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In-house Legal Department Guide for Litigation Finance

By John Freund |

In-house legal departments are enduring more pressure than ever to reduce expenses. According to a survey by Harvard Law with Ernst & Young, 88% of GCs stated that they’ll likely have to reduce legal spending over the next few years, while more than ¾ have difficulty meeting current workload goals. Roughly the same number have predicted that their workload will soon grow to exceed their budgets.

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The Benefits of Law Firm Funding

By John Freund |

At some point in the business life cycle, every law firm could use a financial boost. Law firm funding helps firms and legal departments monetize pending litigation by providing non-recourse funds. This differs from standard business loans which are paid back fully with added interest.

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Mainstreaming Class Action Cases and Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

This past year has seen multiple judgments supporting the validity of class actions—once thought ‘too American’ for many jurisdictions. London courts in particular have paved the way for collective actions against big businesses. Litigation funding has proliferated, and is spurring access for justice to parties who would otherwise be left out in the cold.

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A Guide for Choosing a Litigation Funder

By John Freund |

As lawyers, courts, and plaintiffs develop an appreciation for Litigation Finance, competition becomes increasingly robust. Demand for funding is up, as are the number of new funders throwing their hats into the ring. There’s a wide array of funding entities now, and they vary in terms of preferred case size, minimum and maximum deployments, jurisdiction, commercial or industry specialties, and more.

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Kosovo Welcomes Third-Party Legal Funding

By John Freund |

In recent years, Kosovo has taken a number of steps to promote foreign investments. Among these is the ratification of bilateral investment treaties with Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria, and Belgium, among others. In 2014, a Law on Foreign Investment was adopted, which outlines the use of arbitration for investor-related disputes.

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Omni Bridgeway CEO Andrew Saker Responds to Proposed Statutory Price Cap

By John Freund |

It cannot be denied that third-party litigation funding is a boon to justice. In many instances, it’s the only way that impecunious plaintiffs can have their day in court. At the same time, legal funding is a business that depends on ROI for investors. That’s why funders have a lot to say about a proposed new regulation in Australia, legislating a standard minimum return to class members in funded class actions. Some have suggested this guaranteed percentage be as high as 70%. Is that reasonable?

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Insights Into the Energy Industry

By John Freund |

The COVID pandemic has wreaked havoc on many industries, energy included. Energy usage fell, production disruption was rampant, regulations changed all over the world, and at least 19 energy companies filed for bankruptcy last year. Burford’s newly commissioned 2021 Asset Report explores the ways in which energy companies can use their legal assets to create revenue.

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Australia Eases Continuous Disclosure, Extends Virtual AGMs

By John Freund |

While class action attorneys and litigation funders are fuming, publicly-listed companies in Australia are breathing easier after continuous disclosure laws were relaxed. This move is expected to protect company officers against liability for deceptive, misleading, or incomplete disclosure to stockholders—unless fault is proven affirmatively.

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Insight on the Development of Litigation Funding in Ontario

By John Freund |

Canada has joined the US, UK, EU, Singapore, and Australia (and now many others) in having fully embraced third-party legal funding. Courts are seeing the value in the practice and are ruling accordingly. Combined with the increase in contingency fee arrangements—Canadian plaintiffs are seeing access to justice increase.

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ILFA Comments on UNCITRAL Working Group TPF Reform Proposals

By John Freund |

The International Legal Finance Association (ILFA), founded in 2020, is a global association of third-party legal funders committed to self-regulation and promoting high industry standards. The ILFA has provided commentary on the proposed new regulation, as well as context around the concerns purportedly being addressed.

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Motion to Disclose Legal Funding Agreement Denied in Boeing Action

By John Freund |

A motion to compel disclosure of a funding agreement was denied in a recent case accusing Southwest Airlines and Boeing of collusion to cover fatal aircraft defects. Damonie Earl et al v Boeing revolves around allegations that Southwest and Boeing colluded to mislead ticket buyers about 737 Max Jets—which were defective.

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Claims of Investment Losses Spark Investigation

By John Freund |

Leading litigation funder Omni Bridgeway is currently investigating claims made by CMC Markets’ Crude Oil West Texas Intermediate Cash product. Investors are encouraged to register their interest in a potential class action relating to investment losses and damages. This is not book building, but rather a gauge of interest in the matter.

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Should Legal Funders Be Required to See Cases to Completion?

By John Freund |

Claimants were shocked and upset recently when a settlement ended a class action lawsuit against James Hardie—leaving potential claimants without any compensation. One such claimant, Leslie Wheatley, stated that she and other claimants believed they had a strong case. Allegedly defective cladding systems caused their homes to leak, necessitating significant and expensive repairs.

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Class Action Against Mayne Pharma

By John Freund |

In 2016, anti-trust proceedings were filed against Mayne Pharma, asserting that it conspired with other defendants to artificially inflate generic pharmaceutical prices and restrain trade. This led to a 10% price drop over several days of trading.

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Of Course You Should Always Read the NDA Before Signing!

By John Freund |

Sometimes an NDA feels so basic there doesn’t seem to be a need to read it. At the same time, not reading something before you sign is folly—unless you’re talking about iTunes terms and conditions. In a recent case, Harcus Sinclair LLP v Your Lawyers Ltd, a partner in a law firm admitted to not reading the NDA before signing. Not surprisingly, the judges were not amused. This oversight caused pointedly negative consequences for the law firm and the litigation funder.

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