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Sydney’s Family Court of Australia Can Cost Clients Millions

By John Freund |

In Australia, Litigation Finance may have found a new niche—Family Court. Some would say that the Sydney registry of Australia’s Family Court is already highly adversarial. The court is known for wealthy divorcing couples playing out their acrimony in a public setting. Legal teams often seem to encourage this.

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Legislative Changes Lead to Increase in Class Actions

By John Freund |

It cannot be denied that as acceptance of Litigation Finance increases, class actions increase in number. This is viewed by most as a positive, as it demonstrates that the practice is affording access to the legal system. Increasingly, class actions involving pension fund-related investment losses are cropping up across the US and Europe.

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Brexit Propels Ireland to Become Litigation Destination

By John Freund |

As anticipated, Brexit has led to uncertainty—even chaos in some industries. In the legal landscape, Ireland is in a perfect position to capitalize on its status as an EU member state. Ireland’s legal system and laws are largely similar to those of Britain, which allows it to offer similar legal remedies with the same basic enforcement.

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Is India Ready to Embrace Litigation Finance?

By John Freund |

Litigation Finance has exploded in popularity over the last decade. This was caused by a number of factors, and cemented by the impact of COVID. Litigation Finance is now a powerful industry with major financial strength behind it. But it hasn’t yet reached every corner of the globe. Could India be the next frontier?

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Sarah Tsou Speaks About Patent Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

Sarah Tsou is an investment manager with funding leader Omni Bridgeway, where she specializes in patent litigation. In IP Watchdog’s recent podcast, Tsou explains the modus operandi most commonly used to defend against patent suits. Well-monied defendants can drag out even a meritorious patent suit for years—depleting the resources of patent owners.

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