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Commercial Litigation Finance: How Big is This Thing?

The following article is part of an ongoing column titled ‘Investor Insights.’  Brought to you by Ed Truant, founder and content manager of Slingshot Capital, ‘Investor Insights’ will provide thoughtful and engaging perspectives on all aspects of investing in litigation finance.  Executive Summary
MarketAustralia (AUS$)UK (£)USA (US$)
Implied Commitment CapacityAUS $1B£2BUS $10B
Implied Annual commitments1AUS $333MM£667MMUS $3.3B
The chart above summarizes the results of quantifying the size of the most mature markets for litigation finance.  If you were to attempt to perform the same analysis three years ago, I suspect you would find that the industry was less than half its current size.  Accordingly, it is a dynamic and growing market that should be on most investors’ radar screens if you are interested in non-correlated exposures. Investor Insights
  • Growing, dynamic market
  • Diversification is critical to responsible investing; “tail risk” can be significant
  • Relatively few managers with long track records
  • New investors should focus on the small subset of experienced fund managers
Approach and Limitation of Sizing I am often asked about the size of the commercial litigation finance market by individual and institutional investors alike, whether relative to the US market or other large global markets. I often hesitate to answer the question as the answer is dependent on an element of transparency not currently inherent in the industry itself.  Nevertheless, I think it is important for all stakeholders to understand the size of an industry, so investors can determine whether it has the scale and growth attributes necessary to justify a long-term approach to investing in the sector. However, before I describe the approaches taken, I think it is important to recognize the limitations of attempting to size the industry, as past estimates have varied wildly. Limitation #1: Dedicated Funds vs. Opaque Capital Pools vs. Non-Organized Capital Pools While there are many dedicated litigation funders (“Funders”) servicing the global marketplace, both private and publicly-traded, they only represent a portion of the available financing for the industry (especially in the US). Even the Funders that service the market are relatively private about the amount of capital they have available and the amount of capital they deploy annually (not to mention committed capital vs. drawn capital).  On the odd occasion, you will have a funder trumpet their latest close size, but it is often just a headline number and you are left wondering exactly what it means as it could be inclusive of co-invest capacity, side cars, discretionary separately managed accounts, etc. Then there are the Opaque Capital Pools.  These are the hedge funds, the multi-strategy funds with a sliver of their fund dedicated to litigation finance, merchant banks, credit funds, etc.  Even PIMCO, the world’s largest bond fund, has allocated capital to one of the UK funders (a tiny allocation for PIMCO, but perhaps the ‘thin edge of the wedge,’ if they achieve success).  The problem from a data perspective is that many of these funding sources don’t disclose how much of their capital has been allocated to litigation finance, as they don’t necessarily want the world, or their competitors, to know where they are investing. Finally, there are a host of other financiers in the marketplace, which I will refer to as Disorganized Capital Pools.  These are the lawyers, law firms, High Net Worth (HNW) and Ultra HNW (UHNW) individual investors, family offices and the like that have decided they want exposure to single case risks or portfolios thereof.  Investors who have not dedicated a lot of time and attention to the asset class are probably best served by investing in a series of funds, as opposed to going direct with one manager or a series of individual cases. Often times, the second and third categories are what I call flexible pools of capital, meaning that if they achieve success in investing they will allocate more capital, and if they don’t have a positive experience they will retreat and ‘run-off’ their remaining investments, and “chalk that one up to experience”.   The Opaque Capital Pools and Disorganized Capital Pools are what I refer to as “Non-Fund Investors”.  Accordingly, due to the flexibility and private nature of the Opaque and Disorganized Capital Pools, it is difficult to determine the exact amount of capital they represent at any given point in time. Limitation #2: Financing Fees vs. Financing Out of Pocket There is a distinction in the industry between financing legal fees (which is not always possible in all jurisdictions) and financing out-of-pocket expenses (court costs, discovery costs, expert reports, etc.).  There is also a third bucket where financiers will provide “working capital” as part of their litigation finance commitment. Funds which provide working capital are grounded in a belief by the Funder that the piece of litigation has value, and if the value exceeds the various costs necessary to pursue the case, then they are comfortable providing any excess capital to the business for working capital purposes.  The other aspect to working capital is that the litigation funder does not want to find itself in the middle of litigation with an insolvent enterprise where the management team is no longer focused on the litigation prize, and so they argue it is in their best interest to keep the company solvent while the litigation is being pursued.  Arguably, working capital loans belong in the world of specialty finance, not litigation finance, but in this case the underlying security is the outcome of the litigation. The reason I draw the first distinction is because it could be argued that a large segment of litigation finance is already being provided through contingent fee arrangements, which have been in existence for decades in the US, but have been the sole purview of lawyers.  