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Follow-Up: When Clients Go Bankrupt, Who Pays? 

An update to a story recently reported on: The case in the United Kingdom involving Cadney and their former client Peak Hotels & Resorts Limited has a new decision issued by the UK Supreme Court. 
  • The case involves Peak’s insolvency and inability to pay £4.7M in fees and outstanding costs. The UK Supreme Court justice presiding over the case stands to grapple with the thematic undertones of litigation finance, and whether a lien should be considered litigation funding or not. 
  • It appeared that the case may hinge on whether Cadney’s “deed” or “lien” against Peak is structured as a litigation finance agreement.
  • Cadney tried to argue that they did not forgo the right to payment when re-organizing terms and conditions and a new agreement. 
This week new details were presented by the liquidators in charge of Peak Hotels & Resorts Limited. The liquidation attorneys argued that Cadney’s intent was to end its lien against Peak’s assets through the creation of a new security (a litigation investment contract). The argument was furthered by asserting that if the lien was not expressly preserved in the new litigation agreement, then it is clear that the lien came to an end with the execution of the new agreement.  Ruling on the case is expected later this year, and we will continue to report updates on the story as they happen.

ATE Insurance in the Google and Apple Claims

The nature of litigation calls for achieving marginal gains in the courtroom that add up to victory. So, when Google and Apple both lost individual judgements for ‘unfair tactical advantages’ related to ATE premium disclosure, the global litigation finance community took notice. recently published commentary by Tets Ishikawa who is managing director at the litigation funder, LionFish. Mr. Ishikawa noted that both Google and Apple have shareholders who will suffer losses from billion-dollar awards associated with the decision in each case. 
  • As such, Google and Apple aiming to leverage ATE premium disclosures from their opponents holds some logic. 
  • However, Mr. Ishikawa argues that what is good for the goose is good for the gander – in that whatever disclosures are required in a case, the other side (no matter claimant or defendant) should be held accountable for providing similar information. 
  • Mr. Ishikawa highlights the millions of dollars in legal fees both Google and Apple are spending to limit exposure for allegedly breaking international antitrust laws.
If, in a world where Google and Apple won judgments to receive ATE premium information, Ishikawa argues the claimants would have had rights to request similar information on Google and Apple litigation budgets. Circling back to marginal gains, Google and Apple can still seek to obtain ATE premium details via unofficial channels. If so, then hypothetically, the claimants stand to earn tactical advantages in exposing Google and Apple’s litigation investment in purposefully profiting off of ant-trust lawlessness.  

Reaching for Gender Equality in Big Law

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, some firms are looking again at what can be done to address the gender pay gap at major law firms. Of course, the push for racial, cultural, and gender equality and representation has existed for decades. Still, women represent just over 25% of partners at the top ten major law firms. Minorities make up nearly 11% of partners. details that despite a rising awareness of the importance for diversity, much more progress is needed. The legal field is known for its adaptability and creative problem-solving. Surely this spirit of innovation can be applied to closing the gender gap in Big Law. It makes sense to use a familiar legal team to fight a high-stakes legal battle, but doing so is more likely to maintain, or even increase, the gender gap. Tools exist to make choosing a more equitable and diverse legal team. Burford Capital’s Equity Project presents a $100 million fund of capital that can be used to hire racially diverse and female-led legal teams. Origination credit is another area that can leave minority lawyers running to catch up. Compensation and promotions at big legal firms often come down to billable hours and origination credit. Many GCs maintain the understanding that the partner they work with gets the origination credit. Logical, but not necessarily true. If GCs simply asked about origination credits, that could make a profound difference. Affinity bias is the term for historically privileged groups and their tendency to gravitate toward up-and-comers with similar backgrounds to themselves. A 2021 McKinsey Women in the Workplace report states that only about 10% of white mentors take on female proteges of color. Law firms are likely to take client concerns seriously. Taking time to discuss diversity with the legal team of your choosing is an important way to help close the gender gap in the legal field.

Survey Tracks the Evolution of Litigation Finance

The popularity of third-party legal funding has increased exponentially in recent years. A new survey from Above the Law underscores this rapid growth.  Above the Law uses annual surveys to track the use and effectiveness of litigation funding. In the last survey, nearly ¾ of lawyers said that Litigation Finance is even more relevant to their practice. Now more than ever, clients, lawyers, in-house counsel, and other legal pros are open to using third-party funding for legal matters. Practicing litigators and in-house counsel are invited to take part in this year’s survey, the sixth for Above the Law.

‘Secondary’ Investing in Litigation Finance (part 2): Why, why now, and how to approach investing in Lit Fin Secondaries

