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Episode 51 — Rob Cooper; ME Group

Hosted By Rob Cooper |

Our guest today is Rob Cooper, Group Chief Executive Officer at ME Group Holdings. ME Group is a UK-based LegalTech provider of litigation funding, insurance and legal representation for consumers facing complex legal problems. Rob explains his company’s proprietary technology, their partnership with Forbes Ventures, and future plans on the horizon. 

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Inter-Creditor Litigation and Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

Sometimes, the various stakeholders involved in bankruptcy cannot come to terms with how assets should be divided. This can lead to inter-creditor litigation—which is costly and can take months, even years. Consequences of failing to litigate this type of dispute can be high—but creditors may feel they have no choice but to litigate further.

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Operating Costs inherent in the Commercial Litigation Finance Asset Class (Part 2 of 2)

By John Freund |

The following article is part of an ongoing column titled ‘Investor Insights.’ 

Brought to you by Ed Truant, founder and content manager of Slingshot Capital, ‘Investor Insights’ will provide thoughtful and engaging perspectives on all aspects of investing in litigation finance. 

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Brown Rudnick Launches Litigation Funding Working Group

By John Freund |

International law firm Brown Rudnick announced today the launch of the Litigation Funding Working Group (LFWG), which brings together leading litigation funders, insurers, institutional claimants, legal advisors and other participants across the litigation funding market in the UK and Europe to develop model documentation to help support the continued growth and development of the litigation funding market.

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State Courts Feel the Impact of COVID-19

By John Freund |

State courts face an array of challenges, only some of which are related to COVID. Budget cuts, ever-growing backlogs, logistical concerns, even constitutional challenges are impacting the legal world in myriad ways. Meanwhile, lawyers, judges, defendants—everyone is looking for ways to get back to some semblance of normalcy.

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How to Structure an Affirmative Recovery Plan

By John Freund |

There are a multitude of ways to structure an affirmative recovery program, but the central guiding principles remain the same. It’s vital to make any new initiatives company-wide so everyone is involved and participating in the same goals. It’s equally important to know that focusing on the legal department doesn’t have to mean enlarging your staff.

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Litigation Finance Continues to Show Strong Returns

By John Freund |

 In today’s uncertain financial climate, investors are seeking non-correlated investments and higher returns. As the need for an independent class of assets grows, so do the investments in the Litigation Finance war chest. Litigation funding is insulated from larger financial tides—regardless of what happens in the stock market, with interest rates, etc., litigation assets are not impacted by outside factors.

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