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No More Patent Reviews Means Spike in Lawsuits Against Banks

By John Freund |

Until last September, the US Patent and Trademark Office ran a review program when financial services companies are accused of infringing patents. The program was developed to adjudicate IP violation cases in less time and with more cost-effective conditions. That program has since expired—exposing banks and other financial service providers to a greater danger of lawsuits.

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Funders Seize on Bankruptcies for Big Returns

By John Freund |

Business bankruptcy filings were up 29% in 2020 from the previous year. These numbers dipped slightly in 2021 thanks to government stimulus measures like PPP. However, as financial help from the government winds down—financial experts anticipate bankruptcy filings to spike again.

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What is Driving Social Inflation?

By John Freund |

What exactly is social inflation? In the insurance context, it refers to progressively larger losses to insurers in the form of massive awards from juries. VerdictSearch data shows a 300%+ increase in verdicts in excess of $20 million compared to ten years ago. In the US alone, 79 class action settlements totaled an astonishing $2.3 billion last year. Social inflation is definitely occurring. But what’s causing it?

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Donation by Legal Funders Raises Questions

By John Freund |

The New York State Trial Lawyers Association received a donation that has people talking. US Claims, a litigation funder based in Florida, gave $100,000 in a move some speculate is meant to influence government officials seeking to increase regulation.

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Business Interruption Insurance Claims—One Solution

By John Freund |

Since the SCOTUS decision in FCA v Arch Insurance et al, Manolete has been developing new ways to approach making claims for businesses in the midst of insolvency. In many instances, it’s possible to get assistance in the form of immediate cash payments that leave room for a sizable share of recovered assets, and protection from costs.

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Securities Litigation—Trends and Strategies

By John Freund |

Challenging economic times for a business can shed light on prior corporate misconduct. In 2020, there were multiple examples of corporate fraud exposed. As litigation related to insolvencies and fraud grows, institutional investors should be seeking out new strategies to ensure maximum possible recoveries.

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East to West—Patent Cases Find a New Favorite Jurisdiction

By John Freund |

Why are patent cases suddenly more plentiful in the Western District of Texas, when for years, the Eastern District of Texas was the reigning king? It could be the recent $2.18 billion verdict in a case against Intel Corp. The jury’s willingness to hand down such a high award is likely to attract interest in trying patent cases in the jurisdiction.

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COVID as a Factor in Securities for Costs

By John Freund |

An order for securities for costs is meant to ensure that defendants can receive remuneration from an unsuccessful plaintiff. Monies are verified or set aside until the case is completed. If a securities for costs order is not met, a case may be dismissed. For the courts, deciding whether this is necessary can be a balancing act that weighs the hardship of a defendant who cannot recover costs, versus the financial burden to the plaintiff.

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The Problem with Origination Credit—and How In-House Clients Can Address it

By John Freund |

The gender gap in the legal industry is easy to recognize, thanks to Burford’s 2020 Equity Project study. But recognizing the problem is only half the battle. Origination credit continues to be a sticking point—as women consistently receive less than their fair share. This fuels a cycle of inequity that can reverberate through a law firm and beyond.

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Could Avalanche Overtake DeFi in Crypto Market?

By John Freund |

You don’t have to know everything about cryptocurrency to know that it’s changing the  investment landscape in major ways. Avalanche, a competitor to crypto giant Ethereum, enjoyed a robust opening followed by steady gains. Now speculation abounds about how big Avalanche can grow, and who might be edged out in the process.

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Commercial Disputes in Mining

By John Freund |

Omni Bridgeway’s most recent podcast features commentary by Junior Surivar of McCarthy Tetrault, and Jon Drummer of Paul Hastings. The episode is part two in a series detailing litigation relating to mining disputes. Geoff Moysa hosts.

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Litigation Funding as a Stock Market Alternative

By John Freund |

As investors remain wary of the stock market, they’re left wondering how to invest effectively. Litigation Funding may prove an attractive alternative for investors depending on their risk tolerance. Litigation funding is uncorrelated to stock trading, and largely insulated from economic conditions.

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A Liquidator’s Guide to Mitigating Risk

By John Freund |

Liquidators are sometimes ordered to pay costs, which is not a situation any want to be in. Liquidators have a duty to examine what led up to the liquidation, and to bring and defend a legal case if applicable. But if they lose, costs can be awarded against them personally.

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Claimant Expresses Disappointment over PFAS Settlement

By John Freund |

A settlement in a case over PFAS contamination has claimants enraged. In 2015, residents were told by a local newspaper article that their water supply had been tainted by PFAS. The chemical had been used in foam used to combat fires. Not unexpectedly, property values plummeted and local businesses suffered.

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Third-Party Funding and Construction Claims

By John Freund |

Third-party legal funding has been in use in the United States, the UK, and Australia for over a decade. Now we see it moving into the Middle East and Asia. This may be illustrated most clearly in the construction field, where cross-jurisdictional cases are now making use of the practice.

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