The following article is part of an ongoing column titled ‘Investor Insights.’  Brought to you by Ed Truant, founder and content manager of Slingshot Capital, ‘Investor Insights’ will provide thoughtful and engaging perspectives on all aspects of investing in litigation finance.  Executive Summary
  • Evolution of Litigation Finance necessitates the need for a secondary market
  • Investing in Litigation Finance secondaries is much more difficult than other forms of private equity due to the inherent difficulty in valuing the ‘tail’
  • Experts should be utilized to assess case merits and valuation
  • Life cycle of litigation finance suggests timing is right for secondaries
Slingshot Insights:
  • Investing in the ‘tail’ of a portfolio, where most secondary transactions will take place, can be more difficult than primary investing
  • Dynamics of the ‘tail’ of a portfolio are inherently riskier than a whole portfolio, which is partially offset by enhanced information related to the underlying cases
  • Secondary portfolios are best reviewed by experts in the field and each significant investment should be reviewed extensively
  • Derive little comfort from portfolios that have been marked-to-market by the underlying manager
  • Investing in secondaries requires a discount to market value to offset the implied volatility associated with the tail
In part 1 of this article, I explored some of the basic concepts of secondary investing, specifically in the context of the commercial litigation finance asset class.  This article continues the discussion and explores some of the unique aspects and characteristic of the ‘tail’ of a litigation finance portfolio, why now is a particularly good time for secondary transactions and other investment considerations with respect to secondary investing. Investing in the ‘tail’ In a prior article, I made reference to three phases of risk in the context of litigation (there are more but let’s keep it simple for now).  As a case evolves, it moves from a phase where the case is “De-Risking” because more information is flowing to the point where both parties have an abundance of, and equal information about, the litigation (yet still have different perspectives based on subjective value judgments), which moves the case into something I referred to as the zone of “Optimal Resolution” (credit to John Rossos at Bridgepoint Financial who developed this ‘three phases of risk’ analogy). Optimal Resolution is a period of time where both parties understand what information the other party has, the legal precedents being referenced, and perhaps some insights into how similar cases would have been judged in the past.  With an abundance of information, the two parties should come together to form a conclusion around a reasonable settlement and bring the case to an end.  However, if they fail to do so, the case starts to enter into the “Re-Risk” stage where the parties typically commence with a trial or arbitration, at which stage both sides may get more entrenched in their positions and if they do the outcome ultimately becomes binary, as it will be decided by a third party (i.e., judge, arbitrator or a jury) without a vested economic interest in the outcome.  Any good litigator will tell you to avoid a binary outcome if at all possible, as these outcomes are quite unpredictable (i.e. your odds of winning may be better in Vegas). I make reference to these three phases because the ‘tail’ tends to capture the Re-Risk stage of litigation/arbitration, which is the riskiest part of the litigation process.  So, when investors are looking at a secondary portfolio of single case investments, they are almost by definition investing at the riskiest part of the lifecycle of the case.  Of course, that is not always the case, and it depends whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant.  If you are a plaintiff, you may have a number of interim procedural wins and so you may believe there is a stronger possibility of success as compared to when the manager first under-wrote the case.  Therefore, you may be feeling relatively good about your prospects. However, while one would think justice is equitable, consistent and repeatable, that is rarely the case, which makes this stage of the litigation process the most dangerous, as the plaintiff may be lulled into a false sense of security based on some procedural wins and damning evidence against the defendant. The fact that these cases are in the tail of the portfolio firmly suggests that (i) they have been going on for a long time, which means that (ii) you may have two entrenched, deep pocketed parties who are not likely to give in soon, which means that (iii) the outcome will more likely than not end up in a binary decision.  Of course, it may also mean that it is closer to resolution, as many cases have been settled on the ‘court room steps’. Accordingly, the risks are different than those of investing into a ‘blind pool’ portfolio where the cases have yet to be picked. In a nutshell, the investor in a secondary does not get the benefit of the early wins and relatively more attractive IRRs to offset the more binary characteristics of the tail, which likely includes bigger losses (if for no other reason than a loss in the tail means the original capital commitment has likely been fully consumed).  Since the secondary investor has to make his or her returns from the more binary portion of the portfolio, which means higher volatility as the probability of a loss is higher in the tail segment of the distribution (a well-known statistical characteristic), ultimately, it would be dangerous for a new investor to pay a premium, and conversely, it is likelier the investor will need to buy at a discount. But discount to what – original cost or current fair market value?  Discounting to cost is a fairly easy exercise, but may not be meaningful.  Discounting to fair market value is pretty challenging in the context of a tail comprised of single case investments, each of which is more likely than not in the Re-Risking stage of the investment life cycle.  Nevertheless, it is only logical that a secondary investor should treat the investment as though it was a new portfolio and underwrite every significant investment in the portfolio from scratch, to do otherwise would be reckless.  A “diligence light” approach is not acceptable given the potentially higher risks inherent in the tail and so as much, if not more, time should be spent underwriting secondary portfolios as compared to primary portfolios. Also recognize that when selling secondary portfolios the seller and their advisors are in ‘sell mode’, and so a second set of sober and skeptical eyes is probably the best way to value these assets.  An astute investor can also structure the investment by limiting its downside by negotiating a lower entry price in exchange for a sharing of the upside with the exiting investor, so that it becomes a ‘win-win’ transaction with the secondary investor getting some downside protection, and the exiting investor retaining some upside. A positive aspect of investing in the tail is that the majority of the legal spend has taken place and so your deployment risk is probably low, which essentially means that if you win, your ROI will likely be a multiple of a higher known number as compared to when the investment was originally underwritten. That’s IF you win!  It also means that you have the ability to determine the impact of fees on expected returns based on when the fees were charged in relation to when the cash was invested, which may help with the gross-to-net return spread issue that can be significant in litigation finance.  There is also the potential that these cases may settle relatively early in the life cycle of the secondary investor’s ownership period, which will likely generate stronger IRRs and MOICs, and hopefully minimize the ‘fee drag’ (the impact fees have on net investor returns). Why now? There has been much recent chatter in the litigation finance sector about secondary opportunities, so why now? Well, it’s mainly reflective of the extent of time the industry has been in existence.  The commercial litigation finance industry started in earnest between five and ten years ago in the US.  Accordingly, a meaningful amount of capital has been raised and a sufficient amount of time has passed to allow for the conditions necessary for secondaries – namely supply.  The supply mainly stems from a confluence of investor interest in liquidity for their longer dated investments, and GP interest in ‘putting some points on the board’, meaning they need to show some track record so they can raise a subsequent fund. Simply, the timing seems right, and when an institution needs a way to achieve liquidity for its portfolio, it will find a way to do so. How best to approach investing in secondary transactions? Different from other forms of private equity, acquiring litigation finance investments in the secondary market requires the expertise of a litigation finance fund manager.  I say this because of the risks inherent in the tail end of the portfolio, and the expertise required to assess this tail is the same expertise required to underwrite new investments.  It would be a mistake to confuse investing in secondary transactions in litigation finance with other private equity sectors like leveraged buy-out or venture capital, where the valuation metrics and approach to valuation are much more transparent and well accepted. Valuation in litigation finance is much more in the realm of ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ (aka “a subjective value judgment”), with one group seeing much more value in a case than another based on their biases and experiences.  Managers that invest in secondaries should be prepared to do extensive diligence on a large part of the portfolio, and certainly those investments in the portfolio that appear riskier and disproportionately large relative to the average case size in the portfolio. The other important element is to ensure that you have a diversified portfolio.  If you are purchasing a tail portfolio, then it likely means there are fewer investments than what was present in the original portfolio earlier in its investment cycle; hence, there will be a higher degree of volatility, in statistical terms.  Since there are now fewer investments in the tail portfolio and the early resolutions likely provided strong returns, the remainder of the tail has to stand on its own merit and so it will be important to ensure the tail portfolio is large enough to be diversified in its own right.  To the extent it is not well diversified, I would consider spreading your overall secondary allocations across more than one portfolio, until you get a desired (target) degree of diversification (case types, case sizes, geographies, defendants, law firms, etc.) with a limited concentration risk within the portfolio.  A portfolio with 50 cases might seem diversified, but if three of those cases represent 30% of the capital and they all turn out to be losers (which is statistically a very real potential outcome), then it puts a lot of pressure on the remaining portfolio to both offset the large losses while simultaneously producing target returns for the portfolio as a whole. Lastly, I would consider putting in place an insurance wrapper for ‘first loss’ insurance.  This type of insurance can be expensive, and so you need to be prudent and careful not to over-insure.  You have to look at the risk of loss probabilistically, and such an analysis could show that you don’t likely have to insure 100% of the principal, but probably just a fraction of the principal, and preferably through first-loss coverage, where the insurer takes the obligation for the loss on the first, say, 20% - 30% of the portfolio (the riskiest portion, statistically speaking), and the investor is exposed for the remaining 70% - 80% (the decreasingly less risky portion). I think most secondary portfolios should be valued at a significant discount to market value with a range of probability-sequenced outcomes to triangulate to a valuation. The valuator should not lose sight of the fact that approximately 30% of litigation finance backed cases lose, and so this should be a starting point for the analysis of the potential value of the portfolio, and stress-tested from there to reflect the higher risk inherent in the ‘tail’.  However, there can also be specific investment opportunities which through the process of de-risking may represent better opportunities than they did before the de-risking process and the investor may be able to justify or may be forced to accept a higher valuation in order to be able to transact. In situations where the litigation is so significant that it can actually have an impact on a defendant’s publicly traded securities, you could also use options on the publicly traded securities of your counter-party to hedge your investment such that if you lose the case you make money on the hedge, and if you win the case, the cost of unravelling the hedge becomes the cost of an otherwise successful transaction.  Of course, any hedge will be imperfect as the stock price of the defendant can be influenced by a number of factors in addition to the outcome of the litigation, the very outcome you are trying to hedge. David Ross, Managing Director & Head of Private Credit at Northleaf Capital Partners notes: "We approach secondary transactions in a prudent and judicious manner with thorough analysis on concentration risk, deep dive on case merits and outcomes, as well as comprehensive financial diligence and modeling. We tend to mitigate investment risk by way of conservative structuring and cautious underlying assumptions that provide significant cushion for the investment." It is only through a cautious approach that one can successfully invest in commercial litigation finance secondaries.  Other areas of litigation finance (consumer, law firm lending, etc.) will likely have different risks and portfolio characteristics that allow for less extensive diligence on the portfolio, which may be a consideration for some investors. Slingshot Insights For those investors interested in the litigation finance secondary market, I think it is important to approach the investment with caution and a high level of expert diligence to offset the implied volatility that the ‘tail’ of the portfolio offers.  It is also important to understand the motivations of the seller – a manager looking to create a track record will have different motivations than an investor who needs liquidity.  The seller’s motivations may also offer insight into the extent price can be negotiated. It is important not to lose sight of the typical loss rate of the industry and the fact that the tail should exhibit enhanced volatility (more losses) as compared to a whole portfolio, and so an investor should model their returns, and hence their entry price, accordingly. Should you choose to make a secondary investment, consider a variety of options to de-risk the investment by sharing risks and rewards with others (i.e. insurance providers or the vendor of the asset). Above all else, make sure your secondaries are diversified or part of a larger diversified pool of assets. As always, I welcome your comments and counter-points to those raised in this article.  Edward Truant is the founder of Slingshot Capital Inc. and an investor in the consumer and commercial litigation finance industry.  Slingshot Capital inc. is involved in the origination and design of unique opportunities in legal finance markets, globally, investing with and alongside institutional investors.
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The McLaren case – A Step Forward, or a Step Backward for the UK Class Action?

