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LexShares Launches $100 Million Litigation Finance Fund

By John Freund |

LexShares, a leader in commercial litigation finance, today announced the launch of LexShares Marketplace Fund II (LMFII). With a $100 million target fund size, LMFII will invest in litigation-related assets offered on the LexShares platform. LMFII opens on the heels of the company’s 100th legal claim investment, making LexShares one of the most active litigation funding firms in the world.

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Is Pharma IP a Viable Asset?

By John Freund |

The current trends of litigation related to intellectual property in Pharma indicate an increase in both cost and risk. Does that mean Pharma cases are a bad investment? One might think so, given how complex patents can be, or the increased risk inherent to Pharma regulations. Even successful cases might later be overturned.

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Baker Street Funding Announces Increase in Commercial Litigation Funding Due to COVID-19

By John Freund |

Baker Street Funding, America’s #1 Choice for Legal Funding Firm, announced today that they have launched a commercial litigation focused legal funding division. This new division will focus on commercial litigation, lawsuit loans, or advances and attorney loans. Commercial litigation is often extremely complex and time-consuming. The cost of litigating these claims has increased exponentially and Baker Street Funding finds it as an under-served market in which they can thrive.

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Sarah Tsou of Bentham IMF on Patent Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

Clause 8 recently hosted a podcast discussion on patent law with investment manager Sarah Tsou of Bentham IMF (now a subsidiary of Omni Bridgeway). Patent law is its own legal specialty owing to the detail-oriented approach and gray areas that it encompasses. Unlike other fields, patent law is not always cut and dry. Likewise, legal cases involving patent law require specialized technical knowledge.

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Victory for Consumer Legal Funding in Recent Minnesota Case

By John Freund |

The common law doctrine that bans champerty has been around since the middle ages. This dark age law prohibiting funding for legal cases by outside parties (who then receive a share of a winning award) is still in place in some parts of the world. But Minnesota is no longer one of those places—earlier this week, the Minnesota Supreme Court abolished the champerty doctrine.

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