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How Our Top-5 Articles of 2021 Foretell What’s Coming in 2022

Litigation Finance has enjoyed another year of growth and innovation, as we enter a shocking third year of the COVID pandemic. New funds have arisen, affording more potential claimants an opportunity to experience their day in court. New entrants are emerging in the funding space, innovative investment opportunities are popping up in the form of ILOs on the blockchain, and prominent examples of the benefits of legal funding are arising with increasing frequency.

Each of our top-5 most popular articles in the last year illustrate an industry trend we think is worth keeping an eye on. These trends also offer clues as to what we can expect in the coming year.

Below are the top-5 articles from 2021: 

#5) Litigation Finance and Patent Litigation—Fast Friends

2021 Trend: One thing we’ve learned about third-party litigation funding is that once clients and plaintiffs get a taste of it, they recommend it highly. This leads to explosive growth in specific sectors.

In this contributed post, Slingshot Capital founder Ed Truant explains that in 2021, Patent and IP litigation went from a relatively uncommon investment to one that is highly sought out. Some of this can be attributed to the pandemic and the investor rush toward uncorrelated assets. But some of the popularity of IP litigation investment stems from the possibility of awards in the multi-millions. As funders sharpen their due diligence skills and use new tech to predict case outcomes, the likelihood of sourcing meritorious patent cases grows.

From the article: “It used to be the case that patent litigation was viewed negatively by the litigation funding community…Then about two years ago, I noticed an increase in the number of patent cases being brought to the attention of funders, and in the number of funders marketing that they are interested in providing financing to patent cases.”

What does this mean for 2022?

If/when COVID restrictions are lifted and life slowly returns to normal, we’ll likely see similar growth in other sectors. We know that when law firms and clients have a good experience with funders, word gets around. The expectation is that Litigation Finance will improve in recognition and accessibility. As a largely self-regulating industry, third-party legal funding continues to position itself as a public good. We have every reason to believe that will continue in 2022

#4) Litigation Finance Basics

2021 Trend: The popularity of this article, originally published in 2017, reveals interesting things about the business of legal funding. Legal professionals and many types of investors are taking an increased interest in litigation funding. It also underscores that this widespread curiosity about the industry is leading people to investigate it from its humble beginnings to its current role as a public good.

From the article: “We don’t all have the same access to the legal system. Those with money have more access than those without. Litigation finance allows claimants without money to have the kind of access to justice that those with money currently enjoy. Obviously, that threatens some, but for the rest of us, litigation finance should be celebrated as a means of achieving equality of opportunity when it comes to preserving our legal rights.”

What does this mean for 2022?

We predict more of the same, probably on an even grander scale. As regulations become more welcoming to funders, investors are taking greater notice of the practice. Now that regulations are relaxing around non-lawyer ownership of legal firms, the potential for lawyer/funder co-ownership of firms has earned the interest of many prominent investment firms.

Jurisdictions around the world are relaxing champerty and maintenance restrictions and creating an environment more welcoming to third-party funding for an array of legal matters. This includes arbitration, patent and IP litigation, and claims enforcement.

The popularity of a back-to-basics piece like this one, demonstrates that more people in more industries are curious about what litigation funding can do for them.

#3) The Impressive Growth of Commercial Litigation Finance

2021 Trend: Our third entry is another Ed Truant piece illustrating an interest in Litigation Finance from people outside the legal field. In this piece, however, emphasis is placed on the addressable market for litigation funding. This tells us that financial experts are looking toward third-party funding as a future investment.

From the article: “I think it is important for all stakeholders to understand the size of an industry, so investors can determine whether it has the scale and growth attributes necessary to justify a long-term approach to investing in the sector.”

What does this mean for 2022?

We predict that hedge funds and private equity firms will continue to flock to the litigation funding sector. This may happen at an even faster clip, as certain types of litigation rise to prominence in the coming year. Breach of contract, insurance litigation, and issues of employer responsibility as related to COVID precautions are expected to flood court dockets in 2022. This amid an effort to catch up on the backlog of cases caused by court delays and closures. 

More litigation means more opportunity for investors to avail themselves of the benefits of TPLF as an uncorrelated asset.

#2) Investor Caveats in the Commercial LitFin Asset Class

2021 Trend: As an increasing number of investors seek out litigation funding, the pitfalls associated with this type of investment aren’t as well known. Ed Truant of Slingshot Capital, shows up again on our list, as he explains how investors can better understand this asset class.

Matters of tail risk, gross vs net returns, portfolio valuation, and deployment risks are all areas investors will want to be familiar with. After all, just because an asset is uncorrelated, does not mean it is free from risk.

From the article: “The asset class presents a unique opportunity to add an asset that has true non-correlation, along with inherent ESG attributes. This makes litigation finance a very attractive asset class. However, an investor needs to do their homework prior to executing an investment.” 

What does this mean for 2022?

The emphasis on ESG investing bodes well for the future. Litigation Finance’s commitment to investing in environmental, social justice, and governance litigation shines a light on the fact that LitFin investments can be simultaneously lucrative, and a net gain for society.

#1) Bank Cartel Claims Europe Announces $12 Million Funding Round

2021 Trend: The popularity of this article is an affirmation of the growth and expansion of Litigation Finance in the EU market. The piece details three antitrust cases in which the fund will deploy cash. The banks are accused of engaging in cartel behavior—one of the most serious types of antitrust charges.

