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The Challenges of Enforcing Awards in Asia

By John Freund |

A growing economy can also lead to growth in litigation disputes. That means an increasing need for great lawyers, and a means to enforce awards. After all, a good judgment doesn’t do much if it cannot be enforced. This can be a particular issue in Asian markets, where legal disputes have risen sharply in recent years.

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Understanding Pricing in Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

The idea that clients may be able to pursue a claim without a large initial investment may seem too good to be true. The reality is that litigation funding exists for just that reason—so ordinary people have the means to seek justice when they are wronged.

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Will Relaxed Disclosure Rules Impact Investor Confidence?  

By John Freund |

Unrest in the world of investment is nothing new. But current pandemic conditions have led to a wave of class-action lawsuits, many of which come from investors who feel that they were misled on relevant issues. In response, the Australian federal government has announced a rolling back of disclosure rules to protect large companies from class-action suits.

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Parabellum Capital Preps for Lawsuit Boom with $450MM War Chest

By John Freund |

It’s no secret that lawyers and firms anticipate a slew of new cases as a result of COVID-19. The Litigation Finance industry in particular is preparing for a future full of contract breaches, insolvency, and failed insurance payouts. This leads some to suspect that betting on court cases will be popular among investors in the coming months.

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Australian Regulation of Litigation Funders

By John Freund |

AIM-listed Litigation Capital Management Limited (LCM), a leading international provider of disputes financing solutions, notes the announcement on 22 May 2020 by the Federal Treasurer of Australia, Josh Frydenberg, that litigation funders operating in Australia will be subject to new regulation requiring them to obtain and maintain an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL).

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Episode 44 — Christopher DeLise; Delta Capital Partners

Hosted By Christopher DeLise |

In this episode, we spoke with Christopher DeLise, Founder & CEO of Delta Capital Partners. Delta was founded in 2011, and Chris explains both his company and the industry have evolved over that time. He also goes into detail about ‘the Delta difference,’ and highlights some unique product launches that are expected to rollout soon.

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