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New Singapore Insolvency Laws Open Door to Third-Party Funders

By John Freund |

What happens when a liquidator lacks the resources to pursue a debt? Often times, the debtor walks away from their responsibilities. That may be changing under Singapore’s new Insolvency Restructuring and Dissolution Act (IRDA)—which took effect just two weeks ago. The Act is part of a larger overhaul of Singapore’s insolvency legislation.

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Anexo Group Secures Funding for Volkswagen Claim

By John Freund |

For Liverpool-based Anexo Group, 2020 got off to a slow start. From Jan-June of this year, the legal services provider showed sales of GBP 36.625 million, down from 36.717 million this time last year. Share dividends are .5p a share, down from 1p per share last year. Still, the group is poised for a big finish to 2020.

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Twists and Turns in Tesla Case Against Former Employee

By John Freund |

Martin Tripp, formerly with Tesla, is embroiled in a case with his former employer. The case, which began in 2018, accuses Tripp of stealing and disseminating multiple gigabytes of confidential trade secrets. In turn, Tripp denies all wrongdoing and describes himself as a whistleblower exposing evidence of vital safety concerns and company fraud. He is countersuing Tesla for defamation.

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ME Group Announces Second Senior Hire in Two Weeks

By John Freund |

Fintech credit professional Rob Cottingham has been appointed to Chief Credit Officer at ME Group, a Cheadle-based firm. Cottingham takes on this new role that will report to executive chairman Bruce Walker—who is also new to the business. These appointments herald a new phase in a long-term growth strategy for the company, as it moves toward becoming a leader in consumer litigation funding.

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Litigation Finance in the Startup Landscape

By John Freund |

Startups are often strapped for cash and rushing to meet deadlines, so what happens when your startup suddenly has to fund an unexpected legal battle? That’s what happened when video startups Eko and Quibi found themselves in a legal skirmish. Both companies are relatively new, and each has a huge corporate entity at its back (Disney/eBay and Walmart, respectively).

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The Evolution and Expansion of Litigation Finance

By John Freund |

The concept of Litigation Finance is a simple one. A plaintiff with a valid claim can seek third-party financing to take that claim to court. If the claim is successful, the funder gets an agreed-upon percentage of the award, or a multiple of the investment, or some combination thereof. If the claim isn’t successful, the funder walks away with nothing. That simple model has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, and is now even more powerful given the pandemic and subsequent lockdown.

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Tribeca Capital Group, LLC, Converts COVID-19 Wrongful Termination Claims into Cash with Lawsuit Fundings

By John Freund |

NEW YORKAug. 12, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Tribeca Capital Group, LLC, a pioneer in pre-settlement litigation funding, announces that it is now advancing funds to claimants who have lost their livelihoods through wrongful termination, the employer’s mishandling of wage and benefit claims, and other employment issues arising from the pandemic crisis.

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Legal-Bay Announces Update to California Wildfires Negligence Claims

By John Freund |

SACRAMENTO, Calif.Aug. 13, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Legal Bay Lawsuit Funding reports that California utility company PG&E recently admitted negligence in the 2018 Camp Fire that killed 84 people and destroyed the entire town of Paradise. The fire devastated hundreds of lives and wreaked billions of dollars in property damage, and was the single most destructive wildfire in California’s history.

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