Should these contingent fees count towards industry sizing?  I think a logical argument can be made that they should be included, as these are funds that could or would otherwise be provided by a third-party litigation funder, but then again, they will never be funded by Funders. Some people believe that law firms are taking the best cases for themselves and the litigation funding industry is fighting for the cast-offs (termed ‘adverse selection risk’).  I don’t necessarily subscribe to this theory, as the high success rates in the Litigation Finance industry support the notion that good cases are being undertaken by third party funders. Interestingly, one of the world’s largest law firms, Kirkland & Ellis, recently announced that they are going to double down on their contingent fee arrangements through the establishment of a plaintiff side litigation group, which was previously the sole purview of scrappy plaintiff side lawyers (many of whom have achieved tremendous financial success in doing so). Perhaps the grass really is greener… For the purpose of this article, I have assumed that contingent fees are not included in the industry sizing exercise. Limitation #3: It’s Getting Global A few years ago, the various funders were entrenched in their local jurisdictions and happy to toil away in their own back yards. Then something interesting happened.  It got global, fast!  Over the last 3-5 years, the industry saw litigation funders move outside of their home base, and do so in a significant way.  UK funders moved into the US, Australian funders moved into the US and UK, UK funders moved into Australia, and more recently, some funders figured my host country, Canada, was also an interesting opportunity.  Is this a reflection of their local markets being saturated, or is this a global ‘land grab’? I point this out because when you analyze pools of capital by litigation funders, you cannot solely look at where that funder is domiciled and conclude their capital is solely dedicated to their home country.  Some funders, like IMF Bentham, have set up dedicated pools to service the US and other pools to service Rest of World (i.e. ex-US).  Other funders do not have dedicated pools, but look for the best risk-adjusted opportunities around the globe, or in specific markets in which they are comfortable investing (typically other English common law or common law derived markets, but not necessarily so).  I say this because the available data forces one to look at global litigation funding sizing, as it is difficult to know where the funder will deploy its capital.  This doesn’t even consider foreign exchange rate fluctuations and their effect on industry sizing – the Brexit impact on the GBP would have had a significant impact on the USD equivalent alone. Limitation #4: Cultural Differences and Punitive Damages There is no arguing that the US is a much more permissive culture in terms of utilizing litigation to settle differences – ‘nothin’ like a good gun fight to settle a dispute’, one might say.  This means that while the size of the litigation industry is much larger, one could argue that you have to parse out the less meritorious claims to find the jewels that litigation finance would support – their money is not frivolous, hence the cases they fund are also not frivolous. Accordingly, when you look at the size of the entire industry, you must assign a lower litigation funding applicability rate in the US because of the aggressive nature of the claim environment (i.e. while the US legal market is much larger because the culture is more permissive, there are a smaller percentage of claims that attract litigation finance). The second and more important issue, is the relative extent of punitive damages in the American civil justice system vs other civil justice systems.  There is no doubt – and it has been well documented through empirical evidence – that awards are larger in the US.  Accordingly, this would suggest that comparing data from other jurisdictions and applying that to try and size the US market, or any other market for that matter, is somewhat limiting. In addition, each market has its own nuances and peculiarities, and so it is very difficult to compare different jurisdictions and draw solid conclusions.  All of the aforementioned would suggest the industry is difficult to size with any degree of accuracy.  I think there is some truth to that supposition. Limitation #5 – What is included in “Commercial”? While the commercial litigation finance market is generally defined to include financing of litigation involving two corporate entities, the funders involved in the space have expanded the definition to include, amongst other things, Investor-State, product class action and insolvency cases where there is typically not another commercial entity on the other side of the dispute, but rather a sovereign, a set of consumers or an individual (director or shareholder), respectively.  Accordingly, the commercial litigation finance funders have expanded the definition of what is included in the market by including large, complex cases involving non-commercial entities.  Nevertheless, these cases are typically financed by commercial litigation finance funders and should be captured in the size estimates. So, with all of the limitations above, I have tried to approach industry sizing using a pair of different approaches: micro and macro. Macro Perspective:  When looking at it from a macro perspective, I like to focus on one of the more mature markets for litigation finance and draw inferences – that market being Australia. Australia is a common law market; it has been utilizing litigation finance for close to two decades, and therefore is one of the more mature markets, which suggests market penetration for Litigation Finance is relatively high.  The one limitation of using Australia as a benchmark is that the jurisdiction generally does not allow contingent fees, so arguably, litigation finance levels are higher because lawyers are not able to put their fees at risk, hence their fees are financed by Funders.  I also believe Australia has fewer Non-Funder investors than the United States, and so we can likely draw better conclusions about the size of their market by looking at the active funders there. The following chart attempts to put the relative markets into perspective.
