Davide De Vido is an Italian lawyer with more than 20 years of experience in commercial litigation. In 2019, Davide has created FiDeAL® with the aim to import the tool of litigation funding in Italy and democratize access to justice for every individual, company or entity to pursue meritorious disputes.
Prior to foundingFiDeAL, Davide was the General Counsel of a large Italian construction firm, and then of an international eyewear firm.
Company name and description:
FiDeAL® is the first Italian litigation finance consultancy company, and it is also specialized in managing and funding small/mid-sized disputes.
FiDeAL® is focused on Italian litigation – disputes that involves an Italian party and/or Italian jurisdiction – but not limited to them. In fact, during its activity, FiDeAL® has supported several Clients, and their law firms, in finding the right funding solutions for international disputes (arbitration and judicial claims).
Recently, FiDeAL® has enlarged its services range, offering litigation insurance consultancy and W&I’s consultancy for M&A transactions too.
FiDeAL® is also developing two more projects: (i) the creation of a business angel community dedicated to financing small/mid-sized disputes and (ii) a LegalTech project.
Company website: Litigation Funding o Finanziamento della lite | FiDeAL
Year Founded: 2019
Headquarters: via Venezia, 59 – 31020 San Vendemiano (TV), Italy
Area of focus: FiDeAL® works indiscriminately with individual, company and other entities. It offers advice and support to find finance or insurance solutions for a wide range of disputes: Commercial litigation, Class and collective action lawsuits, Personal injuries, Intellectual property, Environmental litigation, Antitrust and competition law, Construction dispute, Real estate litigation, securities litigation, Enforcement award and so on.
Member quote: “Funders often say that litigation funding is useful for pursuing David vs. Goliath disputes. Who better than me (Davide) can recognize the value of this statement?”
“With the UN’s 2030 Agenda, litigation funding can ensure access to justice for all and can contribute to achieving Goal 16 for more sustainable justice.”