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High Court Trial Begins for Clydesdale Bank Loans Case

Group actions remain powerful tools for small businesses to seek justice and financial compensation when they feel that they have been wronged. The start of a trial in the English High Court over the mis-selling of fixed rate loans, once again shows the potential of these claims. Reporting in the Australian Financial Review and the Financial Times provides an overview of the opening day of the High Court trial for a group action brought against Clydesdale Bank, part of Virgin Money, and its former owner, National Australia Bank (NAB). The case has been brought by four businesses who are alleging that the Clydesdale & Yorkshire Bank mis-sold them fixed-rate loans. They claim that NAB and CYB falsely represented the fixed-rate for these ‘tailored business loans’ (TBLs) as a market rate and later charged unlawful break fee costs after early loan repayment. The case is being coordinated by RGL Management, a litigation funder based in London and founded by James Hayward, an Australian lawyer and investment banker. RGL’s ‘sueClydesdale’ case has registered around 900 businesses who took out TBLs between 2000 and 2012. According to the claim website, RGL aims to “commence legal proceedings on behalf of business customers of Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks, claiming meaningful compensation for the losses sustained (including consequential losses where relevant).” During the trial’s opening day on Monday, the plaintiffs’ barrister Andrew Onslow KC, argued that the banks “were charging large sums by way of break costs on what we say was an illegitimate basis”, and that the claimants were seeking compensation for “for breach of contract or restitution for unjust enrichment.” In the defendants’ written response to the allegations, Bankim Thanki KC stated that the banks “did not act fraudulently, negligently, or unfairly or otherwise (in CYB’s case) in breach of contract”. Furthermore, he asserted that the TBLs’ terms allowed CYB to demand the borrowers pay those break fee costs. The trial is ongoing and will seek to determine whether the banks are liable for any damages.

Is the Supreme Court ruling in PACCAR really clashing with the Litigation Finance industry? An overview of the PACCAR decision and its potential effects

