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Probate Funding: A Useful Option for So Many (Part 3 of 4)

By John Freund |

The following is Part 3 of our 4-Part series on Probate Funding by Steven D. Schroeder, Esq., General Counsel/Sr. Vice President at Inheritance Funding Company, Inc. since 2004. You can find Parts 1 & 2 here and here.

Probate Assignments are Adequately Regulated in California

In California, it is the exclusive jurisdiction of the Probate Court to determine entitlement for distribution, Cal. Probate Code §§11700-11705. Probate Courts may also apply equitable principles in fashioning remedies and granting relief in proceedings otherwise within its jurisdiction. Estate of Kraus (2010) 184 Cal. App 4th 103, 114, 108 Cal. Rptr. 3d 760, 768. Thus, even without a specific statute addressing assignments, Probate Courts in California, as well as other jurisdictions, have conducted oversight over the propriety of Assignments in Probate.  See In Re: Michels’s Estate 63 P. 2d 333, 334 (Cal. Dist. Ct. App. 1936).

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Probate Funding: A Useful Option for So Many (Part 2 of 4)

By John Freund |

The following is Part 2 of our 4-Part series on Probate Funding by Steven D. Schroeder, Esq., General Counsel/Sr. Vice President at Inheritance Funding Company, Inc. since 2004. Part 1 can be found here.

Comparing Assignments with Loans: Apples Are Not Oranges

As previously stated, there has been some recent criticism of the companies engaged in Probate funding.[1] An Article entitled: “Probate Lending” started and ended with the premise that Probate Assignments are in fact disguised loans and should be regulated as such. Despite the predetermined conclusion by one author, in fact, the law treats Assignments and Loans quite differently and those distinctions are significant.[2]

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Probate Funding: A Useful Option for So Many (Part 1 of 4)

By John Freund |

The following is a contributed article by Steven D. Schroeder, Esq., General Counsel/Sr. Vice President at Inheritance Funding Company, Inc. since 2004. 

There have been a few recent articles written on the topic of Probate Advances.[i] Probate Advances are available because a handful of companies are willing to assume a risk and provide funding in return for a partial assignment of a beneficiary’s interest in an Estate, and to a lesser extent Trust Proceedings. One critic has conflated Assignments to Loans without a fair analysis of the many differences between the two legal maxims.[ii] This 4-part series expands upon those differences and provides a legal and practical perspective as to why Probate Advances are a useful option for so many.

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Episode 20 — Ross Wallin; Co-Founder, Curiam Capital

Hosted By Ross Wallin |

In this episode, we sat down with Ross Wallin, Co-Founder of NY-based Curiam Capital, which just opened its doors this past February. Ross spoke about why he made the transition from litigator to litigation funder, how Curiam differentiates itself from the competition, how law firms can utilize litigation finance to increase their rack rate realization, and how he feels about the future growth potential of the industry.

LexFinance Announces the Structuring and Funding of a US$ 5.7 Billion Arbitration Claim for the Benefit of Petrobras

By John Freund |

LIMA, Peru–(BUSINESS WIRE)–LexFinance today announced the filing of an arbitration claim by a minority shareholder of Petrobras.

The claim has been filed by a minority shareholder of Petrobras against the Brazilian Government (União Federal) for the economic losses suffered by Petrobras due to the corruption practices disclosed in the Lava Jato investigation and caused by the abuse of power and mismanagement of the União Federal as controlling shareholder of Petrobras.

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