal funding are increasing. Litigation Capital Management claims that corporate clients are applying for funding at a 68% higher rate than the same period last year.

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London Legal Merger Creates 15 Partner Firm

By John Freund |

Competition between law firms in London just got a little more fierce. Byrne and Partners and PCB Litigation have merged—with Burford Capital’s blessing. The deal will go live next month when PCB Litigation moves into the Byrne and Partners offices. This will result in a firm led by 15 partners.

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Proposed 30% Cap on Legal Funding Returns Could Devastate Class Actions

By John Freund |

Australia’s predilection for over-regulating litigation funders is on display again. A proposed 30% limit on gross returns to funders could devastate funding for class actions. New research from PwC’s Jeremy Thorpe suggests that even a 36% return rate for funders would fail to cover even basic legal costs.

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Alternative Investment Mania

By John Freund |

The financial world has been on the receiving end of investor-related whimsy of late. Bizarre and unexpected high-end investments are taking financial pros by surprise. But what is driving these unusual, sometimes even hilarious, investments?

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Is Kenya the Next Frontier for Litigation Funding?

By John Freund |

The current legal climate in Kenya isn’t much different than that of the developed world. Access to justice is often limited to what the litigant can afford or raise. Those who cannot afford to fund their cases may sell off assets or crowdsource funds. But as of now, the option to seek third-party litigation funding on a non-recourse basis is not available to Kenyans.

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Litigation Funders Delighted by DBA Ruling

By John Freund |

Regulations regarding damages-based agreements can create havoc in a collective action. Recently, all eyes were on a Court of Appeal ruling regarding truckers and the Road Haulage Association, as well as the third-party funders financing the collective action.

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