The following article was contributed by Mikolaj Burzec, a litigation finance advisor and broker. He is also a content writer for Sentry Funding. The Competition Appeal Tribunal, London's specialist competition court, has confirmed that a special purpose company led by Mark McLaren, formerly of The Consumers' Association, will act as the Class Representation. McLaren represents millions of motorists and businesses who bought or leased a new car between October 2006 and September 2015 against five shipping companies that imported cars into Europe. The European Commission has already found that the car carriers fixed prices, manipulated bids, and divided the market for roll-on roll-off transport by sea. According to the Commission, the carriers had agreed to maintain the status quo in the market and to respect each other's ongoing business on certain routes, or with certain customers by offering artificially high prices or not bidding at all in tenders for vehicle manufacturers. The class action follows the EC decision. It is one of the first actions of its kind in the UK and damages for car buyers are estimated at around £150 million. The class representative Mark McLaren has set up a non-for-profit company - Mark McLaren Class Representative Limited - specifically to bring this claim. Mark is the sole director and only member of the company and therefore has full control over it. In a collective action, the class representative is responsible for conducting the action on behalf of the class. His duties include:
  • instructing specialist lawyers and experts
  • deciding whether to proceed with the claim and, in particular, deciding whether to refer an offer of settlement to the Competition Appeal Tribunal for approval
  • communicating with the class and issuing formal notices to class members by various means, including posting notices on this website.
An independent advisory committee will be appointed to assist in the decision-making process. The claim From 2006 to 2012, five major shipping companies were involved in a cartel that affected prices for the sea transport of new motor vehicles, including cars and vans. During the period of the cartel, the shipping companies exchanged confidential information, manipulated tenders and prices, and reduced overall capacity in the market for the carriage of cars and vans. The cartel resulted in car manufacturers paying too much to transport new vehicles from their factories around the world to the UK and Europe. Customers who bought a new car or van between 18 October 2006 and 6 September 2015 probably also paid too much for the delivery. This is because when a manufacturer sets the price of its new cars or vans, it takes into account the total cost of delivery, including shipping costs. For simplicity, car manufacturers usually divide their total delivery costs equally among all the cars and/or vans they sell. When a customer buys a new car or van, he pays for "delivery", either separately or as part of the on-road price. Although the car manufacturers themselves have done nothing wrong, customers who bought a new car or van between 18 October 2006 and 6 September 2015 are likely to have paid an increased delivery charge. The European Commission has already decided to impose fines of several hundred million euros on the shipping companies. The lawsuit seeks to recover these extra costs from the shipping companies who were involved in the cartel. The Competition Appeal Tribunal’s decision The Tribunal has authorised the claims to proceed as a class action. This means that millions of motorists and businesses could be entitled to compensation and these individuals and companies will now automatically be represented in court unless they choose to leave (opt-out) the claim. McLaren is the first Collective Proceeding Order judgment in which the Tribunal has explicitly considered the position of larger corporates within an opt-out class with the defendants having argued that big businesses should be removed and treated on an opt-in basis. The Tribunal’s refusal to treat larger businesses in the class differently to smaller corporates and consumers is noteworthy, and these aspects of the judgment will no doubt be of interest for the future proposed collective actions which feature businesses. McLaren further explored the appropriate legal test applied to the methodology in order to establish a class-wide loss at the certification stage. The Tribunal denied the defendants' strike out request, which was based on purported inadequacies in the claimant's methodology. The Tribunal concluded that its job at the certification stage is not to analyse the expert methodology's merits and robustness; rather, the Tribunal will determine whether the methodology provides a "realistic chance of evaluating loss on a class-wide basis." It further stressed that this does not imply that the Tribunal must be convinced that the approach will work, or that the methodology must be proven to work. The Tribunal emphasized the critical role of third-party funding in collective actions, as well as confirmed that the potential take-up rate by the class is not the only measure of benefit derived from the proceedings, with another benefit being the role of collective claims in deterring wrongful conduct. Despite the fact that the sums involved per class member may be little, the Tribunal focused on the fact that the total claim value is significant and that the majority of class members would be able to retrieve information about vehicle purchases. In the end, the Tribunal managed two issues that have been discussed in earlier decisions: inclusion of deceased consumers in the class and compound interest. Corresponding to the previous, McLaren was not allowed to change his case to incorporate potential class individuals who had died before procedures being given, because of the expiry of the limitation period. Regarding the latter, in contrast to the judgment in Merricks last year, the Tribunal was ready to certify compound interest as a standard issue even though it is common just to a part of the class who had bought vehicles using finance agreements. The Tribunal’s decision is conditional upon McLaren making adjustments to his methodology to account for the ruling on these points, and any determination as to the need for sub-classes. Case name and number: 1339/7/7/20 Mark McLaren Class Representative Limited v MOL (Europe Africa) Ltd and Others The whole judgment is available here:
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Burford Capital Explores Worldwide Antitrust Competition 

Europe and the United Kingdom continue to pummel United States technology giants with billion-dollar claims to kill marketplace manipulation related to anti-competitive behavior. This begs the question of if regulators in California and New York will embrace the idea of cross-border regulation. These perspectives are actively being considered by the world’s foremost decision makers in the field of regulatory innovation.  Burford Capital’s Q1-2022 quarterly explores the notion of antitrust litigation in the sphere of global economies. Burford alludes to the concept of global antitrust competition, which is a notion that touches upon a variety of issues that face individuals across the world. It is forecasted that simultaneous actions across jurisdictions may be the way forward, especially with recent sanctions against Russian enterprise as a result of the Ukraine invasion.  The White House is expected to issue various executive orders that aim to tackle the thorny issue of regulatory innovation, at the cross-border level. We have made 30 highlights to Burford Capital’s Q1-2022 quarterly for your general reference.  

