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LF Dealmakers Forum Brings Together Legal Funders, Lawyers, Academics and In-House Counsel

This past Wednesday and Thursday saw New York City play host to the 2nd annual LF Dealmakers Forum. Hosted by Wendy Chou, whose popular IP Dealmakers Forum served as a launchpad for a similar conference aimed at the litigation funding market, the sold out two-day event brought together industry experts and novices alike.

Keynote Address

The event kicked off with a keynote address from Stephen Susman, founding partner of Susman Godfrey, and one of most successful plaintiffs lawyers in US. Susman recounted his early days as essentially one of the first litigation funders, having formed his contingency-only plaintiff-side law firm in the late 70s, back when the notion of contingency-only raised more than a few eyebrows.

Susman saw himself filling a need in the marketplace, and indeed by the end of the decade had grown so popular that in 1981 he landed the cover of American Lawyer, which itself founded the legal journalism market. In the process of running his contingency-fee practice, Susman learned how to construct fee agreements that provide the right incentives, how to handle cases efficiently, how to compensate associates and partners properly, and how to teach younger lawyers to be effective at their trade.

These are all ideals that Susman continues to preach. The theme of Susman’s speech was how contingency leads to efficiency. The more skin in the game that attorneys have, the more likely they are to question the efficacy of their discovery motions, and reconsider or reevaluate their overall case strategy with an eye towards efficiency over simply a ‘more is better’ approach. “Lawyers who are paid by the hour have no incentive to be efficient,” Susman said. “Even if they give you a discount. It’s like buying a suit at Barney’s half price. It’s already been marked up four-times.”

To that end, Susman advocates funders adopt a 50/50 fee model with the law firms they partner with. He recommends funders insist that law firms also maintain skin in the game. Susman further encouraged the industry to play an active role in reducing the cost of litigation. He advocates for public jury trials, as opposed to private dispute resolution.

Susman ended his address by suggesting that funders have a role to play in terms of advising their clients on how best to negotiate with their law firms. While acknowledging that this advice goes against his own best interests, Susman stated unequivocally that litigation funders – with their legal expertise, and the fact that they are no longer lawyers and are therefore operating as advisors – can guide clients on how best to negotiate with law firms on fee arrangements. This is an area where funders can provide value to the client, outside of pure financing.

Panel Discussions

Panels ranged from a broad overview of the funding industry, to coverage of specific sector topics. In the first panel of the day, which provided a bird’s eye view on the state of the industry, panelists highlighted the industry’s monumental growth, both in single-case and portfolio funding, and within boutique and AmLaw 200 law firms alike.

Of course, as firms become more knowledgeable, they are becoming more sophisticated. Five years ago many law firms hadn’t even heard of litigation funding, whereas now they are experts; some even holding auction processes for funding, and others entertaining offers from funders as a source of leverage for settlement negotiations. In the latter example, a law firm will receive an offer from a funder with no intention of accepting. They simply approach the counterparty in the claim and ask for a higher settlement figure than what the funder is willing to invest. Clearly, the marketplace is growing more sophisticated.

What’s more, law firms are negotiating better fee splits on their behalf. Years ago, a funder would receive 100-150% of their investment recouped on first-money back. Today, law firms are negotiating a chunk of that first money, and even integrating success fees (usually in the 20% range) to secure their spot at the front of the line.

On a CIO-specific panel, the panelists discussed their preferences for types of cases to fund. Obviously, IP topped the list, given the lengthy time-to-settlements and high upfront costs. International arbitration was also mentioned, yet most funders broaden their scope to include any commercial litigation opportunities. To keynote speaker Susman’s point, panelists did point out that they prefer to get law firms on board with fee sharing, via 50/50 splits, yet they noted how some law firms simply aren’t comfortable with risk. Therefore, if a case is right, the funder will cover 100% of fees if necessary.

When asked about the biggest threats to funding, panelists agreed that all of the overly optimistic or naïve capital coming into the space could lead to some negative outcomes, like funder misbehavior which may incur negative headlines. These could then be seized upon by regulators in a bid to exert broad industry oversight. Allison Chock of Bentham IMF noted that the Chamber of Commerce is now approaching state legislatures, and none of them know what litigation finance is or how it works.  So they are ramming through legislation with people who don’t understand the industry. This is a cause for concern.

