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Staffing Shortfalls? Portfolio Legal Funding May Be an Option

By John Freund |

As legal firms try to keep up with a spike in new litigation, a worker shortage is making an already tough task even more challenging. Many firms initiated a hiring freeze during the pandemic, and are now scrambling to cover staffing shortfalls. As competitive wages for lawyers climb, salaries for first year associates can be as much as $200,00 annually at Big Law firms.

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Litigation Finance Catches on in Canada

By John Freund |

Like many places in the world, Canada’s cost of litigation can be prohibitively high. Even meritorious claims may not be worth what it costs to pursue them—leaving good people victimized and the unscrupulous free from dissent. Enter third-party litigation funding. That’s when everything changes for Canadians seeking justice.

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A Looming Potential Risk of ESG Investment

By John Freund |

Bloomberg predicts that by 2025, nearly a third of assets under management will consist of ESG investments. Representing advances and social justice in environmental, social, and governmental systems, sustainable investments sound like a great idea for all concerned. But are they?

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Judge Considers Acceptability of ATE Insurance as Security for Costs

By John Freund |

After-the-event insurance is a common means of covering costs by both defendants and plaintiffs in litigation or arbitration cases. Often, such insurance can also be used as security for the defendant’s costs. Recently though, Deputy Master Nurse found in Addlesee and Ors v Dentons Europe LLP that not all ATE policies are suitable as providing security for costs.

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Legal Funder Accused of Misusing $10 Million

By John Freund |

Litigation lending has a reputation for unscrupulous, or even predatory behavior. One such lender, KrunchCash, was recently accused of squandering a large investment, hiding relevant information, and using threats to intentionally amplify risk to that investment.

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Discovery of Funding Source Allowed by Court in Nunes Farms Libel Action

By John Freund |

Recently, Magistrate Judge Mark Roberts released his decision in the NuStar Farms action, regarding discovery of the identity and terms of the third-party legal funder supporting the plaintiffs. Citing “unusual” circumstances in the case, Judge Roberts determined that disclosure was necessary in this instance.

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Litigation Finance: The Cost of Class Actions

By John Freund |

Litigation funding expenses are fundamentally related to the cost of doing business—so says a federal district court judge in their rejection of a request to recover expenses. In Perez v Rash Curtis & Assoc, the judge held that if funding expenses were recovered from a class settlement fund, that it would undermine necessary transparency—particularly in cases in which funding agreements were not pre-approved by the court.

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Former Oasis CEO Fails to Appear in Court for Oral Arguments

By John Freund |

Can a former CEO simply not show up for a court date? Not without consequences. Earlier this week, former Oasis CEO Gary Chodes was required to appear before the Seventh Circuit Court for oral arguments. These pertained to a resolved trademark dispute and the allocation of appeal costs. Judge Easterbrook presided, stating that there were valid reasons the motion to vacate could not be approved.

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Third-Party Legal Funding in Germany

By John Freund |

Germany is already well-known for its robust legal system, and is a preferred venue for international and domestic arbitration. Litigation funding has been in use in Germany for more than two decades. For most of that time though, funding has been used by cash-poor clients on a single case basis. This is beginning to change as funders step up and develop new solutions to meet complex legal funding needs.

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Mainstreaming Legal Funding: Good News or Bad?

By John Freund |

Third-party legal funding is on the rise, both in terms of major players and client requests. Money is pouring in from investors, and some hedge funds are even funding litigation without input from established litigation funders. But is mainstreaming litigation funding a good thing for industry professionals who already appreciated it before it was cool?

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Is There a Need for Tort Reform? Some Say Yes

By John Freund |

October is known by some as “Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Month,” referring to an alleged scourge of abuse of the legal system. One purported example is a recent $80 million judgement against Monsanto, a subsidy of Bayer. After a jury determined in 2018 that the pesticide Roundup caused cancer, ATRA President Tiger Joyce claimed it was based on “junk science.”

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Anonymous Aussie Solicitor Investigated Over Missing Funds

By John Freund |

Solicitor XY, so named because her mental health could be damaged if her name is revealed, has been charged with doctoring invoices to steal funds. Her client, Hanadi Rafraf, sustained injuries in a car accident and was later awarded more than $450,000. Yet her lawyer gave her documents signed by a claims assessor explaining that she would receive $132,000 less than her stated award.

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Litigation Funder Arrested in Slip-and-Fall Fraud Scheme

By John Freund |

A fifth member of a slip-and-fall fraud ring was arrested and charged in a Manhattan Federal Court. The scheme, which amounts to more than $30 million, appears to have begun in 2013. Adrian Alexander, age 75, has been charged with mail fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud for his alleged attempts to gain fraudulent insurance reimbursements. The case will be heard by US District Judge Sidney H Stein.

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Litigation Funding in Global Jurisdictions

By John Freund |

As Litigation Finance makes its way around the world, some jurisdictions struggle with the finer points. Typically businesses in places like Singapore and Hong Kong have a corporate structure that encompasses entities incorporated in their own jurisdiction, as well as offshore locales like BVI, Cayman Islands, or Bermuda.

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