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Southern Response’s Desperate Attempt to Avoid Opt-Out Class Action

By John Freund |

Government-owned entity Southern Response is engaged in a last-ditch effort to avoid an opt-out class action over allegations regarding earthquake insurance settlement claims. Policyholders have asserted that Southern Response withheld information allowing them to underpay when settling claims related to the Canterbury earthquake.

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Russian Oligarch’s Son Loses Bid to Hide Assets from Mother in Burford-Funded Case

By John Freund |

The largest divorce settlement in Britain’s history is not over yet. Temur Akhmedov recently lost his effort to keep his money secret from his step-mother—who is still attempting to gain the award settlement from her divorce. Tatiana Akhmedova is utilizing litigation funding from Burford Capital as she pursues her claim.

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Key Takeaways from LFJ’s Digital Conference on Covid’s Impact on Consumer Legal Funding

By John Freund |

On June 11th, Litigation Finance Journal held a special digital conference on Covid’s impact on the Consumer Legal Funding industry. The panel discussion was moderated by Dan Avnir, Managing Director at Bryant Park Capital. Panelists included Eric Schuller, President of the Alliance for Responsible Consumer Legal Funding (ARC), Kevin Confoy, Chief Risk Officer of GloFin, Paul Galsterer, Founding Partner of The Injury Firm, Lawrence Yablon, Partner at Robinson Yablon PC, and Anthony Sebok, Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Jacob Burns Center for Ethics in the Practice of Law at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.  

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How Big is Litigation Finance?

By John Freund |

How big is the addressable market for Litigation Finance? An exact number would be difficult to come up with. What we do know is that the $85 billion number asserted by Omni Bridgeway and others is the subject of much debate. It represents an estimate of the fees that were paid to plaintiff’s lawyers, but is not really indicative of the state of the entire market.

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Is Pharma IP a Viable Asset?

By John Freund |

The current trends of litigation related to intellectual property in Pharma indicate an increase in both cost and risk. Does that mean Pharma cases are a bad investment? One might think so, given how complex patents can be, or the increased risk inherent to Pharma regulations. Even successful cases might later be overturned.

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Sarah Tsou of Bentham IMF on Patent Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

Clause 8 recently hosted a podcast discussion on patent law with investment manager Sarah Tsou of Bentham IMF (now a subsidiary of Omni Bridgeway). Patent law is its own legal specialty owing to the detail-oriented approach and gray areas that it encompasses. Unlike other fields, patent law is not always cut and dry. Likewise, legal cases involving patent law require specialized technical knowledge.

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Vindicated Nickel Magnate Targets Vannin Capital

By John Freund |

Eight hundred people lost their jobs when refinery Queensland Nickel became insolvent in 2016. Townsville, the locale of the refinery, found itself in financial peril after the collapse. Mayor Jenny Hill explains that the closure caused expansive economic and social issues that have still not been fully mitigated. The city claims to be owed $2.5 million by parent company QNI Metals.

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Will COVID-19 Mitigate Social Inflation?

By John Freund |

Social inflation is a bit of a buzzword, used to describe a rising cost in insurance claims. Some say this is sour grapes from insurers who don’t want to pay out on pandemic-related policies. Others insist that social inflation is a real problem that, if left unchecked, can cause damage to the very concept of insurance.

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What You Need to Know about Asset Retrieval

By John Freund |

It’s normal for a plaintiff to think that after a long court process and a favorable judgment, the worst is behind them. However, not every losing defendant is going to comply as they should. So when it comes to securing judgments and awards, asset tracing is a crucial component. 

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The Challenges of Enforcing Awards in Asia

By John Freund |

A growing economy can also lead to growth in litigation disputes. That means an increasing need for great lawyers, and a means to enforce awards. After all, a good judgment doesn’t do much if it cannot be enforced. This can be a particular issue in Asian markets, where legal disputes have risen sharply in recent years.

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Understanding Pricing in Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

The idea that clients may be able to pursue a claim without a large initial investment may seem too good to be true. The reality is that litigation funding exists for just that reason—so ordinary people have the means to seek justice when they are wronged.

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Will Relaxed Disclosure Rules Impact Investor Confidence?  