And to the point of ‘dumb money’ in the space, Chock illustrated an example of how an influx of capital into a growing sector can lead to extremely bad decision-making. She told of receiving an email from a claimant in a case they had looked at that another funder had heard that Bentham was interested, so they simply threw money at the claimant. Chock’s firm signed an NDA, but that didn’t mean they were interested. They simply wanted to diligence the claim. Chock noted how this was the third such instance she heard about, where another funder jumped into a claim simply because her firm had been looking at it.

“A fool and his money are soon parted,” warned Chock.

A Case Study

Perhaps the most interesting panel of the day centered around a case study of how litigation finance literally saved a business’ life. Business Logic (BL) had a trade secrets misappropriation and breach of contract claim against a subsidiary of Morningstar. At the time, BL was a 20-person firm with annual revenue of $4MM. All of its margin and savings were tied up in the litigation.

The case had been in the works for a few years, and BL was so confident in their claim they committed much time and money to fighting it. Yet they reached a breaking point. The company was going to have to reduce its workforce to continue the claim, unless it found outside financing. They reached out to a trio of funders, and Lake Whillans responded. The funder provided fee coverage and even working capital to BL. Now, as the trial approached, law firm Yetter Coleman could find top experts and formulate a robust case.

Suddenly, Morningstar got nervous. No longer could they threaten the small Business Logic by bleeding them dry pre-trial. The trial was approaching, and BL had a strong case, and was well-capitalized. The damages claim was for $65MM, and Morningstar was so concerned about a multiple of that number being rewarded, they settled for nearly the full value of the claim – $61MM. It was the 9th largest trade secrets settlement at the time, and to this day remains the largest in the state of Illinois.

BL has since grown its business to 150 employees, and changed its name to NextCapital. The story illustrates the quintessential David v. Goliath dynamic that litigation funding facilitates, and highlights how funding can not only save a company from going under, but help it thrive well into the future.

Final Thoughts

Given the packed house, it’s safe to say there will likely be a third annual conference next year. The growing popularity of conferences like LF Dealmakers underscores the mainstream acceptance of litigation finance. I personally noticed the diversity of attendees at this conference compared to the initial installment. There were more lawyers, in-house counsel and academics this time around, and I expect that will continue into next year and beyond.


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“Show Me the Money” – Diverse Teams are a Revenue Driver and Not Just the Right Thing to Do

By Molly Pease and 4 others |

The following article was contributed by Kirstine Rogers, Legal Director at Certum Group, and Molly Pease, Managing Director at Curiam Capital.

Both are also on the steering committee for Women of Litigation Finance (WOLF). WOLF is an organization intended to give women in and around the litigation finance field a space for support, mentorship and connections. WOLF holds quarterly zoom meetings focused on specific relevant topics and hosts various networking events throughout the year.  Please find out more through our LinkedIn page or by contacting any member of the steering committee. WOLF welcomes the support and participation of all industry members. 


As our country continues to debate the pros and cons of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in the government and private sectors, the litigation finance industry would be well served by remembering that diverse teams make companies better.  Indeed, several studies have explored the link between diversity initiatives and increased profitability in organizations and found that a more diverse workforce can positively impact business performance, innovation, and profitability.

There are many reasons for this.  First, representation matters.  Whether it is getting a phone call for a potential new investment opportunity from a female general counsel who wants to see diversity in the team she might be working with or being able to hire top talent who want to work with a diverse team, better opportunities present themselves to litigation finance market participants when those firms present a diverse and capable team.  Second, a diverse team allows for more diverse networking opportunities, which encourages investment opportunities from a wide variety of sources.  And finally, and potentially most importantly, diversity of backgrounds, skills, and expertise allows for a risk assessment in underwriting investment opportunities that is less likely to miss potential risks or pitfalls that a more narrow-minded team might not see.  Better underwriting decisions result in better investments, which results in more revenue for the company.

Diversity need not be a mandate for it to be an intentional and profitable choice.

“If you build it, they will come.” 

Does your company reflect the world of your counterparty or their counsel?  

