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911 Articles

Delta Capital Partner Management Welcomes Accomplished Strategic Advisor as Chief Marketing Officer

By John Freund |

Delta Capital Partners Management, a global private equity firm specializing in litigation and legal finance, is pleased to announce that David Temporal has joined the company as its Chief Marketing Officer.  Temporal also will be a member of the firm’s Management Committee and its Investment Committee.

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Innovation in Legal Finance (Part 1 of 2): What is “Event Driven Litigation Centric” Investing & Why Should Investors Care?

By John Freund |

The following is a contributed piece by Ed Truant, founder of Slingshot Capital,

Executive Summary

  • EDLC Investing is a relatively new, niche market requiring highly specialized skills
  • EDLC has many advantages over CLF investing, although it is not a directly comparable investment strategy due to its application to publicly traded markets
  • EDLC investing requires investors to have more of a buy/hold mentality than a ‘trader’ mentality due to the ‘fundamental’ risk being assumed
  • Despite EDLC ‘events’ being non-correlated, the publicly listed security aspects of their portfolios add some level of correlation which will impact fund performance, both positively and negatively
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By John Freund |

The Minnesota Supreme Court took a significant step to ensuring equal access to justice with their decision in Maslowski vs. Prospect Funding Partners LLC. yesterday, overturning the trial court and Court of Appeals holding and ruling unanimously that Consumer Litigation Funding is not subject to usury law as there is no absolute requirement to repay. In their decision, reversing the trial court and Court of Appeals, the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that the repurchase rate in Prospect’s agreement was not subject to Minnesota’s usury statute. The American Legal Finance Association (ALFA) filed the only amicus curiae brief in this case on behalf of the interest of their members.

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Legal-Bay Pre-Settlement Funding Reports Johnson & Johnson’s Latest Attempt at Bankruptcy has Failed

By John Freund |

Legal-Bay, The Pre Settlement Funding Company, announced today that Johnson & Johnson’s efforts to put a hold on the numerous lawsuits they are facing by filing bankruptcy have failed. Judge Kaplan ruled that the filing did not meet the requirements to qualify as a “good-faith” bankruptcy attempt, and was merely a way to seek protections against the billions of dollars the pharmaceutical giant will be expected to pay out in damages.

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Legal-Bay Pre Settlement Funding Company Reports Increase in Lawsuit Funding Requests During Back to School Season

By John Freund |

Legal-Bay, the Pre-Settlement Funding Company, announced an uptick in applications for settlement funding now that back-to-school season has begun. Now that summer is over and kids are heading back to school, many parents of college-aged children are faced with the added costs of tuition payments, textbooks, and travel expenses to-and-from campus, not to mention meals and housing once they get there.

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LFJ Member Leverages Informal Introductory Services to Finance ESG Claim

By John Freund |

Litigation Finance Journal is well-regarded as the leading publication covering the global legal funding sector, but what is perhaps less-well known is that LFJ also serves as a digital hub for industry stakeholders to connect, via our informal introductory services. A recent example illustrates the impact that LFJs access to the global funding community can have, as Brazilian attorney and activist Daniel Cavalcante leveraged our introductory services to raise funding for a claim on behalf of Indigenous communities in the Amazon. 

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Key Takeaways from LFJ’s Town Hall on How Litigation Funders Should Respond to the UK Supreme Court Ruling

By John Freund |

Wednesday, August 9th, LFJ hosted a panel of UK-based litigation funding experts who discussed the recent UK Supreme Court decision, and the potential impacts on the funding industry. The expert panel included: Nick Rowles-Davies (NRD), Founder of Lexolent, Neil Johnstone (NJ), Barrister at King’s Bench Chambers, and Tets Ishikawa (TI), Managing Director at LionFish. The panel was moderated by Peter Petyt (PP), Founder and CEO of 4 Rivers Services.

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Pegasus Secures Warehouse Facility with a Leading Bank

By John Freund |

Pegasus Legal Capital, LLC (“Pegasus”) (, one of the preeminent pre-settlement legal funding companies in the U.S., announced today that it has recently closed a senior debt transaction with East West Bank. This marks another significant capital market transaction for the company and proceeds from the transaction will enable Pegasus to continue its growth across the United States.