The History of Litigation Finance in Canada 

In 2015, Omni Bridgeway opened the first litigation finance office in Canada’s history. Omni’s overarching goal was to offer access to Canada’s justice system. Since then, demand for investment in the Canadian litigation finance industry has continued to grow exponentially. Sophisticated, bespoke solutions are being developed in Canada to support marketplace innovation.  Omni Bridgeway’s new insights into the Canadian ligation finance industry suggest that ‘funding is not a monolith.’ All metrics point to the market supporting a cornucopia of different products and services to fit a variety of client needs in the space. Canada’s litigation finance space was born by funding large meritorious cases that afforded access to the risky enterprise of litigation. Litigation finance investment now serves as a risk mitigation tool in Canada. A basket of litigation claims can serve as a cross-collateralization facility. Anchoring a portfolio of cases can produce multiple returns for future firm and investor success stories.  AmLaw 100 firms are starting to embrace pooling portfolios for even grander return expectations over the long term. Similarly, the evolution of Canada's litigation finance space is begging the question of what other financial products are needed to meet opportunities for revenue generation. 

Litigation Finance Turns Justice into a Financial Asset

We’re all familiar with the phrase ‘equal justice under the law.’ Yet some would say the accuracy of that statement is debatable. Meanwhile, litigation funding, a practice developed specifically to increase access to justice, is sometimes painted as a way of exploiting lawsuits for financial gain. The Hill details that so-called ‘patent trolls’ develop IP or patent lawsuits with no intention of taking them to court. This could leave a damaging impact on small businesses that must spend limited resources fighting the accusation. The Litigation Finance industry has been accused of increasing its investment in so-called patent trolls—especially since patent lawsuits have become a popular case type for funders and investors. Those who oppose funded patent cases make much of Litigation Finance investors being hedge funds and private equity firms. Steps to curb third-party legal funding for patent cases have been introduced. The Pride in Patent Ownership Act would require disclosure of the identities of patent owners. The thinking is that this transparency would discourage funders from bankrolling patent cases. The bill is supported by Democrat Patrick Leahy and Republican Thom Tillis. Also under fire is the NHK-Fintiv rule, which states that a Patent Trial and Appeal Board review is denied if a case is already underway. This would send a message that the validity of the patent is uncertain—otherwise, PTAB could have made a ruling on the merits of the case. Those who oppose funding patent litigation claim that the current system “punishes” innovators by forcing them to prove that their innovations aren’t based on, or utilize existing patents. Some even assert that third-party legal funders are “twisting” existing patent law—generating a profit for investors by taking it from business owners and product developers. The word “extortion” has even been used to describe funder involvement in patent cases.

Calls to Regulate Consumer Legal Funding

A recent opinion piece on Consumer Legal Funding pulls no punches in its condemnation of the industry. Its author, Kirsten John Foy, refers to being a “victim” of “predatory practices” of third-party funders. Foy utilized the services of a third-party funder after a violent police assault led to his hospitalization. To cover his living expenses as he awaited legal adjudication, Foy received a cash advance against his expected settlement. Lohud explains that after a settlement was reached, Foy’s financial obligations to the funder left him with what he describes as a “small fraction” of a six-figure settlement. The majority of the settlement was owed to legal funder LawCash. It’s unclear what interest rate or funding terms Foy agreed to, yet what is clear is that despite having a voluntary agreement with LawCash, Foy felt victimized and misled—claiming that LawCash had capitalized on his misfortune. As we know, the Consumer Legal Funding industry is experiencing tremendous growth. Non-recourse funding has been in the US for decades and has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry. Foy suggests that laws capping interest rates and mandating disclosure would reduce the victimization of those who accept funding—as well as expose conflicts of interest. Foy paints the funding industry as taking advantage of its clients: first responders, the wrongfully convicted, injured athletes, victims of corporate negligence, and other survivors of police brutality. Foy regards his story as a cautionary tale and hopes it will encourage lawmakers to enact further regulation, including interest caps. Time will tell how many legislators agree.

When Clients Go Bankrupt, Who Pays? 

This week in the United Kingdom, a case is being heard involving the ligation powerhouse Cadney, regarding their former client Peak Hotels & Resorts Limited. The case involves Peak’s insolvency and inability to pay £4.7M in fees and outstanding costs. The UK Supreme Court justice presiding over the case stands to grapple with the thematic undertones of litigation finance, and whether a lien should be considered litigation funding or not. asks the question if attorneys should be penalized for protecting themselves when a client is unwilling to issue due payments. It appears that the case may hinge on whether Cadney’s “deed” or “lien” against Peak is structured as a litigation finance agreement.  Cadney foreshadows an unsuccessful ruling in the case would result in chilling industry effects. However, Peak seems to be arguing the structure of the deed harbors rights and rules associated with a losing litigation finance agreement, henceforth Peak is not liable for fees.  The case is ongoing; and we will continue to provide updates as they arise.

When Divorce Litigation Finance Turns Ugly 

Protecting access to justice is a hallmark of the litigation finance industry. Divorce is no exception. Success stories rain in regarding instances where one party is being ‘jerked around’ with no access to capital. Litigation funders pride themselves on enabling access to justice, but what happens when a funder does its part and the couple decide to push the funder out of its just reward?  Hunters Law examines an instance of divorce with a near £1M award, structured to bamboozle a litigation funder out of its return. The contentious debate of whether the funder was defrauded is not the question, according to author Polly Atkins’ review of the situation. Offering several citations, Ms. Atkins points out the precarious loophole that many divorce litigation agreements embody, one being that the funder is a third wheel that can be cut off if clever clients orchestrate such an occurrence during divorce proceedings.  Ms. Atkins goes on to outline that the funder in question has various avenues to clawback their reward in this particular proceeding. Check out the entire post to learn Ms. Atkins’ full take on the issue.