The following is a contributed article from Ana Carolina Salomão, Micaela Ossio Maguiña and Sarah Voulaz of Pogust Goodhead On 26 September 2023, a new case was filed in the High Court of England and Wales on behalf of a claimant who, despite having received damages from a successful lawsuit, refused to pay litigation funders for funding previously sought. Legal representatives of the Claimants in this case are seeking a declaration from the Court that the clients’ LFAs “fall under the PACCAR regime as non-compliant DBAs” and have added that in reaching its decision in R (on the application of PACCAR Inc & Ors) v Competition Appeal Tribunal & Ors [2023] UKSC 28 (“PACCAR”), the Supreme Court has recognised “the importance of statutory protections for clients.” Is this the case? On 26 July 2023, the English Supreme Court (the “SC”) ruled in the widely awaited decision of PACCAR that litigation funding agreements (“LFAs”) where the litigation funder’s remuneration is calculated by reference to a share of the damages recovered by claimants classify as damages-based agreements (“DBAs”). DBAs are defined within s.58AA of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 (the “1990 Act”) as agreements “between a person providing either advocacy services, litigation services or claims management services” and are subject to statutory conditions, including the requirement to comply with the Damages-Based Agreements Regulations 2013 (the “2013 Regulations”). DBAs that do not observe those conditions are held to be unenforceable. By ruling that the Respondents’ LFAs would fall within the express definition of “claims management services,” the SC in PACCAR extended the statutory condition relevant to the DBAs to the LFAs that provide a percentage of damages to the funder. As the funding agreements used in PACCAR were generally not drafted to meet those conditions, the Court essentially rendered unenforceable all LFAs linking the return to a percentage of the compensation recovered by the client. This article seeks to provide a critical analysis of the PACCAR decision by considering, firstly, the stance taken by the SC in its statutory interpretation of the definition of what amounts to a DBA and an LFA. Secondly, this article focuses on how the market will likely react to the PACCAR decision, including whether it will adjust and adapt to the changes that this decision brings to the table. Background to PACCAR Issues in PACCAR have arisen in the context of collective proceedings being brought against truck manufacturers for breaches of competition law. By way of a decision dated 19 July 2016, the European Commission had found that five major European truck manufacturing groups, including DAF Trucks N.V. (“DAF”), infringed competition law. Based on this decision the Road Haulage Association Limited (“RHA”) and UK Trucks Claim Limited (“UKTC”) (together, the “Respondents”) each sought an order from the Competition Appeal Tribunal (“CAT”) authorising them to bring separate collective claims for damages on behalf of persons who acquired trucks from DAF and other manufacturers. As both RHA and UKTC had LFAs in place by which the funder’s remuneration would be calculated by reference to a share of the damages ultimately recovered in the litigation, DAF contended that such LFAs p amounted to being “claims management services” constituting DBAs. As RHA’s and UKTC’s LFAs constituted DBAs, these would consequently become unenforceable, as such LFAs did not meet the DBAs’ statutory requirements set out in s.58AA of the 1990 Act. DAF’s argument was rejected by the CAT and the Divisional Court (Henderson, Singh and Carr LJJ)[1] and the truck manufacturing groups (the “Appellants”) sought to file an appeal. The appeal was leapfrogged to the SC to assess whether LFAs in which a funder is entitled to recover a percentage of any damages would fall within the meaning of the legislation regulating DBAs. The Supreme Court decision in PACCAR The relevant issue regarding the definition of DBAs related to whether the Respondents’ LFAs would involve the provision of “claims management services” as defined in s.4 of the Compensation Act 2006 (the “2006 Act”).[2] s.4 of the 2006 Act defines “claims management services” as services which are “advice or other services in relation to the making of a claim” (emphasis added). Within this definition, “other services” would also include a reference to “the provision of financial services or assistance.” The appeal was allowed by a 4-1 majority (Lord Sales, Reed, Leggatt and Stephens). Lord Sales gave leading judgment, ruling that the terms “claims management services” as read according to their natural meaning were capable to cover LFAs. Lord Sales argued that this was based on the definition of “claims management services” being wide and “not tied to any concept of active management of a claim.”[3] In her dissenting judgment, Lady Rose agreed with the approach taken by the CAT and the Divisional Court, who had instead interpreted the terms “claims management services” as only applicable to someone providing such services within the ordinary meaning of the term.[4] Lady Rose did not however explicitly state what she interpreted to amount as “ordinary meaning”. Although the SC’s decision in PACCAR affects litigation funded by damage based LFAs, it more pronouncedly impacts opt-out competition claims in the CAT. In CAT’s opt-out collective proceedings DBAs are unenforceable pursuant to s.47C(8) of the Competition Act 1998, which states that “[a] damages-based agreement is unenforceable if it relates to opt-out collective proceedings.” This may be more problematic for ongoing litigation which was allowed to proceed in the CAT and Collective Proceedings Orders granted in such cases will have to be revised for funding to be permitted. Notwithstanding the particular consequences of this decision for competition claims, this article delves on its role in shaping a crescent market.
  1. The SC’s interpretation of LFAs as “claims management services”: a way for the law to shape a new market
By ruling on a widely accepted definition of what constitutes an LFA, the SC is presenting a new statutory interpretation of what amounts to an LFA that provides a percentage of damages to the funder. Historically, common law has been hostile to arrangements where third parties would finance litigation between others. Such arrangements were generally considered as being contrary to public policy according to the doctrines of champerty and maintenance.[5] However, the last 30 years have seen a major increase in the development of instruments whereby a third party agrees to finance litigation between different parties. With an initial increase in popularity of Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs) when these were firstly introduced in the 1990s, a major growth of the litigation funding industry followed, together with the more recent introduction of DBAs. Could it then be argued that the PACCAR decision represents a response by the courts to deliberately bring certainty to an area and a market that is growing and continuously changing? In PACCAR Lord Sales held that, as Henderson LJ also observed, “funding of litigation by third parties is now a substantial industry which, although driven by commercial motives, is widely acknowledged to play a valuable role in furthering access to justice.”[6] To this he further added that the “old common law restrictions on the enforceability of third party funding arrangements have been relaxed in various ways, with the result that this industry has developed.”