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Litigation Financing is an Investment in Democracy

By John Freund |

The following is a contributed piece from Rory Donadio, CEO of

There are many ways to look at what those of us in litigation funding do. Is it a pre-settlement cash advance or a non-recourse loan? Is it truly lending, or is it an investment? But far more important than what we call our work, is what we actually do. According to a September 2021 Bloomberg Law Litigation Finance Survey, 88% of the responding attorneys believe that litigation finance enables better access to justice.

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Insolvency Funding in France 

By John Freund |

French insolvency proceedings have unique opportunities, according to Insolvency and Restructuring International. Third party funders can be engaged to help companies navigate insolvency proceedings. Oftentimes, French third party funders help…

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Video: Mass Tort Finance Innovation 

By John Freund |

Max Volsky (co-founder, chief investment officer and general counsel at Lexshares), recently profield how Lexshares approaches funding mass tort claims. According to Mr. Volsky, Lexshares often funds firm portfolios composed…

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