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Omni Bridgeway Celebrates 35th Anniversary

By John Freund |

Leading litigation funder Omni Bridgeway is currently observing multiple significant milestones, including the 35th anniversary of its founding. In addition, 2021 represents 20 years since it was first listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, and the opening of its German arm.

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Woodsford ‘Respectfully Disagrees’ with UNCITRAL Working Group

By John Freund |

Litigation Finance powerhouse Woodsford has submitted its response to the Secretariat’s initial draft on the regulation of third-party funding. The proposed reforms include addressing concerns about conflicts of interest, security for costs, or that funders may exert undue influence over decision making or cost-related decisions about the cases they fund.

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Is Legal Funding to Blame for Rising Insurance Premiums?

By John Freund |

There’s been a lot of talk about how well-funded collective actions are driving up the price of liability insurance, particularly for directors in corporate settings. Furthermore, one of the ways to address this issue seems to be increased regulation and more stringent disclosure requirements. But is this an accurate representation of the facts? Andrew Saker, Managing Director & CEO of Omni Bridgeway doesn’t think so.

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The Benefits of Cross-Disciplinary Analysis

By John Freund |

Anyone hoping to be a success in the world of legal finance should expect to amass knowledge from multiple industries. Banking, litigation, corporate finance, IP and patent laws, and more. This is why many of the most successful funding entities employ staffers from multiple business disciplines, and why they seek out those with cross-disciplinary skill sets.

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