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Mercedes Faces Lawsuit Over Alleged Emissions Falsification

By John Freund |

Three men from Chorley and one from Leyland are suing auto giant Mercedes over its role in “dieselgate.” Dieselgate impacted multiple car manufacturers, accusing them of using defeat devices to illegally skirt emission standards. National consumer rights firm Slater and Gordon are bringing the claim.

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Key Takeaways from LFJ’s Digital Event on The Evolution of Corporate Portfolio Funding

By John Freund |

Last week, Litigation Finance Journal held a special digital event on the evolution of corporate portfolio funding. How has portfolio funding evolved over the years? Why have corporates been slow to adopt the practice? How is COVID impacting that adoption rate? And what can funders do to convince corporates that the benefits of portfolio funding outweigh any perceived drawbacks?

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Legal Funding in Jersey Matures Since Valetta Decision

By John Freund |

Over the last decade, third-party litigation funding has been increasingly popular as a means of increasing access to justice. At its core, TPF is a way to put investor money toward meritorious legal cases (often, but not always, class actions) in exchange for a share of the award or settlement it generates. As the cost of litigation increases, the need for legal funding grows.

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Mining Industry Insights

By John Freund |

Mining companies are especially susceptible to disputes arising from the impact of COVID. Tax issues, regulatory changes, politics, and supply chain failures can all lead to large-scale disputes. In fact, mining disputes made up the majority of investor-state arbitration cases last year.

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