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Burford Capital Limited, the leading global finance and asset management firm focused on law, today announces its financial results for the year ended December 31, 2021.(1)

The Burford Capital 2021 Annual Report, including financial statements (the “2021 Annual Report”), is available at the following link: or at Burford’s website In addition, a new financial data supplement, as well as Burford’s inaugural Sustainability Report for 2021, are available on our website at the same URL.

Hugh Steven Wilson, Chairman of Burford Capital, commented:

“Burford turned in an excellent 2021. This may seem odd to say as we report the first loss in our history, but that is a matter of timing. We wrote significant new core legal finance business in 2021. Even in an era of slower case progress,wegeneratedsignificantlymore cash thanneeded tocover allofour expenses. Burford ended the year with substantial liquidity and strong access to capital, and we recently announced our latest $360 million private fund.”

Christopher Bogart, Chief Executive Officer of Burford Capital, commented:

“We are delighted with our strong new business performance in 2021. To write more than $1 billion of new commitments during a pandemic is a significant achievement. We deployed more capital than ever before from our balance sheet into assets with the potential to generate our highest returns and profits, auguring favorably for future capital provision income. Though it was a slower year for realized gains, contributing toour 2021 loss, there were few adverse developments to causeeither realized or unrealized losses and the portfolio remains well positioned. The slow pace we are experiencing is a timing issue, not one affectingour viewofthe ultimaterealizable value of theportfolio andits potential tocreatesignificant shareholder value, and no client has discontinued a single matter due to these delays. We are optimistic about the portfolio’s future potential.”

2021 highlights

New business

  • Record-breaking new business2, with Group-wide new commitments of $1.1 billion (2020: $758 million) and deployments of $841 million (2020: $595 million)

o Burford-only capital provision-direct new commitments of$649million(2020:$335million); the 2021 amount includes $63 million of new commitments warehoused for our funds; excluding those warehoused deals, new commitments were $586 million

o Perhaps most significantly for potential future shareholder benefit, Burford-only capital provision-direct deployments, representing our assets capable of generating our highest balance sheet returns and profits, doubled to $447 million (2020: $225 million)

Portfolio and balance sheet

  • Consolidated portfolio grew to $4.4 billion at December 31, 2021 (December 31, 2020: $3.8 billion)

o Group-wide portfolio grew to $5.1 billion (December 31, 2020: $4.5 billion), driven by new business growth

  • Cumulative return on invested capital from Burford-only capital provision-direct assets increased to 93% (December 31, 2020: 92%) with an IRR of 30% (December 31, 2020: 30%)
  • Internal model update at December 31, 2021 suggests core legal finance portfolio excluding YPF-related assets couldgenerate$3.8 billioninBurford-only realizations, $2.2billioninrealized gains and $400 million in asset management performance fee income (June 30, 2021: $3.4 billion in realizations, $2 billion in realized gains and $360 million in asset management performance fee income)3
  • Burford-only liquidity of $315 million at year end (December 31, 2020: $336 million)


  • Total income of $152 million (2020: $359 million), including capital provision income of $128 million (2020: $340 million), reflecting slow case progress, in part due to Covid-linked disruption o Burford-only capital provision-direct net realized gains of $128 million (2020: $180 million) o Burford-only capital provision-direct realized losses of $9 million represented a loss rate of

0.8% (2020: $20 million; 2.2%)

  • Income from operations of $6 million (2020: $239 million), with decrease from 2020 due mainly to lower capital provision income and higher operating expenses, including legacy asset recovery charges
  • Net loss attributable to ordinary shares of $72 million (2020: net income attributable to ordinary share of $165 million), within previously disclosed expected range of $70 million to $80 million o Net loss per diluted share of $0.33 (2020: net income per diluted share of $0.75)


  • Total shareholders’ equity attributable to Burford Capital of $1.6 billion at December 31, 2021 (December 31, 2020: $1.7 billion)

o Burford-only total shareholders’ equity of $7.08 per share at December 31, 2021 (December 31, 2020: $7.59 per share)

o Total tangible shareholders’ equity of $6.47 per share (December 31, 2020: $6.98 per share) • Declared final 2021 dividend of 6.25¢ per share payable on June 17, 2022, subject to shareholder approval at the annual general meeting to be held on May 18, 2022, to shareholders of record on May 27, 2022, with an ex-dividend date of May 26, 2022; total annual dividend of 12.5c per share

(1) All figures in this announcement are audited and presented on a consolidated basis in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (“US GAAP”), unless otherwise stated. Definitions, reconciliations and information additional to those set forth in this announcement are available on the Burford Capital website and in the 2021 Annual Report.

