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Episode 86: Luke Darkow

Hosted By Luke Darkow |

In this episode, we sat down with Luke Darkow, Principal on Victory Park Capital’s Investment Team. Luke discussed Victory Park’s credit-like approach to litigation funding, why the asset class is so…

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Key Takeaways from LFJ’s Special Digital Event “Litigation Finance: Investor Perspectives”

By John Freund |

On Thursday April 4th, 2024, Litigation Finance Journal hosted a special digital event titled “Litigation Finance: Investor Perspectives.” The panel discussion featured Bobby Curtis (BC), Principal at Cloverlay, Cesar Bello (CB), Partner at Corbin Capital, and Zachary Krug (ZK), Managing Director at NorthWall Capital. The event was moderated by Ed Truant, Founder of Slingshot Capital.

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Does Consumer Legal Funding Put Consumers in Debt?

By John Freund |

The following article was contributed by Eric Schuller, President of the Alliance for Responsible Consumer Legal Funding (ARC).

There has been a lot of discussion if Consumer legal funding is a loan and thereby creates debt for a consumer Consumer legal funding, sometimes called litigation funding or lawsuit funding, provides cash upfront to plaintiffs, to be used for household needs, which are involved in legal proceedings in exchange for a portion of the eventual settlement or judgment. It doesn’t create debt like a loan from a bank or credit card, these distinctions contribute to its classification as a unique financial product rather than a loan or debt.

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Legal and Ethical Considerations When Navigating Litigation Finance

By Jeff Manley |

The following post was contributed by Jeff Manley, Chief Operating Officer of Armadillo Litigation Funding

In litigation finance, especially in mass torts and class actions, trust and success hinge on unwavering ethical practice and legal compliance. For attorneys and financial professionals navigating this complex field, a steadfast commitment to upholding ethical standards is not just ideal—it’s imperative. This article delves into the crucial considerations that must guide the intricate relationship between legal funding and professional integrity.

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