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Insurers Shift Blame for Rate Hikes to Litigation Funders

By John Freund |

Complaints against third-party litigation funding tend to focus on a few oft-repeated points. Increased litigation, class actions in particular, ostensibly cause insurance rates to rise. Funders aren’t always required to disclose their funding agreements, ostensibly hiding a potential conflict of interest. Finally, funders are blamed for a supposed increase in frivolous actions—even though no funder wants to take on a case without merit.

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Burford Capital Announces Conclusion of Akhmedov Divorce Enforcement

By John Freund |

The divorce settlement between Farkhad Akhmedov and Tatiana Akhmedova has been in contention since it was first ruled on in 2016. London’s High Court determined that Akhmedova should receive over GBP 453 million of his more than GBP one billion estate. According to her, that judgment was not enforced.

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Consumer Legal Funding is Even More Necessary Post-Pandemic

By John Freund |

The following piece was contributed by Eric Schuller, President of the Alliance for Responsible Consumer Legal Funding (ARC). 

Consumer Legal Funding is when a company provides funds to a consumer who has a pending legal claim, typically a car accident, while their case is making its way through the legal system. The funds are used for household needs such as mortgage, rent, car payments, keeping the light on and putting food on the table. The funds are not used to pay for legal fees associated with the claim or case.

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What You Need to Know About Pre-Settlement Lawsuit Funding

By John Freund |

As litigation funding expands and adapts to the needs of consumers, it is becoming known by an increasing array of names: lawsuit loans, car accident loans, pre-settlement funding, etc. That’s because third-party funders are always developing new ways for non-recourse legal funding to help those in need.

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