2 Burford-only new commitments for 2021 include approximately $63 million of interests in assets that were warehoused for our funds at December 31, 2021, including a $13 million asset warehoused for Burford Opportunity Fund C LP and a $50 million asset warehoused for Burford Advantage Master Fund LP (the “Advantage Fund”), which will be reflected as a capital provision-indirect asset post-transfer. New commitments reflect the allocation in place at December 31, 2021, and does not reflect the intended transfer to other funds, which occurred or is expected to occur in early 2022. Excluding the warehoused commitments, Burford-only new commitments in 2021 for capital provision-direct were $586 million. Of the $50 million new commitment warehoused for the Advantage Fund, the Burford-only portion of this capital provision-indirect asset is expected to be $8 million. Total Burford-only new commitments to capital provision assets in 2021, post-intended transfers, were $594 million.

3 Data based on calculations derived from our internal modeling of individual matters and our portfolio as a whole. This data is not a forecast of future results, and past performance is not a guide to future performance. The inherent volatility and unpredictability of legal finance assets precludes forecasting and limits the predictive nature of our internal modeling. Further, the inherent nature of probabilistic modeling is that actual results will differ from the modeled results, and such differences could be material. The data based on calculations derived from our internal modeling is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a profit forecast or be relied upon as a guide to future performance. See sections titled “Forward-looking statements” and “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2021 filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission on March 29, 2022.


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Legal-Bay Lawsuit Funding Announces Closing of $10MM Senior Secured Notes

By Harry Moran and 4 others |

Legal-Bay, the premier legal funding company, announced today the closing of $10MM in senior secured notes for their short-term growth plans. Legal-Bay, established in 2006 and one of the oldest legal funding firms in the "Lit Fin" industry, is now poised to aggressively fund car accidents, slip and falls, personal injury, sex abuse cases, sex harassment on job, wrongful termination, discrimination, Bard hernia mesh cases, Hawaii and California wildfire cases, and a slew of other cases with their increased capital commitment.

Chris Janish, CEO of the company, talked about the company's goals, "With this new capital commitment and consistent recurring origination flow each quarter, we are excited about the future. We have a target to become one of the largest legal funding portfolios in the industry over the next four years. This initial capital closing is a bridge for more substantial capital needs over the next twelve months with our business model projecting $25MM to $30MM in additional assets to absorb our anticipated sales growth." 

Legal-Bay is known as one of the best lawsuit funding companies in the industry for their 24-hour approvals and great customer service. They have enlarged their staff to take on the increased volume of clients applying for loans on lawsuits. 

If you are involved in a car accident or another lawsuit that is lagging in the courts and need cash today, you may apply right now for a cash advance on your case.

If you are a plaintiff or attorney involved in an active lawsuit and need an immediate cash advance lawsuit loan against an impending lawsuit settlement, please visit Legal-Bay HERE or call toll-free at 877.571.0405.

Legal-Bay's loan settlement programs are designed to provide immediate cash in advance of a plaintiff's anticipated monetary award. The non-recourse law suit loans—sometimes referred to as loans on lawsuit or loans on settlement—are risk-free, as the money doesn't need to be repaid should the recipient lose their case. Therefore, the lawsuit loan isn't really a loan, but rather a cash advance.

To apply right now for a loan on lawsuit program, please visit the company's website HERE or call toll-free at: 877.571.0405 where agents are standing by.

Omni Bridgeway Announces Financial Close of Fund 9

By Harry Moran and 4 others |

Omni Bridgeway Limited (ASX: OBL) (Omni Bridgeway, OBL) is pleased to announce  Financial Close of its Secondary Market Transaction ,which was first announced upon signing on 18 December 2024 (link). The transaction involves the establishment of Fund 9 as a continuation fund, with funds managed by Ares Management Corporation (Ares) as the capital provider. Fund 9 has acquired a number of Omni Bridgeway’s co-investment interests in its funds.

An initial payment of A$275m has been received from Ares, which has been used to fully repay OBL’s outstanding debt of A$250m and to meet transaction costs, with the balance going to OBL to fund working capital requirements.

OBL is entitled to a further upfront consideration payment to reflect the balance of value of the interests acquired by Fund 9 at the time of signing.  This is due to be received from Ares at the end of March 2025. OBL expects the total upfront proceeds to be in the range of A$310m–A$320m, subject to interim FX movements.

