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Darrow Expands PlaintiffLink to Support Mass Arbitration

By Harry Moran |

Darrow, the leading legal intelligence platform, today announced the launch of Darrow’s PlaintiffLink platform for mass arbitration.  With tens of thousands of plaintiffs already uniquely vetted on PlaintiffLink, the platform offers unparalleled quality of service for law firms in the pursuit of justice. 

PlaintiffLink is a revolutionary plaintiff-connecting tool for law firms, now built to support the complexity of mass arbitration cases. PlaintiffLink enables attorneys to plan, review, and approve potential clients through a centralized portal. It allows attorneys to connect with the large volumes of clients needed for mass arbitration. Using the platform, attorneys can gain data driven insights that power effective filing strategies and streamlined case management, backed by Darrow’s top-tier legal consultancy. 

“PlaintiffLink provides a cutting-edge solution to the risks and costs associated with mass arbitrations, and makes it easier for attorneys to promptly connect with the tens of thousands of clients needed for these types of cases,” said Evyatar Ben Artzi, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Darrow. “We’re committed to delivering technology that helps victims connect with the best law firms to ensure justice is served, even in the most complex matters that require expert attention.”

PlaintiffLink addresses the biggest barrier for attorneys considering mass arbitration cases: connecting with a large volume of qualified plaintiffs and managing them seamlessly. Through a centralized portal, attorneys can now leverage PlaintiffLink to connect with tens of thousands of thoroughly vetted, qualified plaintiffs needed for arbitrations. The service operates on a unique contingency model, shifting financial risk away from attorneys.

“We’ve built a dedicated solution to enable visibility into client cohorts in a single matter  so that attorneys can effectively file and manage cases,” said Gila Hayat, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Darrow.

PlaintiffLink enables lawyers to swiftly review through thousands of individual clients. Users can drill down into specific claim cohorts, download raw CSV data files containing all details about each claim, and review insight reports to get a more visual and statistical analysis of the case. PlaintiffLink also employs a comprehensive review process, with two tiers of expert vetting, to streamline client acquisition and reduce invalid claims. 

Darrow is committed to delivering products that drive firm growth and profits per partner, and it is planning additional releases throughout 2024 to support its users.

For more information, visit: 

About Darrow

Founded in 2020, Darrow is a legal tech company on a mission to fuel law firm growth and deliver justice for victims. Darrow’s AI-powered justice intelligence platform leverages generative AI and world-class legal experts and technologists to uncover egregious violations across legal domains spanning privacy and data breach, consumer protection, securities and financial fraud, environment, and employment. Darrow is based out of New York City and Tel Aviv.

About the author

Harry Moran

Harry Moran


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Nera Capital secures £20m Funding Line from Fintex Capital

Nera Capital, a pioneering specialist funding provider to law firms, is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with Fintex Capital, the innovative investment firm dedicated to private debt. As part of this partnership, Nera secured an initial £20 million investment from Fintex.

The demand for law firm financing is growing quickly, as more and more consumers look for redress from hidden commissions on car financing to housing disrepair. The new funding line will allow more consumers to have access to the justice they deserve as the financial barriers are diminished.

The partnership marks a significant milestone for both companies. It expands Nera Capital’s reach, diversifies its funding sources and enables it to bring the benefits of capital and expertise to a wider set of consumers. For Fintex, this is another landmark transaction, the 3rd UK funding line of c. £20 million. This investment was fully funded by Fintex Capital’s flagship fund, Fintex Private Debt.

Aisling Byrne, Director of Nera Capital, said: “Fintex Capital’s investment enables the firm to accelerate its growth trajectory, further scaling its operations to provide crucial financial support to clients when they need it most. Along with being better positioned to ensure justice remains accessible, even against the most formidable adversaries, the additional funding line increases Nera Capital’s diversification.

The Fintex investment strengthens Nera’s financial base, diversifies our funding sources and allows us to explore new avenues in our market. It also enables us to scale our robust platform. We are pleased that our operations were once again endorsed by a prominent institutional investor.

Fintex made an excellent name for itself as a sophisticated, reliable lender in the UK and beyond. The Fintex team led by Sophie Batoua were a pleasure to deal with and the transaction was successfully executed in record time.”

Robert Stafler, CEO of Fintex Capital, said: “It comes as no surprise that demand for law firm finance is on the rise. This granular, insurance-backed financing provides vital funding to consumers when they need it most. It enables them and their lawyers to bring justice to families who without Nera’s support would be unable to seek redress.

Nera has a strong track record in its market, having successfully provided c. £200m in funding for UK consumer claims to date. We are delighted to see that our investment helps Nera solidify its position as a leader in its field. To us, this is just the beginning of a successful long-term partnership.”