This type of piece serves to illustrate how litigation funding helps fight corruption and works toward the public good. It also shows us that fundraising capital is out there for experienced funders with proven track records.

From the article: “In these three cases, for example, the pension and hedge funds that lost millions of dollars…can effectively claim their damages through actions before a national court. …in most cases, the remaining question to be decided is the amount of damages. This makes antitrust litigation very attractive for investors.”

What does this mean for 2022?

We think this means even greater global expansion for Litigation Finance. While funding still has its naysayers, the global mood toward third-party legal funding is largely positive. As the practice casts a progressively wider net—most of those who have used litigation funding to pursue their litigation report being satisfied with the results.

Legal funding is already growing in India, Singapore, Germany, South Africa, and China. There’s no reason to think expansion of the industry will not continue in 2022.


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Discovery Application Filed by Russian Billionaire Over Litigation Funding

By Harry Moran and 4 others |

The sanctioning of Russian business owners since 2022 has led to a plethora of litigation, as one ongoing case in Florida sees two Russian nationals in a dispute over the funding of litigation between them.

Reporting by Bloomberg Law covers ongoing proceedings in a Florida court, where sanctioned Russian billionaire Andrey Guriev is seeking discovery on the funding of claims brought against him by Alexander Gorbachev. The discovery application relates to a series of cases brought against Guriev by Gorbachev over his claimed partial ownership of Guriev’s company, with Gorbachev’s legal costs, insurance and additional expenses having been paid by Sphinx Funding LLC, a subsidiary of 777 Partners. 

Gorbachev failed in his claim brought against Guriev in the UK, but has since claimed that he does not have the £12 million that he has been ordered to pay to Guriev in court costs. Mr Guriev’s counsel from Boies Schiller Flexner, explained the reasoning behind the discovery application in a memorandum of law, stating:

“Mr. Guriev hopes to discover information relevant to the identities and ultimate sources of the funds provided by the third-party funders who financed Mr. Gorbachev’s failed, frivolous, and potentially fraudulent claims, as well as the true motives and objectives in bringing those claims.”

In response to a prior application by Guriev to have the two funders added as parties to the case, Joshua Wander, managing partner and co-founder of 777 Partners, stated that even though the company had covered some of Gorbachev’s legal costs, it had no stake in the result of the litigation. Furthermore, Wander had claimed that his companies had no paid any of Gorbachev’s legal costs after May 2023, following a “breakdown in the relationship between Alexander and the funders”.

£16m Settlement Reached in Dispute Between Funder and Investor’s Estate

By Harry Moran and 4 others |

The funding of arbitration claims brought against nation states represent challenging opportunities for legal funders, with the potential of a large return balanced against the complicated nature and prolonged timelines of these disputes. A new settlement in the High Court demonstrates that these issues can even extend to disputes between the claimant and funder, even when a valuable settlement is secured.

Reporting by the USA Herald covers the move by the High Court of Justice of England and Wales to finalise the settlement in a dispute between litigation funder Buttonwood Legal Capital, and the estate of late Finnish mining investor Mohamed Abdel Raouf Bahgat. The £16.74 million settlement which was approved by the court on Tuesday ended the legal action that Buttonwood began in 2022 to recover a share of the award won in Bahgat’s arbitration case against Egypt.

As Mr Bahgat died on 8 October 2022, the settlement was reached with his estate. The arbitration claim dated back to 2000 when Bahgat was arrested by the new government and had his assets frozen and his mining operations project seized. The arbitration ended in 2019 at a tribunal in The Hague where Bahgat was awarded $43.8 million, which following two years of interest and an enforcement dispute, finished as a $99.5 million payout in November 2021. Buttonwood brought a claim to the High Court in the following year to retrieve its share of the amount, further complicated by a prior renegotiation of terms between Buttonwood and Bahgat in 2017.

Neither Buttonwood Legal nor the Estate of Mr Bahgat have publicly commented on the settlement.

LSB Director Argues Funding Should Move to a “Mandatory Model” of Regulation

By Harry Moran and 4 others |

With next Monday set as the deadline for the Civil Justice Council’s (CJC) Interim Report and Consultation on litigation funding, we are beginning to hear more vocal arguments about the approach the government should take towards regulating the litigation funding industry.

An article in Legal Futures provides an overview of remarks given by Richard Orpin, Director, Regulation & Policy at Legal Services Board, at a consultation event for the CJC review in Oxford. In his speech, Orpin advocated for “moving away from the voluntary model of regulation to a mandatory model” for litigation funding, suggesting that it should be brought “into the remit of the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority).

Orpin argued that the rise in the use of litigation funding had “coincided with an increase in poor practice by some law firms in receipt of that funding,” and that “this pattern of behaviour undermines trust confidence in the ‘no win, no fee’ sector.” Orpin put forward the view that regulators needed to take a “more proactive” stance, highlighting his organisation’s concerns over “poor standards of client care, short-term financial gain being put above the interests of client and duty to the court.”

Other speakers at the event varied in their perspectives, with Richard Blann, head of litigation and conduct investigations at Lloyds Banking Group, similarly arguing that the current model of self-regulation was “ineffective and inadequate” and that the Association of Litigation Funders (ALF) “has no teeth”. 

Adrian Chopin, managing director and founder of Bench Walk Advisers, offered a dissenting view and questioned some of the preconceptions about funding, saying that the suggestion there are “waterfalls where the funders take everything and the client gets nothing” demonstrated a “gross level of ignorance”.