[7] There is thus a clear understanding from the Supreme Court of the lack of restrictions surrounding third party funding, and an awareness of the role which litigation funding plays in furthering access to justice. If this was the background leading to the decision, how could one assess the impacts of a new statutory interpretation of what constitutes an LFA? In the PACCAR judgment, Lord Sales also referred to Parliament’s intention when legislating on Part 2 of the 2006 Act, which relates to claims management services. He held that what Parliament intended to do was “to create a broadly framed power for the Secretary of State to regulate in this area.”[8] This would entail the Secretary of State being able to “decide what targeted regulatory response might be required from time to time as information emerged about what was then a new and developing field of service provision to encourage or facilitate litigation, where the business structures were opaque and poorly understood at the time of enactment.”[9] In accordance with Parliament’s intention when legislating on Part 2 of the 2006 Act, the SC’s interpretation of LFAs as “claims management services” also broadens the powers of Parliament to “regulate” in this area. Lord Sales stated that although participants in the third-party funding market may have assumed that the LFA arrangements in the case were not equivalent to DBAs, “this would not justify the court in changing or distorting the meaning of ‘claims management services’ as it is defined in the 2006 Act and in section 419A of FSMA.”[10]
  1. Will the litigation finance market adjust and adapt?
As Shepherd & Stone have put it “litigation financiers provide capital that allows law firms to litigate plaintiff-side cases that they otherwise would be reluctant to pursue on a purely contingent fee basis.”[11] This is because, as also specified by Bed and C Marra in The Shadows of Litigation Finance, litigation finance starts from the premise that a legal claim can also be framed as an asset, as litigation finance “allows claimholders, or law firms with contingent fee interests in claims, to secure financing against those assets.”[12] The value of a legal claim as an asset is a function of the amount in dispute, the likelihood that this amount will be awarded and the ability to recover the award, all discounted by certain risk metrics. It can be argued that the rise of litigation finance as an asset class has provided funding specifically dedicated to addressing claimholders’ liquidity and risk constraints. Claimholders who had previously been unable to obtain various other forms of third-party funding may now obtain other forms of litigation funding.[13] This logic of sharing risk between claimholders and funder, while passing liquidity from funders to claimholders, has improved access to justice, as the scarcity of liquid funds are not an unsurmountable obstacle to litigate a meritorious claim. The PACCAR decision will certainly influence litigation funders’ choices when designing their funding arrangements, but it is unlikely that it that it will “throw litigation funders under a truck”[14] or prevent the funding of meritorious claims or the pursuit for liquidating those financial assets. To the contrary, the PACCAR decision could be interpreted as a trigger for this market to adjust, adapt and thrive. Litigation funders may explore new ways to structure funding agreements to ensure compliance with this decision and a more secure return on investment. The new interpretation of LFAs falling within the definition of “claims management services” will likely force all players in litigation finance to take into consideration the drafting of agreements not only for recovery and execution of judgments, but also when contracting and/or thinking of potentially defaulting an agreement. Litigation funders may and should interpret the PACCAR decision as a natural development for the industry. This decision, which has been widely awaited, can now also bring more clarity to the negotiation tables. Interested stakeholders who have been preparing for how PACCAR would impact the industry will now be provided with more confidence and guidance on entering LFAs. This leads to conclude that the PACCAR decision, whether it will be overruled or not, is a milestone to the growing relevance of litigation finance in England and Wales rather than a “blow”[15] to this industry. The mere existence of a Supreme Court decision in this niche area of law and finance marks per se the relevance of litigation finance as an asset class. Additionally, the PACCAR decision also shows that regulating on this alternative asset class can drive the behaviour of the contracting parties. Imposing further regulation may close the gap on information asymmetries and reduce entry barriers for funders and their investors, fostering competition and promoting a more balanced financial ecosystem. Conclusion  The PACCAR decision does not entail that access to third party funding will necessarily be hampered in England and Wales. As set out in this article, litigation funding is maturing in the country, and a rapidly growing market. Although this decision will mean further compliance with DBA regulations, it should not undermine access to justice and the pace of litigation funding growth. Nonetheless, as the decision does impose a new statutory interpretation of the law, law firms, claimants and litigation funders will all inevitably face additional scrutiny when entering into funding agreements and they will be compelled to revise their current LFAs to make sure they do not fall within the definition of a DBA and, therefore, become unenforceable. These revisions are expected to be easily cured in most cases, with restructured compliant agreements when needed. Citations: [1] [2021] EWCA Civ 299, 1 WLR 3648. [2] s.58AA of the 1990 Act incorporates the definition of “claims management services”2 set out in the 2006 Act (and subsequently the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA 2000”)). [3] PACCAR [63]. [4] PACCAR [254]. [5] PACCAR [11]. See also PACCAR [55] which provides that in “the Arkin decision in 2005 the Court of Appeal confirmed that an arrangement whereby a third party funder who financed a claim in the expectation of receiving a share of any recovery, under an arrangement which left the claimant in control of the litigation, was non-champertous and hence was enforceable.” Note that whilst the doctrines of maintenance and champerty are now obsolete in England and Wales, in countries such as Ireland there is a continuing prohibition on maintenance and champerty, which has meant an effective prohibition on third party funding of litigation in those jurisdictions, save in limited circumstances. [6] PACCAR [11]. [7] PACCAR [11]. [8] PACCAR [61]. [9] PACCAR [723] [10] PACCAR [91] [11] Joanna M. Shepherd & Judd E. Stone II, Economic Conundrums in Search of a Solution: The Functions of Third Party Litigation Finance, 47 ARIZ. ST. L.J. 919 (2015) at 929-30. [12] Suneal Bedi and William C. Marra, The Shadows of Litigation Finance, Vanderbilt Law Review, Vo. 74 Number 3 (April 2021) at 571. [13] Suneal Bedi and William C. Marra, The Shadows of Litigation Finance, Vanderbilt Law Review, Vo. 74 Number 3 (April 2021) at 586. [14] PACCAR – Supreme Court throws Litigation Funders under a truck, Simmons+Simmons, 26 July 2023. [15]  UK's Supreme Court Strikes Blow to Litigation Funding, Law International, 26 July 2023.

