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COVID is Spurring Litigation Funding in India

By John Freund |

As COVID continues to ravage businesses, insolvencies and breach of contract lawsuits have skyrocketed. In India, businesses are enduring a crash in sales and revenue. They also lack the mechanisms needed to effectively address the sharp rise in litigation.

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Funding Asia-Pacific Insolvency Claims

By John Freund |

It’s no secret that an increase in insolvency filings looms on the horizon. Debt restructuring, government relief programs, and belt-tightening can only take a business so far. What many businesses don’t realize is that third-party legal funding can provide financial wiggle room.

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International Arbitration Trends

By John Freund |

A global pandemic may have brought sweeping changes, but it hasn’t slowed the filing of new cases. Early numbers suggest that new cases are being filed at about the same levels as the previous year, or higher. ICSID reported 58 new ICSID Convention and Additional Facility arbitrations last year—the most ever. SIAC also reported a record-high number of new cases, topping 1,000 for the first time ever.

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GLS Capital Co-Founders Named to IAM’s Strategy 300 Global Leader List for 2021 Read more:

By John Freund |

GLS Capital operates one of the world’s largest private investment firms focused on litigation finance. The GLS team is comprised of investment professionals that provide financial solutions for complex legal matters, specializing in commercial litigation, arbitration, law firm financing and patent infringement litigation, including Hatch-Waxman litigation.

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Dispute Finance with In-House Counsel, Tania Sulan and Leanne Meyer

By John Freund |

A recent survey from Omni Bridgeway and the 2020 ACC in-house Legal Virtual Conference suggests that an inability to work litigation costs into corporates’ budgets is what is spurring the rising interest in litigation funding. A panel discussion at the conferenced dissected how legal finance can assist in-house legal teams to manage risk and monetize legal assets.

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