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Case Developments

406 Articles

Therium Funds Multi-Billion Pound Action Alleging Truck Cartel Price Collusion 

By John Freund |

Six producers of big rigs have allegedly conspired in a 14-year scheme to defraud government regulators over emissions mandates. The Competition Appeal Tribunal has approved a £2B claim marking a historic first for United Kingdom collective actions. The Road Haulage Association (RHA) is representing an estimated 18,000 claimants as the beneficiaries of the hopeful award. 

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Federal Court of Australia makes first aggregate damages award in a funded representative proceeding in Toyota Class Action

By John Freund |

The following piece was contributed by Martin del Gallego and Matthew Harris of Australian law firm, Piper Alderman.

This article considers a recent decision of the Federal Court of Australia, awarding damages to class action claimants on an aggregate basis.  Aggregate damages is a rare global award which covers all group members described or identified in the award.  This was the first instance of aggregate damages being awarded to a funded litigant in Australia, and may spur a trend in representative claims brought on this basis.

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