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Price Control to Ensure the Affordability of Litigation Finance?

By John Freund |

The following post was contributed by Guido Demarco, Director & Head of Legal Assets of Stonward.

In March 2021, the European Parliamentary Research Service published a study on Responsible Private Funding of Litigation. This study was later supplemented by a draft report prepared by the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs in June 2021. Both documents, the study, and the draft report, contain certain recommendations to regulate litigation funding and criticize the economic costs that these funds impose on their clients by referring to them as “excessive”, “unfair” and “abusive”.

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NFL Concussion Lawyer Fights Order to Repay Litigation Funder

By John Freund |

Craig Mitnick is a New Jersey lawyer who represented hundreds of current and former players in a settlement with the NFL. After taking part in a $1 billion settlement, Mitnick is now fighting an order to repay loans from a litigation funder amounting to more than $2 million. He has asked a federal judge to vacate the award to the finance company Balanced Bridge (formerly Thrivest), which also made settlement advances to former NFL players.

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Financing Affirmative Recovery Programs

By John Freund |

Affirmative recovery programs are a growing trend, and with good reason. ARPs involve monetizing existing litigation once believed to be too costly or time consuming to pursue. Burford’s 2021 Legal Asset Report has some telling insights on ARPs. This year’s survey includes 378 senior financial officers of companies whose revenue is at least $50 million annually.

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Non-Attorney Ownership of Law Firms Attracts Litigation Funders

By John Freund |

With the elimination of ethics Rule 5.4, the state of Arizona loosened regulations prohibiting non-attorney ownership of law firms. Not unexpectedly, this has attracted interest from several prominent litigation funders. Comparable legislation is expected in multiple states in 2022, with Michigan, North Carolina, Illinois, New York, and California already considering it.

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Collective Action Likely as UK Customers Overcharged for Car Delivery

By John Freund |

This week, a hearing was held to determine whether a collective action against five car carriers based in Japan, Sweden, and Chile. The action will allege that more than 17 million cars were impacted by a price-fixing scheme run by the five firms that ship internationally. The case is being funded by Woodsford Litigation Funding.

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Burford Capital’s industry-leading legal finance team continues to grow

By John Freund |

Burford Capital, the leading global finance and asset management firm focused on law, today announces it is further enhancing its industry-leading team and legal finance offerings to clients. In addition to new hires in New York, Washington and Chicago, Senior Vice President Dr. Jörn Eschment has relocated to Switzerland to oversee the growth of Burford’s substantial business in the DACH region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

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