Advisors: Nera Capital was advised by Walker Morris LLP, Mason Hayes & Curran LLP, and Copsey Murray Chartered Accountants. Fintex Capital was advised by Fox Williams LLP and Mason Hayes & Curran LLP

-ENDS-About Nera Capital: Established in 2011, Nera Capital is a specialist litigation funding provider with a presence in Manchester, Dublin, and The Netherlands. The firm is dedicated to supporting law firms and providing the financial resources necessary to pursue justice in both their Consumer and Commercial divisions.

Fintex Capital: ( is a pioneering investment firm specialising in private debt. Since its inception, the firm has provided close to £400 million in private debt capital to borrowers across Specialty Finance and Real Estate Debt. Fintex is known for providing senior and mezzanine debt facilities to lending businesses in the UK and beyond; it also provides direct lending to asset-backed businesses and asset owners. The firm manages discretionary investment funds, as well as segregated managed accounts for various institutions.

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Burford Capital Celebrates its 15th Anniversary

Today marks the 15th anniversary of the founding of Burford Capital, the leading global finance and asset management firm focused on law. In just 15 years, Burford has gone from a single $130 million investment fund to a $7.4 billion industry leader – with a 27x increase in its market capitalization.

Burford is fortunate to have a deep and continually growing bench of talented professionals from the world’s leading law firms and companies; we report below on the latest additions to the Burford team.

In recognition of that strong bench and a continued focus on our clients, Burford is today appointing Aviva Will, currently Co-Chief Operating Officer, as President. In her new role, Ms. Will’s focus will be predominantly on high-value, client-facing activities as we continue to expand our global relationships and the business evolves yet more towards complex financings with sophisticated corporate counterparties.

Burford is similarly appointing David Perla, also currently Co-Chief Operating Officer, into a new market-facing role of Vice Chair, focusing globally on Marketing, Public Policy, Industry Affairs and Public Relations, drawing on Mr. Perla’s experience and relationships in past leadership roles, including as President of Bloomberg Law.

Christopher Bogart, CEO of Burford Capital, says: “It should come as no surprise that Burford Capital continues to not only grow talent from within, but also to attract experienced senior professionals. In our 15th year, my co-founder Jon Molot and I are incredibly proud of Burford’s successes and its extraordinary people. Jon and I are just as committed today as we were on day one to redefining and advancing the business of law.”

Burford has also recently added a number of senior professionals from top global corporations and law firms, including:

Andrew Farthing as a Director in Texas, responsible for managing matters in Burford’s US portfolio. Prior to joining Burford, Mr. Farthing was a Director at Apple and previously a senior litigator at Latham & Watkins.

Carrie Tendler as Special Counsel in New York, responsible for advising on the enforcement of judgments in cases backed by Burford with a particular focus on the YPF matter. Prior to joining Burford, Ms. Tendler was a Partner at Kobre & Kim and a litigator at Cravath, Swaine & Moore.

Josh Reed as Senior Vice President in Chicago, responsible for managing matters in Burford’s patent portfolio. Prior to joining Burford, Mr. Reed was Head of Global Litigation at the Sisvel Group and Chief IP Counsel at Allscripts.

Kate Tellez as Senior Vice President in Chicago, responsible for assessing and underwriting legal risk as part of Burford’s patent group. Prior to joining Burford, Ms. Tellez was a Partner at Steptoe.

Florencia Villaggi as Vice President in New York, responsible for assessing and underwriting legal risk in investor-state and international commercial arbitration. Prior to joining Burford, Ms. Villaggi was Counsel at Herbert Smith Freehills.

Josh Wood as Head of Investor Relations in New York, with responsibility for directing Burford’s investor relations activities. Prior to joining Burford, Mr. Wood was Head of Shareholder Relations at Patria Investments and previously Vice President at Carlyle.

Nicholas Sinigaglia has joined as Global Controller in New York as a key member of the finance management team. Prior to joining Burford, Mr. Sinigaglia was Chief Accounting Officer at Pie Insurance.

About Burford Capital

Burford Capital is the leading global finance and asset management firm focused on law. Its businesses include litigation finance and risk management, asset recovery and a wide range of legal finance and advisory activities. Burford is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BUR) and the London Stock Exchange (LSE: BUR), and it works with companies and law firms around the world from its offices in New York, London, Chicago, Washington, DC, Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong.

For more information, please visit

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Manolete Partners Announces Audited Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2024

By Harry Moran |

Manolete (AIM:MANO), the leading UK-listed insolvency litigation financing company, today announces its audited results for the year ended 31 March 2024. 

Steven Cooklin, Chief Executive Officer, commented: 

"These annual results show that Manolete has now recovered strongly from the UK Government's suppression of the UK insolvency sector that prevailed during the Covid period. The Company has returned to profitability and has continued its track record of consistent operational cash generation. That has been driven by a record number of 251 case completions in FY24.