1H25 results webcastFollowing the release of its results for the six months to 31 December 2024, OBL will host a market briefing at 9:30am AEDT on Thursday 27 February 2025. To access this event, please register at

Legal-Bay Pre-Settlement Funding Company Renews Focus on FELA and Railroad Cases in Light of Newly-filed Wrongful Death Lawsuits Against Norfolk Southern Railroad

By Harry Moran and 4 others |

Legal-Bay, the premier Pre Settlement Funding Company, announces today that they are expanding their FELA and railroad injury claims department due to an increase in railway worker personal injury claims and the recent wrongful death lawsuit filed against Norfolk Southern Railroad.

The Norfolk case was filed earlier this month on the second anniversary of the tragic East Palestine, Ohio train derailment and subsequent toxic spill where plaintiffs claim multiple lingering health issues, including seven deaths. The lawsuit also levels accusations against the EPA and CDC, alleging that neither organization carried out a proper cleanup, nor warned residents about the potential health risks, elevating fears that their sudden mysterious illnesses could progress into something more serious.

Train derailments are only one of many reasons railroad lawsuits are filed. Everyday commuters can be victims of criminal violence on subways, or be injured due to improperly maintained train cars or railway stations. Plaintiffs will normally file negligence suits against the rail line and even the city itself for failing to keep their passengers safe.

If you are a plaintiff in any type of active railroad injury litigation and need an immediate cash advance lawsuit loan against an impending lawsuit settlement, please visit Legal-Bay HERE or call toll-free at 877.571.0405.

Chris Janish, CEO, commented, "Our funding on FELA cases this year is up over 100%. Legal-Bay is putting a large focus on train accidents in light of recent national headlines. We have always been a leader in FELA cases because of our expertise and our ability to provide ample capital for the long haul on these cases."

In addition to passenger lawsuits, there has also been an increase in FELA funding requests from railway employees within recent months. Legal Bay has even launched a new website specifically built for railroad FELA claims and railroad workers. The lawsuit funding company also secured more capital for railroad workers and employees covered under the FELA Act of 1908, which provides financial relief for railroad employees seeking workers compensation for an injury sustained on the job or in the yard.

If you are (or were) a railroad worker who has filed a lawsuit because of injuries you've suffered due to no fault of your own, or if you were injured due to negligence of your rail company or supervisor, or if you were hurt on the job because of faulty equipment or unsafe working conditions, then you may qualify for legal funding.

If you are a plaintiff or attorney involved in an active FELA railroad injury lawsuit and need an immediate cash advance lawsuit loan against an impending settlement, please visit our specialized FELA website HERE or call toll-free at 877.571.0405.

While railway workers need to take a few extra steps, most everyday victims of railroad injuries can file personal injury lawsuits. Damages in railroad injury cases are in line with other personal injury settlement awards such as reimbursement for lost earnings, medical expenses, and physical as well as mental pain and suffering.

Legal-Bay has been funding train accidents for the last 15 years and focuses much of their attention to certain cities and states: New York, NY; Newark, New Jersey; Boston, Massachusetts; Philadelphia, PA; Washington, D.C.; Atlanta, GA; Nashville, TN; Chicago, IL; and Los Angeles, CA to name a few. 

They are often referred to as one of the best lawsuit loan companies out there and the best lawsuit funding provider for railroad workers, in part because the lawsuit settlement loan company offers the quickest approvals and lowest rates industry wide. Contact Legal-Bay today or visit our specialized FELA website HERE to find out why we are considered the top lawsuit money lender around.

Legal-Bay advocates for victims of railroad injuries, but they provide settlement loan funding for all types of cases including personal injury, dog bites, slip and falls, car accidents, boat accidents, motorcycle accidents, bike accidents, truck accidents, and more.

Legal-Bay provides some of the best rates and fastest approvals in the industry, less than 24-48 hours in some cases. They offer free lawsuit evaluation on your settlement amount or case value, along with no out-of-pocket expenses or upfront costs. Their settlement funding loans have helped numerous plaintiffs by providing immediate cash in advance of a lawsuit's anticipated monetary award. The non-recourse law suit loans—sometimes referred to as loans for lawsuit or loans on settlement—are risk-free, as the money doesn't need to be repaid should the recipient lose their case. Therefore, the lawsuit loans aren't really a loan, but rather a cash advance.

To learn more about Legal-Bay's funding for FELA claims, railroad worker, railway passenger personal injury lawsuits, railroad lawsuit loans, rail worker personal injury pre settlement funding, railroad employees personal injury settlement loans, or railroad worker personal injury lawsuit loan funds, please visit the company's website HERE to apply right now or call toll-free at: 877.571.0405 where friendly and helpful agents are standing by to answer your questions.