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News and analysis dedicated to the commercial litigation funding sector including regulatory issues, case developments, funding activities, and more.


2682 Articles

Key Takeaways From LFJ’s Podcast With Erik Bomans, CEO and Executive Board Member of Deminor

By John Freund |

On the latest episode of the LFJ Podcast, we spoke with Erik Bomans, CEO and Executive Board Member of Deminor. Mr. Bomans discussed recent developments and trends in litigation funding in continental Europe, including what the total addressable market looks like and how that is expected to grow over time, how country-specific jurisdictions are differentiated, some of the main barriers to investing in litigation funding in Europe, and how the regulatory environment across the continent can actually be a benefit to funders.

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Insolvency Funding in France 

By John Freund |

French insolvency proceedings have unique opportunities, according to Insolvency and Restructuring International. Third party funders can be engaged to help companies navigate insolvency proceedings. Oftentimes, French third party funders help…

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Video: Mass Tort Finance Innovation 

By John Freund |

Max Volsky (co-founder, chief investment officer and general counsel at Lexshares), recently profield how Lexshares approaches funding mass tort claims. According to Mr. Volsky, Lexshares often funds firm portfolios composed…

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LegalPay, India, and the Promise of Litigation Finance in Emerging Markets

By John Freund |

LegalPay is a Litigation Finance startup founded in India, an emerging market for third-party legal funding. Until recently, investing in legal cases was reserved for high-end investors. The advent of LegalPay allows retail investors—those of average means–to take advantage of the potentially large uncorrelated returns that have attracted savvy investors for years.

According to founder Kundan Shahi, LegalPay is the only formal player that offers third-party litigation funding for late-stage cases in India. One can’t help but wonder how this will influence the development of global Litigation Finance? Does LegalPay’s success foretell the rise of litigation funding in emerging markets? 

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