Research has shown that consumers are more likely to buy from or engage with businesses that appear to understand their specific needs, often through shared demographic traits like race, gender, or age.  Businesses that reflect their target consumers' characteristics and values are more likely to foster trust and client loyalty.   The same is true in commercial transactions with counterparties and their counsel.  In entering into a funding agreement, you are forming a potentially long-term partnership.  Communication and trust are essential to the success of that relationship.  You only maximize the likelihood of that success with the diversity of the decision makers on your team.   

Companies with inclusive environments are also more likely to attract top talent and retain employees.  Why wouldn’t a firm cast the widest net possible?

“Nobody puts baby in a corner.” 

Having a diverse workforce also increases opportunities for connection and visibility in the market.  It provides a vehicle for commonality – a shared experience, history, or perspective.  This is because similar backgrounds make it easier to communicate, share common goals, and find mutual interests, which in turn can lead to individual career opportunities and company-wide growth.

Diversity-based industry groups like the Women of Litigation Finance (WOLF) facilitate interaction between market peers, provide leadership and speaking opportunities, and lead to collaboration between companies seeking to work together.  Bar associations also frequently have smaller diversity-based committees that provide a smaller community from which to network and form connections.  Bigger fish. Smaller pond.  Stronger bond.  And these genuine connections formed on shared experiences can lead to exponential networking growth.  A familiar face at one industry event only leads to more familiar faces at the next one.  

This is true for thought leadership too.  If every member of a panel of speakers looks the same and does not reflect the different faces in the audience, there are people in that audience your panel is not reaching.  If every article is written from the same perspective, there are readers who are not listening.  

“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” 

At its core, the litigation finance industry assesses risk.  The better a firm can do that – whether it is a funder, a broker, or an insurer – the more profitable it will be.  Risk assessment involves seeing things that others might miss and making sure no stone gets left unturned.  

There are many components of a due diligence risk assessment, including reviewing the strength of the legal merits of the claims, assessing the credibility and testifying potential of key witnesses, and predicting what arguments or defenses will be presented by opposing counsel.  A diligence team with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives will be better at identifying risks and assessing the value of potential claims.  For example, a funder will often speak extensively with key witnesses to assess how they would present testimony at trial and whether a jury would find that testimony credible and persuasive.  If a trial team were conducting a mock jury to test these points, it would assemble a diverse panel of men and women from different ages and backgrounds to get various views on the testimony.  Similarly, a funder trying to make its own internal assessment will be better served by a diverse team with a variety of perspectives.  If everyone in the room has the same basic background, characteristics, and experiences, they are likely to see things similarly and thus miss key factors that could be important in determining the impact of the testimony.  And this is only one aspect of a risk assessment.  Each step of the diligence and risk assessment process would benefit from analysis by a diverse team.  The biggest concern in the litigation finance industry is that a funder, broker, or insurer misses a significant risk in their assessment of a legal asset and finds themselves funding an investment that has a low chance of success in hindsight.  A diverse team will protect against this outcome and therefore drive revenue for industry participants.

"You talkin' to me?" 

At the end of the day, the value of meaningfully implemented diversity initiatives is clear.  Having the benefit of differing experiences and perspectives makes companies better.  And, as to litigation finance in particular, diversity without question strengthens the return on investments. 

But just having a diverse workforce does not necessarily result in a better company or improved profitability.  The company needs to foster an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are valued and integrated into decision-making processes and where those selected as thought leaders demonstrate how diversity is implemented, prioritized, and integrated into company culture.

In honor of International Women’s Day, make this a call to action – what can you do at your company to ensure you have the broadest perspectives represented?  Ask yourself, does the panel you are sponsoring completely reflect your target client base?  Does your leadership team include those with different perspectives?  Does your company provide women with networking and mentoring opportunities? 

After all, diversity presents an opportunity for someone at your company to collaborate with other market participants to write an article just like this.  

