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By John Freund |

DLA Piper has entered into a non-exclusive arrangement with publicly listed disputes financier Litigation Capital Management (LCM), and a newly formed litigation funder, Aldersgate Funding Limited to offer clients of DLA Piper access to £150m for funding large-scale litigation and arbitration. This will be offered on a financial risk-free (non-recourse) basis with a streamlined approval process embedded within the offering.

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Cryptocurrency Class Action Seeks Funding

By John Freund |

Did social media giants like Twitter, Google, and Facebook conspire to kill cryptocurrency in 2018? JPB Liberty, led by Andrew Hamilton, is filing a class action against social media. In a recent statement, Hamilton claimed the assertions would be “pretty easy” to prove.

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Litigation Finance Data Suggests a Need for Post-Settlement Regulation

By John Freund |

Non-recourse funding is the backbone of the Litigation Finance model. It’s what exempts the practice from usury laws and allows funders to charge higher interest rates than other lenders. An as-yet-unpublished article suggests that funders actually made higher profits from individual car accident claims than from mass tort cases. That is to say, cases where a small number of people are injured or killed made more money for funders than large cases with multiple impacted parties.

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How a Rise in ‘Nuclear Verdicts’ Impacts an Industry

By John Freund |

Trucking-related lawsuits are on the rise, as are the potential awards. When a driver is negligent, the company pays the price. This has led to a comparable increase in insurance premiums and shipping costs, much of which is passed down to the consumer. What’s causing this? Some point the finger at Litigation Finance.

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Pravati Capital Launches Fifth Specialized Litigation Finance Fund with $200 Million

By John Freund |

PHOENIXAug. 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Pravati Capital, leading litigation finance pioneer and consulting firm, today announced the launch of its fifth specialized litigation finance investment fund with $200 million, following the success of its four previous funds launched since 2013. Pravati Investment Fund V (Fund V) will allow for the first time non-US and US-tax exempt international qualified investors the opportunity to invest in a specialized litigation finance alternative investment vehicle.

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Institutional Ownership at Burford Capital

By John Freund |

There’s a lot you can learn about a Litigation Finance company by looking at at its investors. Insider investment is common in firms that are newer and smaller, while more established players boast large institutions as their major shareholders.  

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COVID Brings Tech-Savvy In-House Lawyers to the Forefront

By John Freund |

Innovation and adaptability are key factors in every business trying to stay afloat during the current pandemic. Many law firm were quick to send workers home while finding remote working solutions to stave off loss of business. But as soon as some issues were managed, others cropped up. For example, the need for cybersecurity was heightened almost immediately.

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