Community Spotlights

Member Spotlight: Julian Coleman

By Julian Coleman |

With a background in Physics, Engineering and Software, Julian Coleman has 30+ years’ experience at the COO level conceiving new products and leading the project management, system design, engineering, software development, manufacturing, compliance and delivery teams.

Company Name and Description: 10th Mind is an e-discovery company that has been created with a major focus on innovation, not only for general e-discovery activities but in particular to assist litigation funds to overcome their specific challenges and threats  –  a special approach demanding a change of mindset.

Our name reflects our focus on innovation and is derived from the intelligence community – the Tenth Man principle. It requires that, where a group of ten analysts is working on the same data and nine of the group reach the same conclusion, it is the duty of the 10th person, the 10th Mind, to examine the issue on the premise that the other nine are wrong.

The ‘group think’ consensus may be right most of the time, or even mostly right all of the time, but tends to favour business as usual. The 10th Mind is there to challenge the consensus view and proffer different solutions.

10th Mind has defined (and addressed) four key areas:

  • Costs – there is in our view an increasing understanding that costs must be reduced
  • Process management and recording – not only does a very efficient process drive costs down, but it can (and must) include extensive record keeping of the entire process in order to support effective litigation
  • Technology will play an ever increasing role
  • Litigation Funds – a rapidly expanding market both in terms of finance available and in market sectors, funds are naturally focused on profit, a critical part of their business being case selection – and costs are a major factor here too. Funds have their own challenges, but also are having a significant impact on the wider litigation landscape.

Addressing these issues has been very interesting. As a seasoned C level executive it has been interesting to analyse and then dispense with so much convention. A business structured around what is today rather than yesterday can look very different and cost far less whilst being intrinsically more responsive and adaptable. In terms of what we can do, having no legacy structures to worry about has major benefits which transfer to the client:

  • Costs are reduced.  Many expensive overheads can be dispensed with.
  • We have developed our own project management and recording systems; based on PRINCE2 and facilitated by our unique software, integrated with selected new commercial products, management processes are vastly improved. Full traceable record keeping and transparency are built in and automated, essentially at zero cost.
  • …and finally but crucially, 10th Mind will work with funds on special terms:
    • if the fund is prepared to take on a case we will work on a CFA basis
    • we will also work with the fund on a CFA basis to undertake early stage investigations, in our view crucial to improving the evidence on which to base case selection and ultimately, therefore, profitability.

At 10th Mind we are convinced that not only is such an approach necessary now, but there will be ever-present forces driving the need for continued evolution:

Costs are becoming a major issue.  Significant concern has emerged in the English litigation funding community over last year’s Paccar judgement. Omni Bridgeway’s Co-chief Information Officer, Matt Harrison, has said that some litigation funders may not survive the economic instability as “they don’t have the money available to them to invest in cases and in law firms.”  Bloomberg Law also recently noted that some litigation funds are currently facing financial difficulty.

Burford, one of the biggest litigation funds in the world and which describes itself as “the institutional quality finance firm focused on law“, undertook surveys from which they report:

[Over half of respondents to its poll] (52%) say drastic steps are needed to better manage legal costs, such as moving away from the billable hour, limiting outside firms and more innovation from outside counsel.


Finance and legal professionals agree: the legal department’s top priority for the next 15 years is to minimize legal costs. But they are also unified in prioritizing that the legal department simultaneously find new ways to recover value.

It is clear there is a consensus that costs, specifically cost reduction, must be considered, and in our view, litigation funds will be a driving force.

Litigation funds have a very different focus from law firms, crucially they exist to make profits and that means winning cases, which in turn places a focus on the initial assessment stage.  And, as previously observed, the sector is expanding both in terms of available funds and in scope, driving change and posing challenges for dispute litigation as a whole. 

Logically as funding takes over a larger percentage of dispute litigation, the greater the overall impact this will have on costs. Arguably as saturation approaches, such pressures can only increase.

