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Pre-Settlement Lawsuit Funding Company Tribeca Capital Launches COVID-19 Program

By John Freund |

NEW YORKJune 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — In an effort to use its resources to bring relief and hope to those affected by unprecedented global circumstances, Tribeca Capital Group, LLC, an industry leader in pre-settlement lawsuit funding, announces that it has developed an initiative to reach lawsuit plaintiffs who have been touched by COVID-19 or have been negatively impacted by the sharp downturn in the economy.

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Channel Islands See Increase in Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

Litigation Finance is poised to experience a boom in demand as the world tries to recover from COVID-19. Rampant financial uncertainty creates a need for the funding that insures access to justice for those of few means. Funders are well-capitalized, and preparing to sift through cases to find those with the best chances of success. This is all very similar to what the legal world experienced during the 2008 financial crisis.

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Parabellum Capital Announces Final Close of Latest Litigation Finance Fund

By John Freund |

Total Commitments Exceeding $465 Million

Parabellum Capital LLC (“Parabellum”), a leader in commercial litigation finance, today announced the final closing of its latest private investment fund, Parabellum Partners II, LP (the “Fund”), with over $465 million in commitments. The Fund is Parabellum’s second broadly-offered private investment fund since its founding in 2012.

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Southern Response’s Desperate Attempt to Avoid Opt-Out Class Action

By John Freund |

Government-owned entity Southern Response is engaged in a last-ditch effort to avoid an opt-out class action over allegations regarding earthquake insurance settlement claims. Policyholders have asserted that Southern Response withheld information allowing them to underpay when settling claims related to the Canterbury earthquake.

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Russian Oligarch’s Son Loses Bid to Hide Assets from Mother in Burford-Funded Case

By John Freund |

The largest divorce settlement in Britain’s history is not over yet. Temur Akhmedov recently lost his effort to keep his money secret from his step-mother—who is still attempting to gain the award settlement from her divorce. Tatiana Akhmedova is utilizing litigation funding from Burford Capital as she pursues her claim.

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Key Takeaways from LFJ’s Digital Conference on Covid’s Impact on Consumer Legal Funding

By John Freund |

On June 11th, Litigation Finance Journal held a special digital conference on Covid’s impact on the Consumer Legal Funding industry. The panel discussion was moderated by Dan Avnir, Managing Director at Bryant Park Capital. Panelists included Eric Schuller, President of the Alliance for Responsible Consumer Legal Funding (ARC), Kevin Confoy, Chief Risk Officer of GloFin, Paul Galsterer, Founding Partner of The Injury Firm, Lawrence Yablon, Partner at Robinson Yablon PC, and Anthony Sebok, Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Jacob Burns Center for Ethics in the Practice of Law at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.  

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How Big is Litigation Finance?

By John Freund |

How big is the addressable market for Litigation Finance? An exact number would be difficult to come up with. What we do know is that the $85 billion number asserted by Omni Bridgeway and others is the subject of much debate. It represents an estimate of the fees that were paid to plaintiff’s lawyers, but is not really indicative of the state of the entire market.

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