CountryContingent FeesAdverse CostsLitigation CultureLegal MarketFunding Type
USYesNoPermissive$437B USLegal fees, working capital & disbursements
UKYesYesModerate£29B GBPLegal fees & disbursements
AustraliaNoYesModerate$21B AUDLegal Fees, disbursements & indemnities
So, if one considers the Dedicated Funds in Australia, and tries to estimate the amount of capital they have dedicated to the local industry and compare that to the overall size of the litigation market (a number that is fairly well tracked), we can see that the Australian market is approximately AUS$200-300MM in annual commitments, and has commitment capacity of about 2-3 times that, or $500-750MM (using the mid-point).  This would suggest that litigation finance – in terms of annual commitments – represents about 1 to 1.5% of their $21B legal market (where the “legal market” is the market for all legal services, not just those dedicated to litigation). Applying the same methodology to the UK market, and adjusting for the fact that contingent fees are more prevalent in the UK, one could argue that the UK market, being younger than the Australian market, should be less penetrated, with less capital being required due to contingent fees.  Perhaps the litigation finance market is closer to 1% of the legal market, or approximately £290MM and commitment capacity of 2-3 times that amount of £600-900MM. Extending this logic to the US market, and allowing for a strong punitive damage system, strong contingent fee usage and a low relative penetration rate, we can surmise that the market is similarly close to 1% of the size of its legal market, or $4B in annual commitments with commitment capacity of 2-3 times that or $8-12B.
MarketAustralia (AUS$)UK (£)USA (US$)
Commitment CapacityAUS $500-750MM£600-900MMUS $8-12B
Annual CommitmentsAUS $ 2-300MM£250-350MMUS $3-4B
Micro Perspective: The other approach to sizing the market is to build up the annual commitments and the commitment capacity on an investor-by-investor basis.  Westfleet Advisors has recently published a “Buyer’s Guide” to estimate the size of the US market using this approach, and their results seem to correlate with the approach I have used below.  The difference in results between our two approaches results from the size of the non-fund sources of capital, and my approach is admittedly a best guess estimate.  Nevertheless, I have used the following assumptions to try and triangulate the market sizes.  I took my knowledge of the various funders’ commitment capacity in each of the jurisdictions to determine the total commitment capacity of the market, and then I interpolated the size of the total market by estimating what percent of funding is represented by these Dedicated Funds.
MarketAustralia (AUS$)UK (£)USA (US$)
Fund Commitment CapacityAUS $1B£1.6BUS $5B
% of Market represented by Funders100%80%50%
Implied Commitment CapacityAUS $1B£2BUS $ 10B
Implied Annual commitments1AUS $333MM£667MMUS $3.3B
1 Annual commitments determined by dividing the Commitment Capacity by 3 (typical fund investment period, assuming extensions)
Conclusion The two approaches seem to triangulate fairly well, and are buttressed by the micro analysis performed by WestFleet in the US market.  Accordingly, I think the two approaches provide a high-level view of the amount of capital available and annual commitments for the various jurisdictions.  While I would not rely on the exact figures, I believe the numbers are directionally correct, and provide investors with an order of magnitude assessment of the current market as to whether this market provides sufficient scale to justify a long-term exposure to the asset class, or whether investors should consider it a more opportunistic investment within one of their niche strategies or pools of capital. While the industry is presently not sizable enough to attract many large pension plans and sovereign wealth funds that typically invest no less than $100’s of million at a time, it is quickly achieving a level of scale that has become attractive to some larger investors. By example, a large sovereign wealth fund has made a US$667MM commitment to Burford’s 2019 Private Partnership through a separately managed account.  The remaining external capital, $300 million, was provided by a series of small and medium-sized investors rumoured to include family offices, foundations, endowments and the like.  Whereas this scale of investor would not have invested in the asset class even three years ago, it appears the more aggressive of these investors have decided this is an asset class that merits serious consideration and investment, and I expect more to follow. Investor Insight: For investors interested in investing in one of the truly non-correlated asset classes, they would be best to spend the time to analyze the various managers in the sector, of which there are relatively few on a global basis that I would consider “institutional” in nature.  They would also be well served to focus on those few managers with  a track record that includes fully realized funds, of which there are even fewer, or be prepared to spend the time and resources to assess the unrealized portion of those managers’ portfolios as ‘tail risk’ in this industry can be significant depending on the concentration of the portfolio.  As always, diversification is a key success factor to investing in this asset class as the idiosyncratic risk of cases and the binary nature of trial/arbitral awards make it particularly well suited for the application of portfolio theory. Edward Truant is the founder of Slingshot Capital Inc. and an investor in the consumer and commercial litigation finance industry.

