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US Development Sees Relaxed Rules for Law Firm Ownership

By John Freund |

Law firm ownership has been changing in recent years. Legal professionals in Australia and the UK are leading the world regarding ownership of legal firms. Recent developments in US states like Arizona, combined with a more liberal approach on ownership from the American Bar Association, means that the tide may be turning on this issue. Other US states are considering similar measures, including California, Utah, Florida, Illinois, and Michigan.

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NFL Concussion Lawyer Fights Order to Repay Litigation Funder

By John Freund |

Craig Mitnick is a New Jersey lawyer who represented hundreds of current and former players in a settlement with the NFL. After taking part in a $1 billion settlement, Mitnick is now fighting an order to repay loans from a litigation funder amounting to more than $2 million. He has asked a federal judge to vacate the award to the finance company Balanced Bridge (formerly Thrivest), which also made settlement advances to former NFL players.

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Financing Affirmative Recovery Programs

By John Freund |

Affirmative recovery programs are a growing trend, and with good reason. ARPs involve monetizing existing litigation once believed to be too costly or time consuming to pursue. Burford’s 2021 Legal Asset Report has some telling insights on ARPs. This year’s survey includes 378 senior financial officers of companies whose revenue is at least $50 million annually.

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