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Key Takeaways from LFJ’s Podcast with Steve Shinn

On the latest episode of the LFJ Podcast, Steven Shinn, founder of FinLegal, described the solutions his platform provides for both funders and lawyers, and explains his company's points of differentiation with other third party platform providers.

Q: Why move into litigation funding and after-the-event insurance? Can you explain how FinLegal’s offerings are different than those of traditional funders?

A: Absolutely. I think one of the challenges is that the litigation funding market could grow a great deal. But there are challenges where lawyers don’t necessarily understand litigation funding, and there are a lot more funders that you can go to. So you want to help educate people who are new to litigation funding and ATE about how to access it and how it works.

There are more funders joining, which is increasing the number of claims that get funded. So whereas before you might have only had funders looking to deploy $5 million to a claim, you now find situations where there are funders who want to deploy as little as $100,000 or less. So there’s a much broader range of funders...and it’s hard to go to all of them individually and it’s hard to know who’s in the market.

We thought, let’s build a sticky platform which provides the law firm with visibility and control over those funding requests, and let’s give them an online process (to write the best possible funding request) in terms of how it’s positioned to the funders so that it does get funding. With lots of funders to navigate, let’s build a platform to help lawyers navigate them, help them understand it—and let’s help them put forward the request with the best possible positioning.

Q: You mentioned getting involved in group actions (the UK version of US-style class actions). What got you interested in that space particularly, and does your technology background in any way penetrate that space?

A: Definitely. It started out as me seeing the VW group claim, and also seeing cartel claims, price-fixing on football shirts, and things like this. With my technology background, I thought ‘Well, how are law firms doing this?’

I saw that they had a lot of off-line case management platforms, they use a lot of spreadsheets. You know these systems didn’t talk to each other. There’s a lot of manual effort and no mobile interfaces for claimants to interact with the law firm. So I thought, ‘We can build a platform that will enable that.’ Essentially, we’d be taking a completely fresh look at it. With a technology and software development background and a product development background. How do we build/provide something that enables lawyers to spend the least time possible working with each claim. We know that’s important to the economics of the claim—not having to spend a lot of manual effort on each claim.

So that’s what we produced, a solution that works on a management by exception basis, so essentially the claimant goes through an automated set of steps. And where they fall out of those steps or where they don’t meet certain criteria, only then do they need to get picked up by the law firm.

Q: I know you offer a claim automation solution, can you explain what this solution does?

A: The main benefit of the solution is that it increases the volume of clients. So what you tend to find, is if there’s a bad claimant experience, people fall out of the process. You’ve spent money on acquiring that claimant, you spend advertising pounds or dollars to get them into your funnel, to start working with them. But they become disenfranchised from your process, right? Or they don’t like getting a lot of phone calls, or they feel like the process is insecure and it happens via Email without clear instruction. So if you have a good online process, it increases the volume of clients. That’s the first thing.

And it reduces the amount of time spent per client also, because...the law firm is only working with clients who fall out of the automated process. It’s also plug-n-play, so if you want to start work on a new type of matter it might be that this week you’re building a book of emissions claimants, and the following week you want to launch a shareholder claim.

You can launch that from the platform in a matter of days and start book building. You’re not having to have lots of different contractors and different systems that you have to modify to start doing something new or different. You talk to us, we set it up for you, and then you manage it through an interface that you’re very familiar with.

Social Inflation Meets Litigation Finance

Social inflation is a significant factor impacting the future of the litigation finance (LF) industry, detailed in a new report released by Swiss Re. With LF investment increasing to $17B in 2020, the market saw a 16% increase year over year, highlighting a greater need for transparency and disclosure standards across the industry.   The Insurer notes the global LF industry is forecasted to reach $30B+ by 2028, with the United States leading with over half of overall investment. LF investment is also allegedly contributing to social inflation across the industry, with the report estimating that 57 percent of LF investment is earmarked for legal expenses, compared to 45 percent, historically.  Regulatory arbitrage could be a significant factor for LF investors to consider over the next decade. Swiss Re highlights that LF regulation is emerging with no real common regulatory standard across the global marketplace. With this trend, transparency is a factor that claimants should consider, as LF investors may choose to operate under opaque regulatory circumstances.  Swiss Re suggests the LF industry adopt compulsory standards of disclosure of investment arrangements to all parties. These disclosures are a bid to usher in transparency and ensure overall consumer protection. Swiss Re forecasts a continued disparity between sophisticated LF investors assessing social inflation costs that will generally affect net proceeds to client plaintiffs. Finally, the report suggests that large corporations may seek investment in “legal expense insurance policies” that may serve as a buffer and/or alternative to the LF marketplace. 