About the authors:

Molly Pease is Managing Director and Chief Compliance Officer at Curiam Capital, and Kirstine Rogers is Legal Director at Certum Group. They both serve on the Steering Committee for WOLF, the Women of Litigation Finance.  They can be reached at and

Community Spotlights

Community Spotlight: Caroline Taylor, Founding Partner, Ignitis

By John Freund and 4 others |

Caroline Taylor is a Founding Partner of Ignitis, an early-stage litigation funder focused on developing cases to assess viability and prepare them for full litigation. With over a decade of litigation experience, Caroline brings a unique blend of funding expertise and strategic legal insight, leveraging an extensive professional network to support cases from inception to resolution. Ignitis partners with claimants, foundations, corporate clients, lawyers, experts, funders, and other legal professionals to ensure that each case has what it needs to maximize its chance of success.

Before founding Ignitis, Caroline was a partner at a leading international collective redress firm. She played a key role in expanding the firm’s European operations, including opening offices across several countries, assembling and leading teams, and driving case development and management. Her work in securing litigation funding helped support the development of over 30 cases across Europe and the UK. Caroline’s ability to seamlessly integrate operations between U.S. and European offices proved instrumental in advancing initiatives on both sides of the Atlantic. Her deep understanding of collective redress procedures in multiple European jurisdictions, combined with her experience taking cases from concept to resolution, makes her well-suited for her role at Ignitis.

During her time in private practice, Caroline specialized in class actions, complex litigation, and personal injury cases, gaining firsthand experience of the impact corporate misconduct can have on individuals. This exposure sharpened her litigation skills and solidified her commitment to justice. Caroline also served in several leadership roles, including as a Board Member of the American Association for Justice, Chair of its Railroad Section, and as a Board and Executive Committee Member of the Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association. She has received numerous accolades, including recognition by The National Trial Lawyers, Best Lawyers in America, and Super Lawyers. Caroline is a frequent speaker at international legal conferences.

She is admitted to practice in Tennessee, Florida, and Kentucky state courts, as well as in numerous federal and appellate courts in the United States and England and Wales.

Company Name and Description: Ignitis AG is an early-stage funding company. Ignitis was founded to solve a critical challenge: parties often need initial capital to develop the case into something viable to attract larger litigation funders. Essentially, to secure funding, one must first invest capital. Drawing on decades of experience in litigation and institutional investment, we are uniquely positioned to provide the capital and expertise needed to kickstart cases and drive them toward resolution. We focus solely on early-stage funding, ensuring that quality cases get the financing they need to be successful while increasing access to justice.


Year Founded: 2024

Headquarters: Zug, Switzerland

Area of Focus: We focus specifically on initial case development and early-stage funding. We put our money in at initial, risky stages, to develop the case and prepare it for full funding and filing. We not only inject capital, but we also provide expertise and advice along the way to ensure that the case has the greatest opportunity for success.

Member Quote: "Too many meritorious cases never make it to court, not because they lack merit, but because the injured parties lack the financial resources or the know-how to move forward. At Ignitis, we are committed to improving access to justice by investing in cases that other funders might overlook and offering the expertise needed for thorough case development—ensuring more individuals have their day in court."

Administrators for VFS Legal Repay Millions to Creditors

By Harry Moran and 4 others |

For those litigation funders who achieve great success with their investments in meritorious claims, the financial returns can create the foundation for a long-term strategic growth. However, with the inherent risk at play in any legal funding enterprise, there will always be funders who do not survive in the market.

Reporting by The Law Society Gazette provides an update on the status of the collapsed litigation funder, VFS Legal, with administrators having reportedly been able to pay back millions of pounds to the company’s creditors by recovering loans taken out by law firms. 

In the last six months, administrators have reportedly been able to return £3.9m to VFS’ one secured creditor, resulting in a total of £22.2m in payments made to investor OBS. In addition to these sums paid to the creditor, administrators have also fully repaid £74,000 to preferential creditors. Finally, unsecured creditors who were owed a total of £9m have been given a final dividend of 5.34p on the pound.

Alvarez & Marsal Europe LLP, as the firm appointed to handle the administration of VFS, have reportedly accumulated £284,000 in time costs, with their final fees expected to exceed the starting estimate of £1.5 million.

As LFJ covered in August 2023 when VFS Legal had confirmed the appointment of administrators, the funder had reportedly provided £150 million in funding to support over 25,000 cases across the last eight years, with law firms including Slater and Gordon having previously received funding. However, by 30 June 2022, VFS reportedly owed £38.7 million in repayments within the following year, primarily comprised of a bank loan for £35.6 million.