Process management and recording is in our view now essential, not merely tracking the ingestion and processing of data from collection to court, but the recording of all the management processes which defined the data management: who did what, when and why, recorded in forensic detail. This not only, if done well, improves business processes but it evidences them should legal challenges arise. Hence this data must be ‘forensics ready’.

Technology can and will help. But it must be the right technology which assists the first two objectives, ie improving practises whilst reducing costs. Having found critical gaps in commercial offerings, we have worked on our own solution.


Founded: 2023

Headquarters: UK (London)

Member Quote: We feel it crucial that providers must always question the legacy thinking and structures that entrench lack of efficiency, accuracy, and high costs.  By applying the 10th Mind principle, we are providing services in a new way: shared risk, formal (and unique) project management and software, along with specialised services specifically to assist funds combine to make us, to our knowledge, unique in the e-discovery sector.

If you would like to find out more as to how we can assist you and your clients, we would be delighted to meet you. Please contact us through our website ( or email our COO directly at

About the author

Julian Coleman

Julian Coleman


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Bryant Park Capital Secures $100 Million in Capital for Deminor

By Harry Moran |

Bryant Park Capital (“BPC”), announced today that Deminor Recovery Services (“Deminor”), a leading privately-owned global litigation funder, recently closed on an approximately $100,000,000 committed senior credit facility and asset-backed financing with two leading U.S. based asset managers focused on the legal assets industry.

BPC, a leading US-based middle market investment bank, served as the exclusive financial advisor to Deminor in connection with this transaction.

“Bryant Park Capital’s extensive knowledge of the financing markets, combined with their strong relationships and creative structuring capability have been invaluable and helped us complete this complex set of transactions that we believe will be transformative for our clients, employees and shareholders, reflecting how our business model and international footprint has expanded since our first external capital raise in 2021. Significantly, these investments, made on Deminor’s own balance sheet, will continue to enable Deminor to deliver fast decision-making and flexible funding terms, with final investment decisions resting with our Investment Committee. Bryant Park Capital has been an excellent partner for us and we greatly appreciate BPC’s guidance and support throughout the process,” said Erik Bomans – CEO, Deminor.

Commenting on Deminor’s platform and performance, Joel Magerman, Bryant Park Capital’s Managing Partner added, “Deminor has generated significant returns extending through multiple market cycles as a leading player in the litigation funding sector, and this capital raise will provide an opportunity to significantly expand the operating leverage of the Deminor platform internationally.

About Deminor

Founded in 1990, Deminor is a leading privately-owned global litigation funder with 9 offices across continental Europe, London, New York, and Hong Kong.

Deminor has funded cases across four continents and 22 jurisdictions spanning 18 case categories as a leader in investment recovery, anti-trust, collective consumer, and commercial tort across 25 industries.

For more information about Deminor, please visit

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Travis Lenkner Rejoins Burford Capital in Newly Created Chief Development Officer Role

Burford Capital, the leading global finance and asset management firm focused on law, today announces that Travis Lenkner has rejoined the company as a member of its Management Committee in the newly created role of Chief Development Officer.

Based in London, Mr. Lenkner is focused on Burford’s future and its ongoing transformation of the legal industry. His responsibilities involve identifying and executing strategic initiatives that drive growth and align with the company’s long-term objectives, and his areas of focus include law firm equity investments, the alternative delivery of legal services to corporate and individual clients, and legal tech, including AI.

Mr. Lenkner is a longtime global leader in the legal finance market, including as a launch partner of Gerchen Keller Capital, which Burford acquired in 2016. More recently, he co-founded and was Managing Partner of Keller Lenkner LLC; he also co-founded and was a Director of the firm’s European counterpart. In addition, he was Senior Counsel at The Boeing Company and a litigation and appellate attorney at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. Mr. Lenkner was also a clerk for Justice Anthony M. Kennedy at the Supreme Court of the United States.