Legal-Bay Lawsuit Settlement Funding Launches New Site for Commercial Litigation Loans

Legal-Bay LLC, The Lawsuit Settlement Funding Company, a leader in lawsuit funding services and legal funding with the fastest approval process in the industry, announced today that they have launched a new site for commercial litigation case funding and will be focusing on funding more commercial litigation cases for the foreseeable future. For over a decade, Legal-Bay has been dedicated to funding large and complex commercial litigation cases. However, they have now expanded to accommodate more clientele as they've seen a surge in cases where clients have been disqualified for advances from other funding companies. Legal-Bay specializes in complex business and commercial cases and has a team of attorneys and large institutional investors ready to evaluate cases in an expedited manner in effort to grant plaintiffs their requested funding amount. Whether you are looking for $10,000 or up to $10MM, Legal-Bay can assist you with getting the capital or lawsuit cash advance you need to see your case through to final settlement payment. Chris Janish, CEO commented on the company's new focus and target on commercial litigation pre settlement advances, "Although we have been very active in the commercial litigation funding industry for over a decade for cases ranging over $500K in funding, we have found that the lower end of the market is underserved.  Plaintiffs who need smaller funding amounts in the range of $10K to $500K is something our in-house underwriting team can process quickly and fund within a week of due diligence.  We believe that we are the only commercial litigation funder that is dedicated to this specific target market at this time."  To apply for funding on your commercial litigation case with Legal-Bay—known as "one of the best lawsuit loan companies"—or if you're looking for a loan on lawsuit, to get started with the 24 to 48-hour approval process on your settlement or pre-settlement funding request, please call 877.571.0405 or visit: 