Alt Investment Platform LegalPay Raises Funding

Venture capitalists and Amity Technology Incubator are leading the funding of LegalPay, an Indian investment platform democratizing investment in third-party legal funding and tangential services like insolvency financing. LegalPay specializes in legal financing products backed by assets. These investments have potentially lucrative IRRs, often as high as 30%. Economic Times details that New Delhi-based fintech invites investors at all levels. This includes family offices, retail investors, international funders, and others. Investment in this type of alternative asset class is an excellent means of diversifying a portfolio while instilling the benefits and discipline of long-term investing. This, aside from the obvious benefits of potentially high returns in an asset not connected to the global market. Founder and CEO Kundan Shahi explains that LegalPay opens LitFin investment to those who had been shut out of legal finance since its inception. Now, everyday investors have access to assets that were only available to the mega-rich--even as recently as last year. Among its other products, LegalPay offers short-term interim finance for distressed businesses. This is obviously an important service in the time of COVID when many businesses continue to struggle. LegalPay has also launched technology products to meet the needs of insolvency professionals including banks, resolution specialists, ARCs and other creditors. By offering an efficient and seamless process, more parties in need have access to help. Ultimately, LegalPay will enable customers to use AI and other tech to effectively invest in this alternative asset class.

On ATE Insurance as Security for Costs

Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights states that every citizen has the right to unimpeded access to the courts. Citizens of modest means who cannot afford an attorney might say that principle falls short in practice. Legal Futures explains that the insurance market and third-party legal funding both have a crucial role to play in collective actions, and for individuals who cannot afford to pursue their claims. Yet, there’s an imbalance between access to justice and cost protection. This imbalance has led to claimants, particularly those in class actions, feeling frustrated. After-the-event insurance is typically used as protection against an adverse costs order, but can also be deployed for the defendant’s costs. But ATE may not always be enough to cover security for costs. So, who bears the financial risk when a David takes on a Goliath? Do the courts ultimately favor the clients with the biggest war chest? What happens when securities for costs are ordered against a third-party funder? In the so-called Ingenious litigation, a funded case with over 500 claimants sought to recover losses. Defendants filed for security against a litigation funder, requiring that Justice Nugee revisit specific legal points. He ultimately found that ATE policies, in this case, did not provide sufficient protection. Is the only option for claimants to purchase an anti-avoidance endorsement so that insurers cannot void or terminate a policy? Some say so, despite the significant financial outlay for such an endorsement. Such an expense would ultimately be counted against any future recovery.

Calls from Reinsurers to Regulate US Litigation Funding Continues

In any discussion on rising insurance costs, fingers are sure to be pointed at Litigation Finance. LitFin is a $17+ billion industry, with more than half of assets being leveraged by US clients. Reinsurers have claimed that third-party legal funding is the catalyst for the increase in excessively large legal awards. Insurance Journal explains that litigation funding is being blamed for the increase in liability insurance premiums in a number of industries—including commercial auto, general liability, and medical malpractice. One might think the impetus would be on manufacturers and medical care providers to conduct themselves in a way that won’t attract lawsuits. The alternative is to complain about the rise in verdicts of over a million dollars—which is the path many have chosen. Still, the size of verdicts is growing. From 2010 to 2019, awards surpassing $1 million increased from 29% to 36%. During the same time frame, average awards for cases over $1 million rose from $8 million to more than $10 million. Is this just general inflation? Or is litigation funding really causing havoc among insurers and the insured? Michael McDonald of Morning Investments Consulting doesn’t agree that LitFin is the cause of high insurance prices. He explains that litigation funding makes it possible for meritorious cases to find their way to court, and this represents increased access to justice, rather than a cudgel with which to beat insurers. Indeed, insurers could benefit from some aspects of third-party legal funding, such as making their own investments or monetizing legal assets. So while funders are creating solutions that work for attorneys, clients, and investors, insurers and reinsurers are fighting for increased regulation. Is this out of an abundance of caution—or a desire to hobble a thriving industry that’s making life harder for those who aren’t meeting their obligations to customers?