The trading results for the new financial year, which commenced on 1 April 2024, clearly show that this positive momentum has continued: year to date, new case enquiries are running 22% ahead of FY24 and our in-house legal team has already completed 116 cases with an aggregate value of £11.8m (compared to this stage last year, where we had completed 93 cases for a total value of £6.3m). This is also reflected in our gross cash receipts where we have already collected £10.3m in the first five months of this financial year, compared to £8.7m for the whole six-month, first half period of the previous financial year.

"Widely reported, challenging, multiple, macro-economic factors including: high interest rates, persistent inflationary threats, stretched Government balance sheets and global conflicts, provide strong tailwinds and significant momentum for further growth. As the clear market leader in the UK insolvency litigation finance sector, the Company is exceptionally well positioned to take advantage of these conditions". 

Financial (statutory and non-statutory) highlights: 

  • Realised revenues on completed cases were £24.2m, a decrease of 10% (FY23: £26.8m) although FY23 included an exceptionally large, funded case completion of which £4.9m was recorded in realised revenue (total settlement £9.5m).
  • Adjusting for that single exceptional case, FY24 realised revenues were 11% higher than FY23. 
  • 92% of total revenues represented by realised revenues on fully completed cases (FY23: 129%). 
  • Increase in the valuation of the cartel cases contributed £0.1m to gross profit in FY24 (FY23: £1.2m). 
  • EBIT increased to £2.5m, which represented a positive change from an EBIT loss of £3.1m in the prior year. 
  • Gross cash receipts from completed cases were £17.7m, a decrease of 34% (FY23: £26.7m, however, FY23 included the same one-off exceptionally large case completion, referred to above, which delivered gross cash receipts of £9.5m. Excluding that case, gross cash receipts rose by 3%). 
  • The Company's retained share of gross cash receipts from completed cases (after all legal costs and payments to Insolvent Estates) was £10.8m, a decrease of 18% (FY23: £13.1m) but again, the only reason for the decrease was the £9.5m exceptional case in FY23. 
  • Cash generated from operations (after all completed case costs and all overheads but before new case investments and taxation) was £5.0m (FY23: £8.0m). 
  • As at 31 March 2024, the Company had cash balances of £1.4m and borrowings of £13.7m resulting in a net debt of £12.3m (FY23: £0.6m and £10.5m, respectively and therefore a net debt of £9.9m). 

Operational highlights: 

  • A record number of new case investments in UK insolvency cases, an increase of 18%: 311 in FY24 (FY23: 263). 
  • A record number of 251 cases were completed in FY24 (FY23: 193 cases), with an average duration per case of 13.2 months (FY23: 15.5 months), generating a Money Multiple of 1.9x (FY23: 1.9x) and an IRR of 131% (FY23: 131%) (based on unaudited internal management information). 
  • As previously reported, following the ending in April 2022 of the Covid-related emergency legislation to suppress UK insolvencies and the withdrawal of very substantial financial support to UK businesses by the previous Government, the number of UK insolvencies have been at record high levels. The first wave of these insolvencies has predominantly been the smaller and weaker "zombie" companies. Only in recent months have the larger company insolvencies, typically by way of Administration, returned to levels seen before the Covid pandemic. This has resulted in record high numbers of cases taken on by Manolete but the average case size is smaller than had been the case, pre-pandemic. By way of comparison: FY21 was the trading year that best reflects the completion values of cases acquired and funded before the Covid-19 impact (this is because, on average, cases take around 12 months to complete). In FY21, audited realised revenues were £24.4m from 135 cases: an average of £180k per case, which is close to double the average for FY24 of £96k. 
  • ROI of 116% and Money Multiple of 2.2x from 933 completed cases since inception (based on unaudited internal management information). 
  • Average case duration across the full lifetime portfolio of 933 completed cases is 12.7 months · 19% increase in live cases: 418 in process as at 31 March 2024 (351 as at 31 March 2023)

Current Trading 

  • The first five months of FY25 have been buoyant:
    • Highest ever number of new case enquiries year to date: 348 (FY24: 286). 
    • 103 new case investments, which is broadly tracking the record 146 new case investments for the whole first six months of FY24. 
    • 116 case completions at an aggregate value of £11.8m (FY24: 93 case completions at a total value of £6.3m). o Gross cash receipts from previously completed cases is £10.3m, compared to £8.7m for the whole first six months of FY24. 
    • Net cash receipts (after all payments to insolvent estates and all associated external legal costs) are £6.5m year to date for FY25, compared to £4.6m for the whole first six months of FY24. 


  • Given that the number of corporate insolvencies in the UK remain at record highs, the Company can look forward to a sustained period of growth. A strong recovery in the number of larger case investments signed in the second half of FY24 is also an encouraging indicator of future business strength.

A copy of the annual report and accounts will be available on the Company's website shortly and will be posted to shareholders in due course.

The full announcement and results can be read here.

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