Stephanie Southwick Joins Law Finance Group as Senior Investment Counselor

Law Finance Group (LFG) has announced that Stephanie Southwick has joined the San Francisco-based funder in the role of Senior Investment Counselor. Southwick joins LFG, having spent four years at Omni Bridgeway as an investment manager and legal counsel, alongside a position at the Santa Clara University School of Law as an Adjunct Professor of Law. Southwick brings an additional 15 years’ experience in the legal sector, including a decade as the managing partner of Greenfield Southwick LLP. Kevin McCaffrey, president and CEO of LFG, described Southwick as “a key addition for LFG” and highlighting her “stellar reputation among leading law firms as both a litigation finance professional and litigator.” McCaffrey emphasised the experience and expertise that Southwick brings to the LFG team, saying that the appointment “signals our continued commitment to growing our portfolio of early stage case investments and law firm portfolios.” Southwick expressed her excitement to join LFG, stating that she was looking forward to working with the LFG team to “provide funding opportunities spanning the life cycle of a case from the early days of litigation through final resolution.” Commenting on why she chose LFG, Southwick explained that “LFG’s ability to offer personalized service while having ready capital on the balance sheet is exactly what plaintiffs and their law firms need.”

SpectraLegal Facing Compulsory Strike-Off

As we approach the final months of 2023, a year that was perhaps expected to be one of unparalleled growth for the litigation funding industry, we are seeing signs that the increase in market competition is putting several funders in precarious positions. This challenging environment has been emphasised by new reporting which suggests that another UK funder is set to close up shop before the year is done. Investigative reporting by The Law Society Gazette reveals that UK litigation funder SpectraLegal appears to have ceased operations, and is in the process of shutting its doors for good. The Gazette’s deputy news editor, John Hyde, discovered that the funder’s Companies House’ page now includes a ‘notice for compulsory strike-off’. A compulsory strike-off is usually issued where a company has failed to meet its legal requirements to continue operating or has ceased trading. The notice published on September 26th reads as follows: “The Registrar of Companies gives notice that, unless cause is shown to the contrary, the Company will be struck off the register and dissolved not less than 2 months from the date shown above. Upon the Company’s dissolution, all property and rights vested in, or held in trust for, the Company are deemed to be bona vacantia, and will belong to the Crown.” The Gazette’s article goes on to explain that SpectraLegal has not been operating for many months, having ceased all lending operations, and laid off its employees. The London-based funder was founded back in 2014 and according to the still active company website, focused on three primary service areas: specialised funding schemes, equity release, and disbursement funding.  SpectraLegal does not appear to have made any public statements regarding its apparent winding down of operations, with the company’s LinkedIn page having remained inactive for the past nine months.

How Funders Assess Prospective Cases

As many leaders in the litigation finance space have noted in interviews and at industry conferences, one of the most important ways to increase market growth is by providing education to potential clients about how third-party funding operates. A core aspect of this education strategy is ensuring that those considering the use of outside funding understand what information funders are looking for when assessing a case. A new post from Harbour Litigation Funding seeks to provide a simplified and straightforward guide for potential customers, offering four key factors that funders will focus on when analysing the merits of a funding opportunity. Firstly, the article points out that whilst the merits of a case are very important, funders will not pursue those cases where there is not a clear path to recoverability for any potential award or damages. Included within this first assessment area are issues such as the defendant’s financial capability to pay an award, the jurisdiction-specific conditions for any potential enforcement, and the expected duration of any recovery process. Alongside the issue of recoverability, the realistic value of any potential claim is equally key, with funders being naturally hesitant about overly inflated claim values given the extended duration of cases and rising legal costs. As a result, funders are looking to understand how these values have been calculated before seeing whether a case might meet their requirements. As a follow-on from this factor, funders are equally concerned with making sure that a realistic budget has been worked out. As Harbour emphasises, a smaller budget is not necessarily more attractive than a larger proposed budget, especially if the latter has accurately accounted for the various ways in which costs can inflate over time. Finally, even where all these conditions are met, funders will still want to scrutinise and establish whether there is genuine merit to the legal argument being pursued. As part of this assessment, funders are keen to understand the risks associated with the claim and the ways in which those risks can be managed.