How Lawyer-Directed Funding Enhances Access to Justice

"Lawyer-Directed" litigation finance, whereby a funder forms a partnership with contingency counsel, provides an opportunity to work around some of the issues that exist in client-directed funding - most notably issues that arise when creditors or lienholders are awaiting recoupment from the client, pending successful litigation. Many funders are averse to partnering with a client that is encumbered by senior lienholders, hence many such claims go unfunded, despite the merits of the underlying case. Lawyer-directed funding provides an attractive solution. Big Law Business reports that layer-directed funding involves the direct financing of a law firm's contingency fee cases, where the collateral lies in the successful recovery of claim settlements or awards. This is in contrast to client-directed funding, in which the funder partners with a client and receives a portion of the case proceeds. Client-directed funding remains quite popular both in the US and abroad, however there are several roadblocks in place. The aforementioned creditor situation being one such example. With lienholders in place, it can be difficult for clients to secure single-case funding. However, there is a neat workaround. Attorneys can assert charging liens on litigation proceeds; liens that are typically prioritized in first position over other secured credit. The specifics of a charging lien vary from state to state, but many jurisdictions recognize them as enforceable, and in some cases even comparable to an equity stake in the proceeds of a claim (that according to the New York Court of Appeals). Given that no such statutes exist for litigation funders, funders are often wary about partnering with lien-encumbered clients. However, lawyer-directed funding allows the funder to partner with an attorney who may assert the charging lien and secure top priority in the claim proceeds, thus guaranteeing the funder's participation in those proceeds. Lawyer-directed funding assures the funder that their proceeds will be collectable, and provides lien-encumbered clients ample opportunity to finance their claims.

