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Access to Justice for Developing Countries: Third Party Funding for Sovereigns in WTO Disputes

By John Freund |

Guest Post by Mauritius Nagelmueller, who has been involved in the litigation finance industry for more than 10 years.

Access to justice remains one of the prevailing issues within the WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB), especially for developing countries. To enforce the promise of a fairer trading system, developing country participation in the DSB must be improved, given that relationships between WTO members are predicated on power dynamics, rather than adherence to the rule of law.

Third party funding has provided access to justice for claimants with meritorious claims, but with limited financial capacity in the private sector, as well as in investor-state disputes. The industry is also capable of leveling the playing field in the DSB, as it can be utilized by developing countries to finance a WTO dispute.

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