McDonald’s Faces Class Action for Alleged Denial of Employee Breaks

Shine Lawyers, with backing from Court House Capital, has filed a class action in Federal Court alleging that McDonald’s failed to provide employees with 10-minute breaks. These are required during shifts of four hours or more. Inside Retail explains that in addition to not providing proper breaks, McDonald’s routinely misrepresented the breaks workers were entitled to. The case alleges a systemic failure. The victims of these failures are mostly minors, many working their first proper jobs. The suit alleges that the loss of breaks impacted the physical and mental well-being of employees. The blatant disregard for established rules protecting employees has been described as ‘breathtaking.’ McDonald’s gave a short statement affirming their own compliance.

Legal-Bay Lawsuit Funding Taking Applications on Astroworld and Other High Profile Personal Injury Claims

Legal-Bay, the premier Pre Settlement Funding Company, announced today that over 150 lawsuits have been filed in the Astroworld tragedy that took place at Houston's NRG Stadium last month. The event was sponsored by Live Nation and intended to be a showcase for rapper Travis Scott. Unfortunately, however, the day took a darker turn when attendees rushed the stage causing numerous injuries, and in the case of ten people, death. Over a dozen law firms representing approximately 600 plaintiffs have filed premise liability and gross negligence suits against Scott, concert promoter Live Nation, and numerous other businesses including venue staff and security of NRG, along with first-aid providers that were hired to attend to injured fans. Plaintiffs claim that security and medical services were inadequate, leading to a predictable and preventable catastrophe. Safety measures could and should have been put in place in order to avoid the carnage that occurred, but instead, numerous corners were cut at almost every step. Concertgoers soon found themselves in an environment they had no control over, leading to the hundreds of injuries and tragic deaths that took place. Plaintiffs allege that there was a lack of crowd management even though official plans stated that this was necessary, lending weight to the negligence charges being brought against the defendants. Reportedly, there wasn't even a strategy for a crowd surge, even though comparable problems had occurred during Astroworld's preceding event held in 2019. In Scott's case, it might be even more difficult for him to claim he had no idea a crowd crush would happen since his own concerts have had other similar incidents, a fact which the venue and event organizers of this year's Astroworld were most certainly already aware. In 2015, he was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct after he flay-out told a Chicago audience to ignore security and rush the stage. Chris Janish, CEO, commented on the situation, "We are expecting many more of these unfortunate large scale personal injury events in 2022 now that larger events are being planned following the Covid hiatus. To our knowledge, we are the only company funding Astroworld plaintiffs at this time. Our staff is familiar with cases of this nature and can evaluate quickly for victims who are in need of cash now." If you have an existing lawsuit and need a loan on lawsuit against your impending case settlement, Legal-Bay may be able to assist you immediately. To apply online, please visit us HERE or call the company's toll-free hotline at 877.571.0405. Even outside the Astroworld tragedy, Legal-Bay has seen a flood of new premise liability filings in 2021, and their team is prepared to keep up with the demand. They're one of the leading lawsuit loan funding companies in the industry, and offer a lightning-fast approval process. A good thing, considering there's been a noticeable backlog in the courts due to Covid delays and court closures in response to the pandemic. Rather than wait indefinitely until cases get settled, Legal-Bay believes plaintiffs shouldn't be left waiting for the money they have coming to them. They have expanded their premise liability and personal injury departments in order to accommodate litigants who would rather opt for presettlement funding. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and funding is awarded based on the merits of your particular situation. The legal concept of premise liability is used in certain personal injury cases if the injury involved was caused by a property owner's failure to ensure his property is safe. To win a premise liability case, the injured person needs to prove that their injuries were caused by unsafe conditions as a direct result of the property owner's negligence to suitably maintain the property. However, just because you were injured on someone's property doesn't automatically mean that the property owner is liable. Proof will need to be provided showing the property owner was aware of the unsafe conditions on his premises and failed to take action to rectify an unsafe situation. That being the case, you may be entitled to compensation. If you are involved in an active personal injury or premise liability lawsuit and need an immediate cash advance against an impending lawsuit settlement, please visit Legal-Bay HERE or call toll-free at 877.571.0405. Legal-Bay is one of the market's premier funders. If you've previously been denied by other funding companies, you might want to give Legal-Bay a try. More often than not, they'll be able to refinance your rate at a lower cost than other funders, with an added bonus of getting you more money. Anyone that has an existing lawsuit and needs cash now can apply for loan settlement funding to help get through their financial crises. Legal-Bay funds all types of premise liability loans for lawsuits including personal injury, slips and falls, car accidents, construction site accidents, work-related injuries, injuries incurred due to negligent business practices or lack of maintenance on private property, and more. Legal-Bay's pre settlement funding programs are designed to provide immediate cash in advance of a plaintiff's anticipated monetary award. The non-recourse law suit loans—sometimes referred to as loans for lawsuit or loans on settlement—are risk-free, as the money doesn't need to be repaid should the recipient lose their case. Therefore, the lawsuit loans aren't really loans, but rather cash advances. To apply for lawsuit funding right now, please visit the company's website HERE or call toll-free at: 877.571.0405 where agents are standing by.
Contact:Chris Janish, CEO Email: Ph.: 877.571.0405 Website:

What Claimants Need to Know About DBAs and LFAs

When surveying funding agreement options, claimants will often come across damages based agreements, or “DBAs,” and litigation funding agreements, or “LFAs.” Both DBA and LFA agreements help clients achieve the ultimate goal of winning a case, and transfer the overall cost and risk of litigation on to the representatives tasked with investing in the case.  As Temple Legal reports, the objective of a DBA or LFA is an overall shared responsibility that the litigation will be funded, and in the event of a successful outcome, the benefits shared between the parties. When organizing any deal of this nature, both parties should be careful to look after their own long term interests.   Things can get complicated when an LFA evolves into a DBA, prompting consequences which the parties may want to evaluate. Overall, DBA agreements are associated with claims management services more than traditional LFA  contracts. In fact, a recent court of appeals decision found that funders of litigation do not typically engage with claim management. Should any degree of claim management exist, the contract would therefore be considered a DBA contract. In conclusion, the differences between DBAs and LFAs are contingent on the funder providing litigation services such as advocacy and/or claims management. However, if at any time there is a question of whether the terms and conditions of an LFA are in jeopardy, either party should seek professional advice to remedy the matter.

Reading a Legal Funding Agreement: Five Tips

Legal funding agreements are not yet standardized. Before signing, it’s essential to read a funding agreement carefully and ask questions about anything you don’t understand. Validity Finance’s Joshua Libling shares his insights for reading a term sheet for a litigation funding agreement.
  • Collateral. In this context, collateral is the case itself. Take note of any rights of refusal or mention of future litigation. The description of collateral is often broad so the funder is a party to relevant awards or settlements.
  • Budget Risk Responsibility. Funding isn’t a bottomless well. If a case goes beyond the expected budget, someone must pay the difference. It’s essential that the claimant know who that is.
  • Calculation of Return. How the division of a payout is calculated is very important and should be thoroughly understood before the deal is reached. Understand terms like waterfall, deployed vs committed capital, and net vs gross in the calculation of the funder’s return.
  • Fees. In addition to a percentage of an award, funders may charge structuring or transaction fees—usually based on a small percentage of the committed amount. Be sure you ask when fees are due and if the funder gets a return on the fee.
  • What’s Missing. Not every eventuality will be covered by the funding agreement. That’s not necessarily cause for alarm.