LPF Group Fuels Litigation Funding in New Zealand

New Zealand has been far slower to adopt litigation funding than neighboring Australia, where the practice originated. However, the funding market is surging in kiwi-land, thanks in part to local funder LPF Group, which has bankrolled some sizable claims. As reported in The Spinoff, LPF - which stands for Level Playing Field - has financed some high-profile cases in New Zealand. The PricewaterhouseCoopers claim is a prime example. The claim alleged that investors in David Henderson's Property Ventures Group were victimized by poor accounting standards from PwC, which audited the books of the now defunct-company. Terms of the claim settlement are undisclosed, but rumored to be around the $100MM mark. Having backed the claim, LPF obtained a substantial participation in the payout. Other prominent claims include a High Court victory against the Ministry of Primary Industries. That claim alleged over $1Bn in losses from kiwi fruit growers, thanks to toxic pollen which was imported by the government. The successful outcome for LPF is currently under appeal. The funder also won a $36MM judgment against Mainzeal and its former directors, in a shareholder claim against the bankrupt property firm which was publicly listed. Litigation funding in New Zealand is rightfully taking off, as angry shareholders and investors look at neighboring Australia and see the access to justice which the practice helps facilitate. New Zealanders are clearly demanding their own version of the David v. Goliath paradigm. And LPF is capitalizing on the trend. The funder - which focuses on insolvency, commercial and building & construction claims - currently has major suits in the works, against the likes of CBL Insurance Group and Intueri, among others. It will be interesting to see how the funding market in New Zealand develops over time, and if the class action environment approaches anything like the current ecosystem in neighboring Australia.

Longford Capital General Counsel to Serve as Adjunct Professor of Law Teaching Course on Litigation Finance

CHICAGO, February 24, 2020 – Baylor Law has tapped William P. Farrell, Jr., co-founder, managing director, and general counsel of Longford Capital, to serve as an adjunct professor at the law school and to lead a course on litigation funding. The litigation funding course is a part of Baylor Law’s innovative LL.M. program in litigation management, the first program of its kind. The Litigation Management program is designed for experienced litigators and trial lawyers and other lawyers who are impacted by litigation. Professors Jim Wren and Liz Fraley, co-directors of the program, included litigation finance as a necessary component of the curriculum. “Litigation funding must be considered in effective litigation management,” said Professor Wren. “Third party litigation funding is increasingly common and clearly offers benefits to law firms and companies involved in litigation.” “I am impressed with Baylor’s unique LL.M. program in Litigation Management, the first of its kind,” Mr. Farrell said. “The fact that a leading law school has incorporated a course on litigation finance speaks to the tremendous growth in awareness and acceptance of our industry. Professor Wren and Professor Fraley have developed a practical, useful series of courses that cover the range of topics relevant to commercial litigation. The course on litigation funding explores many aspects of this new form of specialty finance. We will discuss the reasons for the enthusiasm for litigation finance, the fundamentals of litigation funding, and much more.” Visit Longford Capital at About Longford Capital Longford Capital is a leading private investment company that provides capital solutions to law firms, public and private companies, universities, government agencies, and other entities involved in large-scale, commercial legal disputes. Typically, Longford Capital funds attorneys’ fees and other costs necessary to pursue meritorious legal claims in return for a share of a favorable settlement or award. The firm manages a diversified portfolio and considers investments in subject matter areas where it has developed considerable expertise, including, business-to-business contract claims, antitrust and trade regulation claims, intellectual property claims (including patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret), fiduciary duty claims, fraud claims, claims in bankruptcy and liquidation, domestic and international arbitrations and a variety of others.

Bankrupt Company’s Trustee Looks to Clawback $6.3MM from Quinn Emanuel, and $2MM from IMF Bentham

The bankruptcy trustee for the now-defunct aircraft parts manufacturer Super98, is looking to clawback payments made to law firm Quinn Emanuel and litigation funder IMF Bentham, for a claim the company pursued against Delta Airlines. As reported in Bloomberg Law, the complaint was filed in the the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California, and seeks to reclaim $6.3MM in payments to Quinn Emanuel. Some of those payments came from litigation funder IMF Bentham, which financed Super98's claim against Delta. Quinn agreed to a complicated success-fee arrangement with Super98, whereby Super98 agreed to pay 40% of Quinn's hourly rate, and if Quinn secured a payout of at least $5.7MM, Super98 would agree to pay 200% of Quinn's hourly rates for work completed after April 1, 2018. IMF Bentham fronted some of the funds for Super98, which went directly to Quinn. Both Quinn and IMF Bentham received payouts from the undisclosed settlement in the claim. But now, the trustee for Super98 is looking to clawback $6.3MM from Quinn, and $2MM from IMF Bentham. The trustee is alleging preferential payments to Quinn and IMF - payments the trustee claims should go to creditors first. They are also claiming that Quinn failed to properly notify them of an attorney's lien.