Allen Fagin is Bullish on Litigation Finance

Allen Fagin is a former partner of Proskauer Rose LLP, where he served as the firm’s chairman from 2005 to 2011. Today, Mr. Fagin is a senior advisor and board member of Validity Finance LLC. Recently, Mr. Fagin penned an op-ed for Reuters Westlaw on the innovative aspects of litigation finance that are contributing to the United States’ legal system.  Writing in Westlaw Today, Mr. Fagin reports that litigation finance is now widely embraced by large firms, with 76% of in-house attorneys reporting usage of ligation finance tools. Mr. Fagin goes on to assert that legal finance will continue to grow in popularity over the next decade. Fagin forecasts that many law firm leaders will continue to explore the benefits of litigation finance to meet and even exceed client expectations, while expanding the firm’s bottom line.  Fagin points to new research findings of the 2021 Law Firm Business Leaders Report, published jointly by Georgetown Law and the Thomson Reuters Institute … highlighting that 80% of law firm leaders are empowered to drive innovation in their office. While this seems exciting, the same study points out that 47% of respondents felt that firm partners were a barrier to such innovation.  Check out Fagin’s complete op-ed to learn more.  

Missouri Legislature Explores Litigation Finance Regulation

Missouri’s House of Representatives recently introduced the “Consumer Litigation Funding Model Act” in an effort to regulate disclosure of litigation funding agreements at the time of case discovery. If the bill is passed into law, all litigation finance investments would be regulated by Missouri’s Department of Commerce and Insurance. The bill appears to be a lobbying product of the American Property and Casualty Insurance Association. reports that the bill states that  “... A consumer or the consumer's legal representative shall, without awaiting a discovery request, provide to all parties to the litigation, including the consumer's insurer if prior to litigation, any litigation financing contract or agreement under which anyone, other than a legal representative permitted to charge a contingent fee representing a party, has a right to receive compensation or proceeds from the consumer that are contingent on and sourced from any proceeds of the civil action, by settlement, judgment, or otherwise.” Additionally, the bill would guarantee regulation on various consumer protections such as being able to cancel a litigation funding agreement within a five day grace period. Also, if a case is won but the collected damages are less than the litigation funder’s investment, the claimant would not be responsible for the excess of the recovery, according to the bill.  

Liti Capital Announces Staking Program

Switzerland-based Liti Capital has announced a new staking program on the Polygon Network. Liti Capital purchases interest in litigation assets to help claimants fund cases. If the case is successful, token holders earn a portion of the proceeds. Liti Capital’s new staking program offers an intermediary method of earning a return on investment during a case’s lifecycle.  According to a recent Liti Capital press release, the executive team researched various options before choosing Polygon for their staking efforts. A second layer protocol on top of the Ethereum blockchain, Polygon offers significant cost savings and efficient transaction speed. Case in point, the Ethereum blockchain processes around 14 transactions a second for around $25.00/transaction. The Polygon network can process nearly 65,000 transactions a second for less than a penny/transaction.  Liti Capital claims its new staking program can garner significant interest.  For example, up to 1M Liti Capital “$wLITI'' tokens can be staked for 30 days for a 5% return, according to the press release. A 60-day saking period is said to garner 7%, and 90 days 10%. Various options are available to stake a portion of the proceeds for different time periods. A Liti Capital token holder can cash out their stake at any time, and the system will calculate earnings accordingly.  

Litigation Funding Misconceptions

According to a Bloomberg survey, 88% of lawyers believe that third-party legal funding increases access to justice. Noted legal scholar Maya Steinitz describes the practice as the most important development in civil justice in this generation. American Bar Association explains that despite some detractors, litigation funding has ingratiated itself firmly into the legal world, and shows no signs of slowing. Legislation is catching up, expanding the uniform application of rules and guidelines regardless of jurisdiction. At the same time, common misperceptions persist. Some lawyers worry that if they obtain third-party legal funding, they must repay the funder. In fact, litigation funding is provided on a non-recourse basis. If the case is not successful, funders lose any monies deployed. There is confusion as to what TPLF can be used for—and whether it must be used exclusively for paying lawyers. In fact, funding dollars can be applied to operating budgets, to cover case research, consulting, or expert fees, and can even be used to cover personal expenses as plaintiffs wait for their case to resolve. One of the more pervasive misconceptions about Litigation Finance is that accepting monies will allow funders to make decisions about case strategy or settlements. This is false. Funders cannot influence strategy or settlement amounts, nor can they legally push for a case to end more quickly. Are all litigation funding documents discoverable, and will that complicate matters? Not really. Even in places where disclosing funding contracts is necessary, exact details are kept sparse. Judges, on the whole, are ruling that funding need only be disclosed when there is a compelling reason to do so—specifically to avoid unnecessary complications. Finally, some think that using a funder and providing them information about a case negates attorney-client privilege. It doesn’t. Discerning reality from rumors will go a long way toward ensuring that those seeking funding understand the process, caveats, and benefits.

The €1.4B Steinhoff Securities Fraud Settlement 

Steinhoff International Holdings NV recently settled the European Union’s second largest securities fraud claim, finalizing three years of complex contentious negotiations. Steinhoff, a Dutch firm with headquarters in South Africa, once operated over 40 retail brands across 30 countries. At its pinnacle, Steinhoff was valued at nearly €20B … and then in December 2017, Steinhoff disclosed accounting irregularities and the stock plunged 90%. recently profiled the Steinhoff securities fraud scenario through to this month’s resolution.  Announcement of the securities fraud situation wiped out €12B in share value, and Steinhoff faced nearly €8B in international legal claims.  As it was not entirely clear if Steinhoff would be operational given the overall crisis, Burford was brought in to help victims of the securities fraud debacle recover losses. Burford outlines that settlement negotiations were forced to employ strategies to overcome conflicts of interest due to Steinhoff’s overall precarious financial predicament. Ultimately, Steinhoff’s settlement provides €800M to shareholders who were defrauded by the faulty accounting practices. Deloitte, which was Steinhoff’s former auditor, offered an additional €110M in compensation. Burford highlights recovering 20%+ of its client’s losses, an overall solution that still allows Steinhoff’s business to operate in the near-term. 

LexisNexis Report on Litigation Finance in the UAE

The litigation finance marketplace has been thriving in the United States, Europe and Australia. Meanwhile, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has one of the most imaginative and resource-driven litigation finance industries brewing in the middle east.   LexisNexis recently published an extensive report on litigation finance in the UAE. The report profiles leaders in the space using the trends and innovation metrics driving litigation investment across the UAE. Firms are developing bespoke systems and processes to maximize success in the region. Debating the best way to harness new technologies is the conundrum facing many ligation finance professionals in the UAE, according to the report. Meanwhile, competitive spirit seems to be driving litigation investment franchises across the UAE.  The UAE appears to be taking the bull by the horns when it comes to inventing new ways to uncover meaningful claims and solve challenges to claim success. The report outlines the necessary steps that several different firms are taking to evolve and hopefully prosper in the space. Overall, the UAE reports an increase in litigation finance caseloads with even more complexity than in years past.  Check out the complete LexisNexis report to learn more about ligation finance developments in the UAE. And we hope you enjoy the 60 highlights to the report we made in the link above, for general reference. 