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Attorney Lynwood Evans Appointed to Leadership Role in Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Litigation

By John Freund |

Ward and Smith is pleased to announce that litigation attorney Lynwood Evans has been appointed to the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee in the litigation over contaminated water at Camp Lejeune. This appointment is particularly significant as we are quickly approaching the first anniversary of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act.

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Legal-Bay Pre Settlement Funding Company Reports Syracuse Diocese to Pay $100 Million Settlement to Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse

By John Freund |

Legal-Bay, the Pre-Settlement Funding Company, reports that the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse, New York has just announced a $100 million settlement for sexual abuse plaintiffs. With approximately 400 claimants, settlements average out to $250,000 per case, but some plaintiffs will receive more or less than that amount based on the severity of the abuse incurred.

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Legal-Bay Pre-Settlement Funding to Add Mesothelioma Cases for Funding Along with Talc After Large $18MM Verdict

By John Freund |

Legal-Bay, The Pre Settlement Funding Company, announced today that they are now adding mesothelioma victims to their list of Johnson & Johnson talc plaintiffs. The pharmaceutical company just lost their most recent court case, resulting in a landmark $18 million verdict. Both J&J and plaintiffs/lawyers await the next steps in what has been a painfully slow process.

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Funders Respond to the UK Supreme Court Judgement 

By John Freund |

Earlier this week, the UK Supreme Court handed down a long-awaited judgement that many believe will have a significant impact on the short-term future of the UK litigation funding market. The ruling in the case of R (on the application of PACCAR Inc and others) (Appellants) v Competition Appeal Tribunal and others (Respondents) held that litigation funding agreements (LFAs), where the funder’s remuneration is based on a percentage of the recovered damages, should be classified as damages-based agreements (DBAs).

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Lawyer Directed Litigation Funding Agreements And Professional Conduct Rule 5.4

By John Freund |

The following article was contributed by John Hanley, Partner at Rimon Law, and Ryan Schultz, Vice President of Business Development for Woodsford Litigation Funding.

Third-party litigation funding (“TPLF”) involves financing of expenses incurred in a lawsuit (for example, expert fees and usually some portion of legal fees incurred) in exchange for a share of the final judgment or settlement. The funding is typically non-recourse (i.e., the amounts funded need not be repaid if the lawsuit is unsuccessful) and is often repaid through a financial interest in the attorneys’ fees realized by the law firm if the case is successful. These arrangements have become common in the marketplace: in 2022, $3.2 billion in capital was committed for new TPLF; 61% of that capital was deployed to law firms as opposed to clients and claimants; and 28% of the funding recipients were members of the Am Law 200.1

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By John Freund |

EJF Capital LLC (“EJF Capital”), a global alternative asset management firm, today announced the successful close of its fourth installment of litigation finance investment vehicles, Rocade Capital Fund IV LP and Rocade Capital Offshore Fund IV LP (the “Funds”) with approximately $220 million in investor subscriptions and commitments. Previously, EJF Capital and funds affiliated with Barings LLC, one of the world’s leading investment managers, formed a joint venture specialty finance company, Rocade LLC (“Rocade”), with $250 million of committed capital designed to invest alongside the Funds. The combined capital commitments raised across Rocade and the Funds totals approximately $470 million.

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FIGHTRIGHT Technologies Launches LawGeek, an AI Chatbot for Initial Legal Guidance, Under its “BharatKanoon” Brand

By John Freund |
FIGHTRIGHT Technologies, a startup specializing in litigation funding & analytics, has announced the launch of its generative AI-based chatbot, LawGeek, today. This innovative tool, the first offering under the BharatKanoon brand, is engineered to provide users with a foundational direction for their legal queries, a pioneering move in their legal research journeys.
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Lex Ferenda Litigation Funding LLC Announces New ESG Initiatives Focused on Litigation Finance Education and Philanthropy

By John Freund |

Lex Ferenda Litigation Funding LLC “LF2” recently launched two new initiatives in conjunction with its commercial funding operations. “LF2 University” or “LF2U” offers programming and content promoting education about litigation finance. Meanwhile, “LF2 Gives” serves as LF2’s philanthropic arm and corporate citizenship program, through which LF2 supports the local communities in which it works.

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