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Manolete Points to COVID as Cause of Dismal Profits

By John Freund |

Typically, a business focused on the insolvency sector can expect to be busy. During COVID, insolvencies were predicted to skyrocket. But as governments stepped in to alleviate financial peril for businesses, those counting on insolvency to keep their own businesses afloat were left wanting.

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Insights on the Transportation Sector

By John Freund |

The transportation sector is notoriously litigious, complex, and vital to the global marketplace. The complexities of contracts, regulation, and the constant evolution of the industry can result in expensive disputes carrying high levels of risk. What’s more—these disputes are likely to be cross-border.

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Key Takeaways from LFJ’s Special Digital Event: Innovations in Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

On Wednesday, November 10th, Litigation Finance Journal hosted a special digital conference titled Innovations in Litigation Funding. The event featured a panel discussion on disruptive technologies within Litigation Finance, including blockchain, AI and crowdfunding platforms. Panelists included Curtis Smolar (CS), General Counsel of Legalist, David Kay (DK), Executive Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Liti Capital, Cormac Leech (CL), CEO of AxiaFunder, and Noah Axler (NA) Co-founder and CEO of LawCoin. The panel was moderated by Stephen Embry (SE), founder of Legal Tech blog TechLaw Crossroads

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Talking IP at the 2021 LitFin Dealmakers Forum

By John Freund |

This year’s LF Dealmakers Forum was a hybrid conference, combining in-person guests and speakers along with virtual ones. It was a balancing act between providing a normal and engaging experience, presenting high-quality content, and keeping pandemic safety rules firmly in mind.

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Canada Embraces Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

Like much of the world, Canada’s legal system can be expensive to access effectively. Even well-off Canadians may not be able to afford to follow up on meritorious claims against powerful defendants. Enter third-party legal funding. This practice affords potential clients the financial support needed to pursue meritorious cases without the risk of incurring a huge legal debt.

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