The Benefits of Patent Litigation Finance

Being an inventor is part of the American Dream. The imagination, work and general effort it takes to invent a new product design is an overwhelming undertaking. Similarly, the patent process is no walk in the park. Obtaining a patent is a significant achievement, and when a patent is violated it can be a disheartening experience. Patent litigation finance can be a great solution to those looking to protect their invention(s). recently published a guide to navigating patent claims. Obtaining a patent offers the overall right to exclude unlicensed groups from selling or using an invention for a given period of time. If an inventor finds a patent is being violated, the would-be inventor may find themselves up against titans of industry, with deep pockets. With a bottomless litigation budget, many large companies steamroll inventor patents, if given the opportunity.  Curiam’s profile outlines the multiple options available to inventors who find themselves up against costly patent litigation scenarios. Litigation finance can offer various benefits to providing the necessary tools and resources necessary to fend off problematic patent abusers.  Check out Curiam’s feature on patent litigation finance to learn more.

Third Party Funding Can Impact Claim Cost 

With the third party litigation finance industry growing exponentially, trends show that claim investment may be cause for concern. US-based investment into third party funding in 2020 was around $17B. The global third party marketplace is expected to reach $30B+ by 2028, and many critics say this growth will stoke social inflation and overall claim cost. reports that the liabilities of insurance are expected to rise as a result of third party litigation funding. The concern hinges on increased investment equating to longer ligation periods, driving higher claim costs and high dollar awards. The marketplaces seeing such social inflation include medical liability, auto/trucking and general liability, according to the report.  Third party funding is seeing a return on investment reaching upwards of 25% in recent years. This return is outperforming private equity and venture capital, making third party litigation investment an even more attractive asset class.  

Steinhoff Settlement Gives Investors Big Win

After three years of diligent negotiations, a GBP 1.4 billion settlement went into effect against Steinhoff International Holdings NV. This represents the second-largest settlement against a European company in a securities fraud case. Burford Capital explains that Steinhoff, a Dutch business with headquarters in South Africa, was responsible for more than 40 retail brands in at least 30 countries. In 2017, the company announced accounting irregularities and that it would delay the public disclosure of financial statements. The following day, CEO Markus Jooste promptly resigned. An investigation revealed GBP 6 billion in accounting fraud allegedly conducted by Jooste and several other senior executives. Share prices declined by almost 90%. Two years later, Steinhoff found itself facing at least $8 billion in legal challenges. Unsurprisingly, the beleaguered company opened the doors to settlement discussion. In the eventual settlement, about GBP 800 million will be given to defrauded shareholders. Former auditors Deloitte, as well as D&O insurers, have put up GBP 110 million more earmarked for shareholder compensation. Institutional investors largely see this settlement as a positive outcome and a good sign for anyone who may choose to join a similar group action. Funding leader Burford Capital was instrumental in achieving this record settlement and demonstrates how the right choice of funder can make a profound difference. In addition to providing funding, Burford worked with clients to collect supporting documentation for the case and advocated for an effective and fair-minded settlement. Clearly, the role of a funder can extend far beyond the deployment of capital.

Litigation Insurance is Not Just for Plaintiffs Anymore

Industry norms suggest that in commercial disputes, litigation insurance for defendants is not part of the equation. Usually, it’s claimants who make use of this type of after-the-event insurance. But why does this perception persist? Legal Futures UK suggests that because litigation insurance can meet adverse costs, it makes sense for both plaintiffs and defendants. For defendants, this is particularly vital in the case of cross disputes, or instances when the defendant didn’t want to go to court in the first place. After-the-event insurance is only enforceable when a case is successful. Most insurance policies state that a successful case is one where the legal action is settled or adjudicated with terms that are favorable to the insured. Litigation insurance is a common way to manage risk, which is especially valuable to defendants who have fewer options and less control than plaintiffs. After-the-event insurance helps defendants mitigate adverse cost exposure, allowing defendants to devote more resources toward a strong legal defense team. Ultimately, underwriters should be tailoring litigation insurance to meet the unique needs of clients—be they plaintiffs or defendants. For defendants, calculating the insurance premium against the possible adverse costs is an easy choice.

Burford Capital surpasses $100 million in Equity Project commitments

Burford Capital—the leading global finance and asset management firm focused on law—today announces that it has crossed a significant milestone in its groundbreaking initiative designed to increase diversity in the business of law, with more than $100 million in cumulative Equity Project commitments made to back commercial litigation and arbitration led by female and racially diverse lawyers.

The Equity Project earmarks legal finance capital to promote diversity by giving historically underrepresented lawyers an edge as they pursue leadership positions in significant commercial litigations and arbitrations. The Equity Project also augments companies’ ESG and DEI initiatives by providing incentives for the firms that represent them to appoint historically underrepresented lawyers and to award them origination credit.

The Equity Project first launched in October 2018 with $50 million earmarked to back commercial matters led by women. After having committed more than that amount by December 2020, Burford announced an expansion of The Equity Project in October 2021, earmarking a further $100 million, broadening The Equity Project’s mission to promote both racial and gender diversity in law, and pledging to contribute a portion of its profits from successfully resolved phase two Equity Project matters to organizations that promote development for female and racially diverse lawyers on its clients’ behalf.

As of February 28, with more than half of phase two funds committed, Burford has now made more than $100 million in cumulative commitments to Equity Project matters.

Matters funded to date in this phase of The Equity Project include contract disputes, antitrust, federal statutory, IP/patent and treaty arbitration matters, with female and racially diverse litigators in leadership roles (first or second chair) as well as women-owned firms. Clients include large corporations and large litigation boutiques.

Aviva Will, Co-COO of Burford Capital and leader of The Equity Project initiative, said: “We are delighted by the overwhelming response to phase two of The Equity Project, particularly from corporate clients, and that’s reflected in the fact that we have crossed this significant milestone in a short period of time. The Equity Project is core to Burford’s culture and a part of our daily work, and we look forward to committing the remaining funding soon.”

David Perla, Co-COO of Burford Capital, said: “I’m very pleased to see the rapid commitment of our capital in phase two of The Equity Project. As the industry leader, we recognize that we may be the only commercial legal finance company with the resources to make such a significant financial commitment to increasing diversity in law. We are aware of our unique position and take seriously the significant impact Burford can have on the legal market in all the work we do.”

The Equity Project is supported by 26 Champions from leading companies, law firms and organizations. A list of Champions and more information about The Equity Project can be found on Burford’s website.

