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Class Action Against Woolworths Group Limited

By John Freund |

Woolworths Group Limited is being accused of breaching disclosure obligations, including the 2001 Corporations Act, and engaging in deceptive or misleading conduct. That’s according to a recently filed class-action suit set in motion by Maurice Blackburn. The action has been slated for a hearing in February.

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QLD Energy Class Action Launched in Australian Federal Court is Biggest Energy Suit Ever

By John Freund |

What’s being described as the biggest energy action in Australia’s history is now underway. A class action against two Queensland energy generators was filed in Federal Court on Wednesday. Allegations include manipulating the wholesale pricing system and artificially inflating energy bills for thousands of customers.

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Cayman Island Welcomes Third-Party Legal Funding

By John Freund |

The Cayman Islands is the latest territory to signal its embrace of Litigation Finance. Until 2017, champerty laws were still in force, and legal funding by third-parties was disallowed except in insolvency cases. That year, Harneys, a Cayman Islands law firm, received court approval for the practice.

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How CFOs and Corporations Can Prepare for the Coming Year

By John Freund |

Last year, the world was thrown into upheaval thanks to COVID, and most industries are still reeling. Hospitality, entertainment, travel—so many once-thriving businesses are either closed down or hanging on by a thread. What can be done to ensure that your business isn’t one of those lost to the pandemic?

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Girardi Legal Woes Mount as Records Show $10MM in Debt to Lit Fin Firm

By John Freund |

It’s been asserted that lawyer and reality-show-husband Tom Girardi is currently incapable of active participation in his current legal situation. Documents recently filed assert that the firm Girardi Keese owes Virage SPV more than $10 million. Yet Girardi’s brother maintains that the founder of the firm is suffering from memory loss and requires a guardian ad litem for himself and his firm.

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Parker Law Firm Forced into Arbitration with Litigation Funder by 8th Circuit Court

By John Freund |

A recently filed case in the US Court of Appeals 8th Circuit regarding Timothy Parker and Parker Law Firm has been forced into arbitration. Seeking leave to litigate, the appeals court determined that the dispute in question was addressed by the arbitration clause in the formal agreement between parties.

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Antitrust Enforcement—Who Really Wins?

By John Freund |

Since the 90s, competition authorities like the European Commission have been getting tougher on Big Tech. Fines have been coming down on tech giants like Apple, Google, Intel, and Microsoft. Some of these cases have resulted in fines in the billions. But who is really benefitting from the success of these?

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Insolvency Claims in 2021

By John Freund |

Given the impact of COVID, insolvencies are on everybody’s mind–how to avoid them or how to navigate them. Knowing what to do when you find yourself in the middle of a business or personal insolvency is crucial. Litigation funding may be one of the most valuable tools in the insolvency toolbox.

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Hausfeld Adds Two New Partners to Roster

By John Freund |

Two London-based lawyers have been promoted to Partner at specialist litigation firm, Hausfeld. These promotions echo the number of partnership elevations from the previous year. Hausfeld has added a litigation funding arm to its operation, making it one of a growing number of law firms that has done so.

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Montero Receives Litigation Funding for Case Against Tanzanian Government

By John Freund |

Last year, mining and exploration giant Montero, announced its intention for arbitration after accusing the government of violating several provisions of the Bilateral Investment Treaty. The dispute pertains to acts and omissions by the Government of Tanzania that allegedly breached BIT and caused harm to Montero and others.

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Scandalous Allegations in Class Action Against Australian Government

By John Freund |

A boy sent to Christmas Island in spite of being only 14 is now leading a class action against the Australian government. He is one of at least 100 children prosecuted during a 2-year period beginning in 2010. Ali Yasmin was judged to be an adult after using wrist X-rays, a now-discredited method of determining age. The class action is being funded by an undisclosed litigation finance firm. Yasmin et al are represented by Ken Cush & Associates.

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New Talent Flocks to Litigation Finance

By John Freund |

New year, new job. Litigation Finance has been expanding as an industry for over a decade. Investment size is growing, more and more clients are seeking out funding, and big names in law, tech, and finance are clamoring to get in on the action.

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Sydney’s Family Court of Australia Can Cost Clients Millions

By John Freund |

In Australia, Litigation Finance may have found a new niche—Family Court. Some would say that the Sydney registry of Australia’s Family Court is already highly adversarial. The court is known for wealthy divorcing couples playing out their acrimony in a public setting. Legal teams often seem to encourage this.

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Legislative Changes Lead to Increase in Class Actions

By John Freund |

It cannot be denied that as acceptance of Litigation Finance increases, class actions increase in number. This is viewed by most as a positive, as it demonstrates that the practice is affording access to the legal system. Increasingly, class actions involving pension fund-related investment losses are cropping up across the US and Europe.

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Brexit Propels Ireland to Become Litigation Destination

By John Freund |

As anticipated, Brexit has led to uncertainty—even chaos in some industries. In the legal landscape, Ireland is in a perfect position to capitalize on its status as an EU member state. Ireland’s legal system and laws are largely similar to those of Britain, which allows it to offer similar legal remedies with the same basic enforcement.

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Is India Ready to Embrace Litigation Finance?

By John Freund |

Litigation Finance has exploded in popularity over the last decade. This was caused by a number of factors, and cemented by the impact of COVID. Litigation Finance is now a powerful industry with major financial strength behind it. But it hasn’t yet reached every corner of the globe. Could India be the next frontier?

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Sarah Tsou Speaks About Patent Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

Sarah Tsou is an investment manager with funding leader Omni Bridgeway, where she specializes in patent litigation. In IP Watchdog’s recent podcast, Tsou explains the modus operandi most commonly used to defend against patent suits. Well-monied defendants can drag out even a meritorious patent suit for years—depleting the resources of patent owners.

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Four Hot Litigation Finance Trends for the Coming Year

By John Freund |

This year has been unique in terms of obstacles, uncertainty, and hardship. Record layoffs and business closures have caused disruption around the globe, and the legal world is beset by delays juxtaposed with a tidal wave of new litigation. Thankfully, it has also brought about a rise in the use of litigation funding.

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