Litigation Funding Is Ready for a Wider Reach in the Russian Market

St. Petersburg, Russia -- (ReleaseWire) -- 02/19/2020 -- Although the Russian litigation finance market is at an early stage of development, a surge in the interest for legal funding solutions could be observed over the last year. While third party financing for legal proceedings has previously been provided by private investors or by law firms as an auxiliary business, specialized litigation finance companies have only recently appeared on the market. "Litigation finance is still a novelty to the Russian legal sphere. However, we have observed widespread support among the judicial community and government structures, who aim to make the Russian judicial system more accessible. " says Aleksander Bogdanov, director of Seitenberg LLC. "Over the last year, we've observed a large increase in the requests for litigation funding in Russia". As of 2019, Seitenberg LLC, founded by European and Russian business, finance and legal professionals, provides funding for commercial litigation and arbitration in Russia and the CIS. Based in St. Petersburg, Seitenberg funds cases starting from a value of ten million rubles, with a particular focus on contract disputes, shareholder disputes, insolvency cases, intellectual property disputes, and commercial fraud as well as divorce cases. Seitenberg is the first Russian litigation finance provider with particular expertise with international clients. As of February 2020, more than two-thirds of cases funded by Seitenberg came from international companies or Russian subsidiaries of international companies. With a team made up of four nationalities, with ten different languages spoken, Seitenberg's current field of work spans over six countries. "Litigation Funding in Russia is particularly interesting for international businesses, who otherwise often refrain from pursuing even the most promising claims, due to the financial and other risks involved", Aleksander Bogdanov explains. Seitenberg provides its clients with tailor-made litigation funding solutions for their Russian operations, keeping up with international reporting and compliance standards. Besides financing, Seitenberg provides its international clients with analytical, business intelligence, AML compliance and asset tracing services, all provided by in-house teams. About Seitenberg LLC Seitenberg LLC is the first Russian litigation finance company, specializing on international clients. Based in St. Petersburg, Seitenberg provides funding, analytics and operational support to claimants and law firms engaging in litigation, arbitration and restructuring in the Russian Federation and the CIS, significantly reducing the risk that comes with legal disputes in those jurisdictions. For further information regarding Seitenberg and its activities, please visit URL: CONTACT INFORMATION Seitenberg LLC 3-Ya Sovetskaya Ulitsa, 9, A 191036 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation Alexander Bogdanov +7 (812) 407 15 21 SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram:

Multiple States Pursue Regulations Against Litigation Funders

Last week, Utah became the latest state to introduce a litigation funding bill, as state senator James A. Dunnigan filed House Bill 312, which would force litigation funders to register with the Department of Commerce, and also aims to regulate how they operate. Many lawmakers are blaming litigation funding for the rising cost of insurance, which is an argument that is being made by Big Insurance and the Chamber of Commerce against the industry. As reported in Claims Journal, the New York state Assembly and Senate have introduced seven separate litigation funding bills, with both Republicans and Democrats co-sponsoring the legislation. Assembly Bill 6866, for example, aims to force certain language into litigation funding bills that makes the terms more transparent to consumers. Florida lawmakers are taking similar measures. House Bill 7041 would mandate that funders register with the Department of State, in addition to capping interest rates at 30% and fees at $500. The bill also seeks to force disclosure of any funding agreements. The onerous bill is being championed by the American Property Casualty Insurance Association, which blames litigation funders for rising payouts. They cite one law firm's 2019 study which found that the average single-plaintiff bodily injury verdict doubled to $54.3MM from 2014-2018. Wisconsin and West Virginia are among the states that have already passed regulation. Meanwhile, SB 471 is still idling in the United States Senate. The bill, introduced by a trio of Republican Senators, seeks to enforce mandatory disclosure of litigation funding partnerships in all class action and MDL cases. While most of these bills target the consumer legal funding space, there is some overlap in terms of how legislation - especially at the national level - might impact commercial funders as well.

