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Is the Supreme Court ruling in PACCAR really clashing with the Litigation Finance industry? An overview of the PACCAR decision and its potential effects

By John Freund |

The following is a contributed article from Ana Carolina Salomão, Micaela Ossio Maguiña and Sarah Voulaz of Pogust Goodhead

On 26 September 2023, a new case was filed in the High Court of England and Wales on behalf of a claimant who, despite having received damages from a successful lawsuit, refused to pay litigation funders for funding previously sought. Legal representatives of the Claimants in this case are seeking a declaration from the Court that the clients’ LFAs “fall under the PACCAR regime as non-compliant DBAs” and have added that in reaching its decision in R (on the application of PACCAR Inc & Ors) v Competition Appeal Tribunal & Ors [2023] UKSC 28 (“PACCAR”), the Supreme Court has recognised “the importance of statutory protections for clients.” Is this the case?

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Legal-Bay Lawsuit Settlement Funding Launches New Site for Commercial Litigation Loans

By John Freund |

Legal-Bay LLC, The Lawsuit Settlement Funding Company, a leader in lawsuit funding services and legal funding with the fastest approval process in the industry, announced today that they have launched a new site for commercial litigation case funding and will be focusing on funding more commercial litigation cases for the foreseeable future. For over a decade, Legal-Bay has been dedicated to funding large and complex commercial litigation cases. However, they have now expanded to accommodate more clientele as they’ve seen a surge in cases where clients have been disqualified for advances from other funding companies.

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