Car Accident Loans – An Option You May Not Know About
No one plans for a car accident. By definition, they come as a surprise. When they happen, the result can range from mild inconvenience to life-changing physical, emotional, and financial consequences. If you’re not already well-monied, a car accident loan might be a viable option. We-Heart explains that car accident loans are not subjected to the rules and restrictions of traditional loans. Cash advances are provided on a non-recourse basis with the expectation that the funder will receive a portion of any settlement awarded. If there is no settlement, the funding does not have to be paid back. This funding structure means that it’s the funder who takes the financial risk, not the plaintiff. That’s key for anyone who is dealing with the aftermath of an auto collision, especially if they aren’t at fault. Sometimes if a case takes an especially long time, a small interest rate is added. Accidents may keep people unable to work for months or longer, while normal expenses and medical bills can pile up. Car accident loans can be a boon to those for whom traditional bank loans are not a feasible option. Some say it’s probably better to avoid taking a loan if you can weather an accident without it. At the same time, financial wiggle room may be crucial to some families and this type of risk-free loan can be exactly what’s needed. The extra time can be used to get a full medical diagnosis of injuries sustained in the accident. That can lead to a larger award down the road. Car accident loans are technically a type of legal funding—which means you’ll need to have an attorney in order to obtain one. Your lawyer may also have resources to help you find a funder for a car accident loan.