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‘Secondary’ Investing in Litigation Finance: Why, why now, and how to approach investing in Lit Fin Secondaries

The following article is part of an ongoing column titled ‘Investor Insights.’  Brought to you by Ed Truant, founder and content manager of Slingshot Capital, ‘Investor Insights’ will provide thoughtful and engaging perspectives on all aspects of investing in litigation finance.  Executive Summary
  • Evolution of Litigation Finance necessitates the need for a secondary market
  • Investing in Litigation Finance secondaries is much more difficult than other forms of private equity due to the inherent difficulty in valuing the ‘tail’
  • Experts should be utilized to assess case merits and valuation
  • Life cycle of litigation finance suggests timing is right for secondaries
Slingshot Insights:
  • Investing in the ‘tail’ of a portfolio, where most secondary transactions will take place, can be more difficult than primary investing
  • Dynamics of the ‘tail’ of a portfolio are inherently riskier than a whole portfolio, which is partially offset by enhanced information related to the underlying cases
  • Secondary portfolios are best reviewed by experts in the field and each significant investment should be reviewed extensively
  • Derive little comfort from portfolios that have been marked-to-market by the underlying manager
  • Investing in secondaries requires a discount to market value to offset the implied volatility associated with the tail
In my discussions with litigation finance institutional investors, the topic of secondary investments has been raised a number of times by those who understand the economics of the asset class and are seeking to take advantage of some of the longer duration cases and portfolios in existence.  In this article, I explore why there is interest in the secondary market, why now, and how best to approach investing in secondary investments, as well as some watch-outs. The concept of secondaries has been well established in the private equity world, specifically leveraged buy-out private equity, and, having been in existence for a couple of decades now, represents a mature strategy not only within leveraged buy-out, but also infrastructure, real estate, venture capital, growth equity, etc.  So, it is not surprising to see the concept applied to litigation finance. As David Ross, Managing Director & Head of Private Credit at Northleaf Capital Partners, notes "Having been active in private equity secondaries for close to twenty years, Northleaf has extended its secondaries expertise over the past few years to include investments in litigation finance, which is an area that provides attractive and uncorrelated returns for our investors. Executing investments in litigation finance requires dedicated expertise but can provide attractive transaction dynamics for both existing investors seeking liquidity and prospective investors capable of underwriting and structuring an attractive secondary." To begin with, let’s first define what constitutes a “secondary” transaction.  Essentially, a secondary is any transaction where one party is acquiring the interests from the original investor (the ‘primary’ investor) in an investment opportunity.  In the case of litigation finance, this could take the form of a single case investment, portfolios or LP interests in funds, among other opportunities.  In this sense, they are the ‘second’ investor to own the investment, as they have acquired their interest from the first investor through the acquisition transaction. Types of Secondaries In order for a secondary market to make sense, at least for institutional investors, there needs to be a sufficient number of opportunities that are adequately aged to allow for one party to sell at typically, but not always, a discount to either their original cost or their current fair market value of the investment.  These opportunities can arise for a number of reasons, as outlined below. For fund managers, they may be looking to raise a new, larger fund, and in order to do so they will have to demonstrate that they are good stewards of capital and that they can produce attractive returns to investors relative to the risk they assume.  If these managers do not have a sufficient number of realizations in their predecessor portfolios, they will have to create a track record by selling off interests in single cases or entire portfolios.  In this way, they will receive arm’s length validation that their portfolio has intrinsic value, with the idea that other potential investors should take comfort in the fact that a third party has assessed the attractiveness of opportunities and decided to invest at a value that is, hopefully, in excess of their original cost, or matches their internal assessment of fair market value.  Of course, this assumes that the purchaser is a knowledgeable purchaser of litigation finance assets and an expert at valuing litigation finance investments, of which few exist in the world, as valuation is perhaps more art than science. A relatively recent public example of this is Burford’s multiple secondary sales of interests in their Petersen case, which was sold in several tranches at increasing valuations as Burford continued to de-risk their investment through positive case developments during its hold period.  According to the Petersen article hyperlinked above, Burford generated $236 million in cash from selling off interests in the claim, which significantly benefited its reported profitability and cashflow, and evidently, fueled its stock price at the time.  All in all, a smart move by Burford to hedge its bets and de-risk its investment by selling down to other investors.  However, it remains to be seen whether those who acquired the secondary interests in Peterson were as astute as the sellers, time will tell. For investors, they may be in a situation where they are in a liquidity squeeze, and could be frustrated with the duration of the litigation finance portfolio and therefore wish to exit the remainder of their investment to redeploy capital into a new fund or a new strategy. They could also have had a change in management which created a shift in strategy, or any number of other causes.  For investors in individual cases or funds, they currently face a difficult task in finding a secondary investor to acquire their interests, which can be made more difficult by the fact that the manager may not be motivated to find them a purchaser, as there is no economic incentive to do so. The fate of these investors remains in the hands of the manager.  However, if there are enough investors clamoring for liquidity, then the manager may be forced to hire an investment bank or another intermediary expert to solicit the markets’ appetite and obtain bids for the portfolio; but this will come at a cost which is typically assumed by the selling investor. But is a secondary a “realization”? The short answer is NO! While a secondary can be an indication of perceived value in the market, it is simply a point-in-time estimate of value by the new, prospective owner that makes a series of assumptions to underlie their valuation. As such, it has no bearing on whether the case is more or less likely to settle or win, whether the defendant has the resources to pay, and whether it could take two years or ten years to collect. Litigation is well known to have a binary outcome.  In the context of large cases where there are significant dollars at risk, it may be in the best interests of the defendant to take the trial risk and deal with the consequences by ultimately settling for a fraction of the damages after the court decision is handed down.  In the Petersen case referenced above, it has been felt by some in the market that an award could still be years away (in the absence of collection frustration tactics that the Argentinian government may pursue); and even then, there is some concern that the decision may allow for damages denominated in Argentine pesos, which have been significantly devalued since the case began.  In addition, the Argentine government has defaulted on its sovereign debt a few times over the last numbers of years and is currently in default on its International Monetary Fund loans, so it is difficult to assess the risk of collectability. Just because you win a case, doesn’t mean you get to collect the spoils. Collection is a whole other issue and perhaps a topic for another article.  Suffice it to say, that a case is not completely de-risked until the ‘cash is in the bank’ (your bank account, not the lawyer’s trust account). So, I personally would take very little comfort in the fact that another party has looked at a case and made a decision that it has value – you would have to have a deep understanding of that buyer’s motivations (are they merely incentivized to get money invested? Are they motivated by Litigation Finance FOMO?) and that buyer’s ability to value litigation, which is difficult to do with accuracy because of the number of variables & uncertainties involved. Why are litigation finance secondaries interesting? Perhaps the better question is, “Are litigation finance secondaries interesting?” And the answer is, “It depends”. When you look at a portfolio of litigation finance single cases, there are a number of individual investments that typically resolve early in the fund’s life, and this usually gives rise to attractive internal rates of return (“IRR”), but low multiples of  invested capital (“MOIC”); then, there are those that resolve in and around the 30 month mark, which is a fairly typical duration, which should result in stronger MOICs and perhaps somewhat lower IRRs; and then, there is the ‘tail’ of the portfolio (see chart below).  The ‘tail’ of a portfolio refers to those cases that are outside of the normalized expectation for case realizations in terms of duration that reside in the portfolio near the end of, or perhaps even outside of, the investment vehicle’s life.  These cases could be outside the normal time distribution because the cases are highly complex, the defendant has tried to procedurally frustrate & delay the litigation, the case is going through a long drawn out trial or arbitral process, or the nature of the case simply takes longer (intellectual property, international arbitration, etc.) among other explanations. Often, when an investor is provided with a secondary opportunity, they are quite likely looking at investing in the ‘tail’ of the portfolio because the early part of the portfolio has already been resolved, and the proceeds have either been paid out or used to fund the cases remaining in the tail.  Investing in the tail has many implications for expected outcomes. The potential tail outcomes, as depicted with red arrows in the chart below, indicate the uncertainty in both quantum and duration of the tail. In part 2 of this article, I will explore some of the intricacies of ‘investing in the tail’ and explore considerations for investing in secondary transactions in litigation finance investments. Slingshot Insights  For those investors interested in the litigation finance secondary market, I think it is important to approach the investment with caution and a high level of expert diligence to offset the implied volatility that the ‘tail’ of the portfolio offers.  It is also important to understand the motivations of the seller – a manager looking to create a track record will have different motivations than an investor who needs liquidity.  The seller’s motivations may also offer insight into the extent price can be negotiated. It is important not to lose sight of the typical loss rate of the industry and the fact that the tail should exhibit enhanced volatility (more losses) as compared to a whole portfolio, and so an investor should model their returns, and hence their entry price, accordingly. Should you choose to make a secondary investment, consider a variety of options to de-risk the investment by sharing risks and rewards with others (i.e. insurance providers or the vendor of the asset). Above all else, make sure your secondaries are diversified or part of a larger diversified pool of assets. As always, I welcome your comments and counter-points to those raised in this article. Edward Truant is the founder of Slingshot Capital Inc. and an investor in the consumer and commercial litigation finance industry.  Slingshot Capital inc. is involved in the origination and design of unique opportunities in legal finance markets, globally, investing with and alongside institutional investors
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Does Legal Funding Generate Frivolous Lawsuits? Experts Say No