By John Freund |

Unrest in the world of investment is nothing new. But current pandemic conditions have led to a wave of class-action lawsuits, many of which come from investors who feel that they were misled on relevant issues. In response, the Australian federal government has announced a rolling back of disclosure rules to protect large companies from class-action suits.

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Parabellum Capital Preps for Lawsuit Boom with $450MM War Chest

By John Freund |

It’s no secret that lawyers and firms anticipate a slew of new cases as a result of COVID-19. The Litigation Finance industry in particular is preparing for a future full of contract breaches, insolvency, and failed insurance payouts. This leads some to suspect that betting on court cases will be popular among investors in the coming months.

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Community Justice Fund Established by Therium Access & Partners

By John Freund |

Therium is a household name in the world of Litigation Finance, and with good reason. As a prominent funder, they’ve expanded access to justice for countless ordinary citizens. Now, Therium has teamed up with five foundations to establish the Community Justice Fund. Its purpose is to provide grants in support of social welfare during and after the Coronavirus pandemic.

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Litigation Finance to Maintain Momentum During and Post-COVID-19

By John Freund |

Everything we know about the business world is changing, in no small part due to the Coronavirus. Retail outlets, restaurants, bars, theaters, and even insurance companies are feeling the crunch caused by stay-at-home orders, supply shortages, and staffing woes. Yet through it all, Litigation Finance is enjoying a surge of opportunity.

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COVID Case-Funding Displays Importance of Uncorrelated Investments

By John Freund |

Tail Risk is a term used to describe a situation that’s unlikely to happen, but would have a profound impact should it take place. The current COVID-19 pandemic certainly qualifies. The disruption caused by the Coronavirus outbreak is affecting markets around the globe, yet despite the upheaval – or perhaps because of it – Litigation Finance is thriving.

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When Should Clients Seek Litigation Funding?

By John Freund |

Litigation Finance is a complex and growing industry for good reason. It’s a boon to potential plaintiffs of limited means, as it increases their access to the pursuit of justice. It’s helpful for legal firms keeping the balance sheets tight while still pursuing a heavy caseload. Litigation funding is also good for the court systems at large, as funders only want to fund meritorious cases—cutting down on frivolous litigation clogging courts.

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Inquiry into Class Action and Litigation Funding Fees Goes Forward

By John Freund |

The Australian government plans to move forward with its inquiry into class-action lawsuits. This inquiry was originally planned for March of this year, but has been slow going thanks to the current pandemic. Concerns over COVID-19 have also raised questions about how class actions might hurt Australian small businesses.  

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Surge in Consumer Legal Funding Interest Reveals Economic Realities in Wake of COVID-19

By John Freund |

As the whole world struggles with COVID-19, existing economic disparities are heightened, and impossible to ignore. The pandemic has created an environment in which those already living paycheck to paycheck must now grapple with employers, insurers, and others who have let them down during this crisis.

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Vocus Settlement Raises Questions On Future of Lit Fin in Australia

By John Freund |

A recent settlement involving Sydney telecom giant Vocus is raising questions about third-party funding arrangements. The debate between common fund orders (CFOs) versus funding equalization orders (FEOs) reached its apex, when Justice Moshinsky’s ruling resulted in a lower payout to litigation funder Woodsford.

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Canadian Supreme Court Gives Okay to Litigation Finance

By John Freund |

This week, the Supreme Court of Canada publicly released the reasoning behind its January decision in a case involving third-party litigation funding. The ruling provides clarity for an earlier act known as CCAA—the Companies Creditors Arrangement Act. The unanimous ruling found that a gaming software company may use third-party funding to pursue a $200MM lawsuit against Callidus Capital Corporation.

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Burford Client Runs Afoul of Champerty Claim in Russian Oligarch Divorce

By John Freund |

The contentious divorce of Putin ally Farkhad Akhmedov and his wife, Tatiana, has produced escalating divorce proceedings for nearly two decades. Lawyers for each party have asserted multiple claims of previous divorces that can’t be corroborated, requests for personal emails between father and son, and now—an accusation of champerty regarding Burford Capital’s funding of Tatiana Akhmedova. Technically, the backing of claims by third-party funders in exchange for profit has been illegal in Russia since feudal times.

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