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What Will We Learn from the New Jersey Disclosure Rule?

By John Freund |

On June 21st, Local Civil Rule 7.1.1 went into law. Signed by Chief Judge Freda Wolfson, it requires disclosure of third-party funding in New Jersey. Currently pending cases will be given 45 days to submit disclosure that includes names and addresses of third-party funders. If they are legal entities, their place of formation is required as well.

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Hedge Funds and Burford Capital

By John Freund |

A decade ago, all eyes were on hedge funds as they were believed to be the most shrewd investors. After a decade of sub-par returns, that reputation has soured somewhat. Still, hedge funds currently maintain over $3.5 trillion in assets under management.  

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Burford Responds to Proposed Fee Cap for Litigation Funders

By John Freund |

One would think that if new laws are being created to regulate an industry, prominent members of that industry would be consulted. That doesn’t seem to be the case regarding Australia’s proposed law that would place an arbitrarily determined cap on fees for law firms and litigation funders in class action cases.

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Nanoco Litigation Against Samsung Continues

By John Freund |

Nanoco Group recently released an update in their legal action against tech giant Samsung. The suit alleges the willful infringement of Nanoco IP. The patent infringement suit was filed against multiple Samsung entities in February of last year. Nanoco has accepted financial assistance from a third-party litigation funder in order to pursue the case.

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Liti Capital Announces Identifying Information of Their First Crypto Con Artist

By John Freund |
Geneva, Switzerland – June 29, 2021  Liti Capital SA, a Swiss Litigation Finance company, has just found and identified the perpetrator of a cryptocurrency scam. This comes days after their commitment to push back against fraud in the crypto community and help create a safe atmosphere for innovation and investment moving forward. By tokenizing their equity, Liti Capital introduces litigation finance to the blockchain, providing retail investors with a new asset class and giving them the opportunity to fight back against crypto criminals.
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The Tom Girardi Saga Continues

By John Freund |

Remember the lawyer from Erin Brockovich? He married a former cocktail waitress. They bought multiple luxury houses and two private jets. If that sounds like the sensationalized stuff of reality TV, that’s because it is! The Girardis eventually wound up on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. So what happened?

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