One of the most common assertions from Litigation Finance naysayers is that access to funding to pursue cases will result in frivolous lawsuits that lack merit. Claims that such filings will clog court dockets, especially at a time when delays relating to COVID are abound, continue to be rampant. But are they accurate? The second International Congress on Litigation Funding suggests that no, legal funding does not generate meritless lawsuits. Stonward explains that several arbitration experts gathered to discuss that very issue. Panelists included:
  • Antonio Bravo: Partner, Eversheds Sutherland
  • Daniel Rodriguez: Partner, CMS Rodriguez-Azuero
  • Luis Dates: Partner, Baker McKenzie
  • Heitor Castro: Portfolio Manager, LexFinance
  • Guido Demarco: Director, Stonward
Topics at hand included the assertion that litigation funding necessitates increased regulation around the globe. This is needed, some say, to prevent a flood of nuisance lawsuits that are essentially cash grabs for funders. But does that argument hold water?  First, let’s note that funding opponents assert that litigation funding “could” lead to a rise in frivolous claims. They do not assert that it has yet led there, despite Litigation Finance being a growth industry for more than a decade. Surely, if the number of meritless cases were going to increase—it would have done so by now in at least a few jurisdictions. Yet, that has not happened in any demonstrable way. Transparency and disclosure are still concerns from some anti-funding groups. This begs the question, is funding relevant to all cases? Or is disclosure a ploy by defense lawyers to obfuscate the facts of a case in favor of prejudicing a court? Panelists believe that disclosure should only follow actual relevance and avoid conflicts of interest. As such, no sweeping disclosure requirement should be legislated. Influence is another area of concern. But as LF agreements don’t allow funders to control settlement or strategy decisions, the point is essentially moot.

Legal Funding Looks Toward Interim Finance for Bankrupt Firms

Resolution professionals are increasingly turning to third-party legal funders in order to provide operating capital until liquidation is complete, or a new owner reorganizes the company. Economic Times explains that a corporate insolvency resolution process is a tenuous situation requiring a balancing act between making payments and keeping the business going. When lenders refuse to provide the needed funds, third-party funders can provide interim funds to cover costs. This type of financing, called debt-in-possession, has become increasingly popular in Australia, Canada, the US, and the UK. LegalPay CEO Kindan Sahi says that the India-based funder is targeting mid-market clients to fund these ongoing concerns until firms can support themselves.

Galactic Pulls Out of Hog’s Breath, Priceline Class Actions 

Levitt Robinson, class action lawyers leading the cases against Priceline and Hog’s Breath, estimate that it will take over $8 million to continue the Priceline case. The case is now in jeopardy, as funder Galactic Litigation Partners has pulled its financing. Executive Franchise Business details that class actions claimants in the Priceline case are likely to discontinue their pursuit of the case now that funding has dried up. The Hog’s Breath case is unfunded, and an order to provide $1.23 million in security for costs is outstanding. With one case being withdrawn and one on hold, it’s unclear if Levitt Robinson will be able to court the funding necessary to continue either claim.  

Litigation Funder Focuses on High Volume of Small Claims 

The United Kingdom is home to The Catch Litigation Fund (KLIF), a litigation investment portfolio that saw returns of about 16% during 2021. Traditionally, many ligation portfolios focus on a small number of high value claims, with long timelines for successful execution. What makes KLIF different is that managers invest in a high volume of lower value claims, with a shorter duration to maturity.  G., Opalesque Geneva recently issued a report on KLIF’s performance. Launched in 2020 with $56M, the fund focuses on financial services sector claims for investment. With an average loan of $6.7M, KLIF sports an average time for return on investment of just three to 24 months.  Organization is key to KLIF’s approach, and by partnering with attorney’s directly they are able to source claims with shorter overall durations. With this structure, the fund is able to loan directly to the firms representing cases. KLIF is run by Katch Investment Group, with offices across the UK, Europe and South America. Founded in 2018, the alternative investment fund manages over $800M in assets.

Omni Bridgeway Funds NovelStem Arbitration

The stem cell biotechnology firm NovelStem International Corporation has launched arbitration proceedings against NetCo Partners to maximize value from legacy entertainment publishing assets. Omni Bridgeway has been announced as the litigation funder backing NovelStem’s ambitions.’s press release on the developing matter outlines that NovelStem’s Chairman plans to extract value from their 50% stake in Netco Partners. Netco’s publishing arm, Net Force, has generated over $24M in total revenue since inception, and NovelStem anticipates substantial returns may be captured across digital, media and entertainment pillars.   NovelStem’s Chairman further details that litigation investment by Omni Bridgeway is enabling flexibility for broader investment in NewStem Ltd. Over the coming months, NovelStem plans to brief investors on the success of the NetCo Partners litigation and growth of NewStem Ltd.’s new investment dollars. 

Lion Air Flight 610 Victim’s Fund Embezzlement Probed by California State Bar 

With $2M missing from the Lion Air plane crash victims fund, California’s State Bar fears that disgraced attorney Tom Girardi may have embezzled the funds. Mr. Giradi was disbarred this past August, however, it appears that California investigators may have fallen prey to free gifts, plane rides and expensive wine from Girardi … allegedly tainting justice in the process. reports that the State Bar of California is launching a new investigation into their handling of Tom Girardi’s potential malfeasances. The question is if Girardi has been able to buy his way out of discipline by California officials. A federal judge froze Girardi’s assets in 2020, after growing concern that he routinely misappropriated settlement funds to bankroll his Beverly Hills lifestyle.  Recently, Girardi was diagnosed with dementia and late stage Alzheimer's. Girardi has previously been sued by a slew of Law Firm Funders, each of whom made financial misappropriation claims against him.