LCM Announces Share Buyback Programme

Litigation Capital Management Limited (AIM:LIT), an alternative asset manager specialising in dispute financing solutions internationally, today announces that it intends to commence a share buyback programme in respect of its ordinary shares up to a maximum consideration of A$10.0 million from the date of this announcement (the "Share Buyback Programme"). The purpose of the Share Buyback Programme is to reduce the share capital of the Company in order to return value to shareholders. The Share Buyback Programme was first announced in the full year audited results for the year ended 30 June 2023 released on 19 September 2023. LCM has entered into an irrevocable non-discretionary instruction with Canaccord Genuity Limited ("Canaccord") in relation to the purchase by Canaccord, acting as principal during the period commencing on 5th October 2023 and ending upon the publication of the full year audited results of the Company for the year ended 30th June 2024, of Ordinary Shares for an aggregate consideration (excluding expenses) of no greater than A$10.0 million and the simultaneous on-sale of such Ordinary Shares by Canaccord to LCM, where they will be held in treasury. Canaccord will make its trading decisions concerning the timing of the purchases of Ordinary Shares independently of, and uninfluenced by, the Company. The Share Buyback Programme will be conducted within certain pre-set parameters, and in accordance with Chapter 12 of the UK Listing Rules and the provisions of the Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014/EU as amended by the Market Abuse (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 ("UK MAR") and the Commission Delegated Regulation 2016/1052/EU as amended by Technical Standards (Market Abuse Regulation) (EU Exit) Instrument 2019 which both form part of the law of the United Kingdom by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. Notwithstanding the average daily volume restrictions set out in Article 3(3) (b) of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, the Company may make purchases in excess of these volume restrictions, subject to prevailing market conditions and liquidity.

Member Spotlight: Joshua Masia

Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer at Prior to founding, he led various data, technology, and product initiatives at some of the largest financial institutions and a category-defining FinTech: JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock, and iCapital. He has spent the past 15 years devising technical & business solutions across manufacturing, life sciences, and financial services. He holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University.

Company Name & Description: is the first Deal Relationship Management (DRM) platform, revolutionizing the way private market deals are handled. Harnessing the power of Generative AI and other advanced algorithms, automates the complexities and non-linearity of deal-making. The platform streamlines origination, due diligence, and distribution of private assets, eliminating traditional, labor-intensive processes. empowers sellers and buyers of alternative products to connect effortlessly at the deal level, enhancing the overall human experience and allowing users to focus on building and nurturing valuable relationships. With automation at its core, maximizes revenue potential and elevates deal-making capabilities in private markets.

Company Website:

Year Founded: 2021

Headquarters: New York

Area of Focus: Building solutions for the litigation finance community. He aims to solve core issues that have plagued the space for years, facilitating more efficient and effective deal management for all stakeholders.

Member Quote: "Litigation funding democratizes the legal system, leveling the playing field for those seeking justice. Generative AI and DRM technology are pivotal in expanding and driving greater adoption in the litigation finance market. They enable us to revolutionize how legal deals are managed, making the process more accessible and efficient for all parties involved."

