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LFJ Member Leverages Informal Introductory Services to Finance ESG Claim

By John Freund |

Litigation Finance Journal is well-regarded as the leading publication covering the global legal funding sector, but what is perhaps less-well known is that LFJ also serves as a digital hub for industry stakeholders to connect, via our informal introductory services. A recent example illustrates the impact that LFJs access to the global funding community can have, as Brazilian attorney and activist Daniel Cavalcante leveraged our introductory services to raise funding for a claim on behalf of Indigenous communities in the Amazon. 

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Episode 76: Chris Garvey, Stonward

Hosted By Chris Garvey |

In this episode, we spoke with Chris Garvey, member of the Board of Investments at Stonward. Chris discussed the litigation funding market in Spain, the challenges and opportunities for funders there,…

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