IMF Bentham to become Omni Bridgeway

SYDNEY, 14 February 2020: IMF Bentham Limited (ASX:IMF) and Omni Bridgeway are excited to announce that IMF Bentham Limited is adopting the unified global name of Omni Bridgeway Limited, following a shareholder vote at the company's General Meeting on 14 February 2020. The adoption of a single name follows the merger of the two businesses in November 2019 to create a global leader in dispute resolution finance, with expertise in civil and common law legal and recovery systems, and operations spanning Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, the UK and the US. IMF Bentham Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director Andrew Saker said: "Our people are delighted to be united under the Omni Bridgeway name. Over more than three decades, Omni Bridgeway has become a highly respected and trusted name in international dispute resolution, particularly in key growth markets such as Continental Europe and Asia. The Omni Bridgeway name reflects a proud, 34-year record of funding disputes and enforcement proceedings around the world, recovering billions of dollars for clients and claimants. What is clear is that IMF Bentham and Omni Bridgeway have shared values and a shared culture of striving to deliver for clients. Across every part of this united business, our smart and resourceful professionals will continue to pursue every claim with curiosity and drive to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients." Omni Bridgeway intends unveiling a new global corporate identity in coming months. This will include a coordinated roll-out of new, consolidated Omni Bridgeway branding across all business units and a new website. ABOUT IMF BENTHAM AND OMNI BRIDGEWAY Following the merger of the IMF Bentham and Omni Bridgeway operations in November 2019, the combined group is a global leader in dispute resolution finance, with expertise in civil and common law legal and recovery systems, and operations spanning Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, the UK and the US. IMF Bentham and Omni Bridgeway offer end-to-end dispute finance from case inception through to post-judgment enforcement and recovery. IMF Bentham has built its reputation as a trusted provider of innovative litigation financing solutions and has established an increasingly diverse portfolio of litigation and dispute financing assets. IMF Bentham has a highly experienced litigation financing team overseeing its investments, delivering, as at 30 June 2019, an 89% success rate across 192 completed cases (excluding withdrawals). Visit to learn more. Omni Bridgeway was founded in the Netherlands in 1986 and is known as a leading financier of high-value claims and a global specialist in cross-border (sovereign) enforcement disputes. The Omni Bridgeway group includes ROLAND ProzessFinanz, a leading German litigation funder which became part of Omni Bridgeway in 2017, and a joint venture with IFC (part of the World Bank Group). The joint venture is aimed at assisting banks with the funding and managing the enforcement of non-performing loans and related disputes in the Middle East and Africa. Visit to learn more.

UK Legal Industry Reaches All-Time High in 2019

The UK Legal Industry generated revenues of £37.1bn in 2019, up 4.8% on 2018 – an all-time record, according to data released today by the Office of National Statistics. To put this in context, overall 2019 UK Services Industries turnover was £2.3tn, up 3.5%.

Legal Industry Activity Looking at activity specifically in the UK Legal industry (Solicitors, Barristers and Patent Agents), turnover in Q4 of 2019 was the highest on record at £10.1bn, the first time the £10bn barrier has been breached for legal services. This was up 11% from Q4 2019. And Legal Services now accounts for 1.6% of UK Services output for the full year 2019. To compare, Accounting Services (accounting, auditing, bookkeeping and tax, i.e. not including consulting) generated £8.2bn in Q4 2019.
UK Legal Industry Reaches All-Time High in 2019 2
Louis Young, Managing Director at leading litigation funder Augusta commented on the ONS data: “The Legal Industry in the UK has shrugged off the uncertainty of Brexit. The strength of our law firms and courts has grown in international recognition, leading to an influx of business from overseas. The provision of finance from external sources has been a significant contributor to this growth and will become more relevant as time progresses.” Louis Young is available for interview as required. About The ONS Data:
  • Office of National Statistics publishes regular data on the UK services industry – the Monthly Business Survey
  • Chart shows UK turnover for Legal Services (JQ3O) and overall Services Industries (JT28) for calendar years from 1998 to 2019
About Augusta Ventures: – Established in 2013, Augusta is the largest litigation and dispute funding institution in the UK by # cases. Augusta’s scale enables us to make decisions in market-leading timeframes and fund cases of any size. – Augusta is organised into specialist practice groups: Arbitration, Class Action, Competition, Consumer, Intellectual Property and Litigation, and sectors: Financial Services and Construction & Energy. – By the end of 2019, Augusta had funded 227 claims.