Highlights from the 6th Annual LF Dealmakers Conference

From September 26th-28th, LF Dealmakers hosted its sixth annual event in New York City. The three-day conference kicked off with a workshop on navigating the Mass Torts landscape, and an opening reception at the James Hotel. Days two and three featured panel discussions and networking opportunities between key stakeholders in the litigation finance space. Wendy Chou, founder of LF Dealmakers, was extremely pleased with the outcome of the event: "For six consecutive years, LF Dealmakers has sold out, a testament to the growing interest and importance of litigation finance in today's legal landscape. We are immensely proud to have created a platform where the best minds in the litigation finance and legal sectors can come together for powerful connections and productive discussions.” Day two began with a pair of panels on the overall state of the industry and an insider’s approach to getting the best deal. The latter included a panel of experts, including Fred Fabricant, Managing Partner of Fabricant LLP, Molly Pease, Managing Director of Curiam Capital, and Boris Ziser, Partner at Schulte Roth and Zabel. The discussion revolved around the following topics:
  • Getting up to speed on funding & insurance products
  • How to fast track diligence and deal with exclusivity
  • Negotiating key terms and spotting red flags
  • Benchmarking numbers & making the waterfall work for you
One interesting point arose on the issue of judgement preservation in the IP space, where Fred Fabricant explained that he hasn’t seen a lot of insurance products in the pre-judgement section. “There are too many uncertainties, and it is very hard to assess the risk in this phase of the case.”  Fabricant is looking forward to insurance products in this phase. “In post-judgement, much easier for insurance to assess the risk, because you’ve eliminated lots of uncertainties.” Click here for the full recap of this panel discussion. The featured panel of Day 2 was titled: “The Great Debate: Trust and Transparency in Litigation Finance.” The panel consisted of Nathan Morris, SVP of Legal Reform Advocacy at the U.S. Chamber of Legal Reform, Charles Schmerler, Head of Litigation Finance at Pretium Partners, and Maya Steinitz, Professor of Law at Boston University. The panel was moderated by Michael Kelley, Partner at Parker Poe. This unique panel was structured as a pair of debates (back-to-back), followed by an open forum involving panelists and audience questions. On the topic of ‘what is a litigation funder?’ what perhaps seems like an obvious question sparked a passionate back-and-forth between moderator Michael Kelley and Charles Schmerler over whether entities such as legal defense funds and the Chamber of Commerce should technically be classified as litigation funders. After all, the Chamber accepts donations and then uses its capital to file claims—so would donors to the Chamber be considered litigation funders? One interesting point came from Schmerler, who noted that causal litigation is different from commercial litigation—especially from a public policy perspective. So conflating them under the semantic of ‘litigation funding’ isn’t as useful, even if they can each be technically classified as litigation funding. Click here for a full recap of this panel discussion. Day three offered four panels and three roundtable discussions, followed by a closing reception. One panel focused on opportunities in Mass Torts and ABS, and consisted of Jacob Malherbe, CEO of X Social Media, Sara Papantonio, Partner at Levin Papantonio Rafferty, and Ryan Stephen, Managing Partner of Pine Valley Capital Partners. The panel was moderated by Steve Nober, CEO of Consumer Attorney Marketing Group (CAMG). The wide-ranging discussion covered the following topics:
  • Who’s doing what in mass torts? How about funding?
  • How funders are evaluating and working with firms
  • Examples of the ABS framework in action & challenges
  • Pre- and post-settlement funding and time to disbursement
One key point for funders to consider, is that as more funders enter the mass torts space, they need to be cognizant of ethical considerations around marketing, PR, claimant communications—all aspects of a case that are unique to class actions and mass torts. Congress is now taking a look at how law firms market to prospective claimants, and should any lawsuits arise, funders will no doubt be corralled into the mix. Given that, it is critical for funders to mitigate the inherent risks by asking more questions at the outset of case diligence: What kind of advertising is being used, where are the clients coming from, how do I know that the clients are real (ad tracking)?  Funders need to be proactive about managing risk, rather than getting caught on the wrong side of a PR headache. Click here for a full recap of this panel discussion. Additional panel discussions covered topics such as successful models of cost and risk sharing, managing IP risk, and a CIO roundtable featuring investors in the space. In addition to the knowledge-sharing, attendees were able to network with founders, CEOs, C-suite officers, thought leaders and other key stakeholders in the litigation finance space. All of which makes the LF Dealmakers event the ongoing success that it is. Founder Wendy Chou spoke to the core ethos of the event: "At Dealmakers, we believe that connections and conversations are the keys to progress. At this year’s LF Dealmakers Forum, we were honored to host a number of critical conversations, including a thought-provoking debate on trust and transparency. It was a historic moment as we welcomed a representative from the US Chamber of Commerce to our stage, marking their first-ever appearance at a litigation finance industry event. It speaks to our commitment to open dialogue and advancing important discussions within our community.”