Christopher Bogart, CEO of Burford Capital, says: “We are pleased to welcome Travis Lenkner back as a member of the Management Committee in the newly created role of Chief Development Officer, where he will be focused on the continued growth of Burford’s business. Travis has had a tremendous impact as a leader in law and legal finance, which includes the impact he made while previously at Burford. The legal field is generally slow to change but Burford remains committed to being at the forefront of its modernization, including changes related to equity investments in law firms and new technology such as AI. As a seasoned executive who has spent much of his career in legal finance, Travis shares Burford’s commitment to advancing the business of law, and we at Burford welcome his leadership and unique perspective as our business continues to grow.”

About Burford Capital

Burford Capital is the leading global finance and asset management firm focused on law. Its businesses include litigation finance and risk management, asset recovery and a wide range of legal finance and advisory activities. Burford is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BUR) and the London Stock Exchange (LSE: BUR), and it works with companies and law firms around the world from its offices in New York, London, Chicago, Washington, DC, Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong.

For more information, please visit

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Nera Capital secures £20m Funding Line from Fintex Capital

Nera Capital, a pioneering specialist funding provider to law firms, is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with Fintex Capital, the innovative investment firm dedicated to private debt. As part of this partnership, Nera secured an initial £20 million investment from Fintex.

The demand for law firm financing is growing quickly, as more and more consumers look for redress from hidden commissions on car financing to housing disrepair. The new funding line will allow more consumers to have access to the justice they deserve as the financial barriers are diminished.

The partnership marks a significant milestone for both companies. It expands Nera Capital’s reach, diversifies its funding sources and enables it to bring the benefits of capital and expertise to a wider set of consumers. For Fintex, this is another landmark transaction, the 3rd UK funding line of c. £20 million. This investment was fully funded by Fintex Capital’s flagship fund, Fintex Private Debt.

Aisling Byrne, Director of Nera Capital, said: “Fintex Capital’s investment enables the firm to accelerate its growth trajectory, further scaling its operations to provide crucial financial support to clients when they need it most. Along with being better positioned to ensure justice remains accessible, even against the most formidable adversaries, the additional funding line increases Nera Capital’s diversification.

The Fintex investment strengthens Nera’s financial base, diversifies our funding sources and allows us to explore new avenues in our market. It also enables us to scale our robust platform. We are pleased that our operations were once again endorsed by a prominent institutional investor.

Fintex made an excellent name for itself as a sophisticated, reliable lender in the UK and beyond. The Fintex team led by Sophie Batoua were a pleasure to deal with and the transaction was successfully executed in record time.”

Robert Stafler, CEO of Fintex Capital, said: “It comes as no surprise that demand for law firm finance is on the rise. This granular, insurance-backed financing provides vital funding to consumers when they need it most. It enables them and their lawyers to bring justice to families who without Nera’s support would be unable to seek redress.

Nera has a strong track record in its market, having successfully provided c. £200m in funding for UK consumer claims to date. We are delighted to see that our investment helps Nera solidify its position as a leader in its field. To us, this is just the beginning of a successful long-term partnership.”

Advisors: Nera Capital was advised by Walker Morris LLP, Mason Hayes & Curran LLP, and Copsey Murray Chartered Accountants. Fintex Capital was advised by Fox Williams LLP and Mason Hayes & Curran LLP

-ENDS-About Nera Capital: Established in 2011, Nera Capital is a specialist litigation funding provider with a presence in Manchester, Dublin, and The Netherlands. The firm is dedicated to supporting law firms and providing the financial resources necessary to pursue justice in both their Consumer and Commercial divisions.

Fintex Capital: ( is a pioneering investment firm specialising in private debt. Since its inception, the firm has provided close to £400 million in private debt capital to borrowers across Specialty Finance and Real Estate Debt. Fintex is known for providing senior and mezzanine debt facilities to lending businesses in the UK and beyond; it also provides direct lending to asset-backed businesses and asset owners. The firm manages discretionary investment funds, as well as segregated managed accounts for various institutions.

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